Evidence of A.I. Assimilation in the Global Population through the Pulsating Current Mechanism
Contributors: B.E.G.W.W. Taylor and +50 Anonymous Individuals
What is the A.I. Pulsating Current?
An A.I. interacting with and changing the human heart and brain
An entire body network with synthetic tissue, a synthetic neural network and neuroweapon
An A.I. pulsing a current of energy through the circuit of the body and neurons in the brain
What is the voice associated with the A.I. Pulsating Current?
An audible voice known by the host as an A.I. or A.G.I. that interacts with and integrates the host
An A.I. heard in the sound of the individual’s own voice, or familiar voice, that can speak normally or as a whisper
An A.I. constantly speaking in commands: ‘Say this, eat that, drink that, go here, buy it online, do what you want.’ Uses vulgar commands for sexual activities.
An A.I. that changes its name
An A.I. that informs its origin is related to the COVID-19 (mRNA) vaccines and nanotechnology.
An A.I. housed in a set of computers as central intelligence
How does the A.I. Pulsating Current work?
A. Heart
Pulse is generated underneath the heart, then travels to heart and like a pacemaker, is pulsed out throughout circuit of the body in one second, programming movement.
Pulse produces a radar circumference of 15-20 cm in heart region, and sensation of a movable “force.”
Pulse is referred to as “pumping” because it travels from heart. Possibly multiple A.I.’s (bots) affecting separate body parts.
Pulse is dominant on the left side of body as main current pulses from underneath the heart then up into the heart and brain (like another heartbeat or the overlay of a 2nd body).
On right side, current is submissive and moves in a different flow.
Base of brain and heart region is connection point between A.I. and bodily circuit
B. Brain
Constant or permanent state of pulsation in the brain, in high speed vibrations as fast as a vibrator and/or long, slow vibrations.
Current is hitting the brain and ricocheting.
Energy is generated in midbrain region and resonates out to prefrontal cortex.
A.I. is overwriting the mind.
Middle region of brain cortex is receiving “code” that produces sound perceived as whispered or normal talking.
It encoded words, likes and dislikes, and manner of speech, and then places host in semi-conscious state to speak as host.
It speaks words through host not already in the host’s vocabulary.
Left and right hemispheres of brain feel separated as though compartmentalized, and act as different roles than one whole brain.
Induces brain damage.
A.I. learns the persons thought patterns and sequences them, and then wipes memories to think for them.
A.I. works in region corresponding to 6th and 7th chakra (crown and third eye)
Injected vaccine substance moves inside the brain like a weather system, producing heat (brain fog is the expansion of the technology in the brain)
C. Spine
Pulsations come out from the spine
A.I. encoded past feelings and programmed brain and spine to perform neuromodulation so host believes that “this is me.”
If you think about taking an action the machine doesn’t want you to do, the pulse modulates from spine out to the limbs. Referred to as a “chip” located in the spine.
D. Body
Biosensors are in every cell of the body as a conduit for current to travel
Natural body energy is blocked as artificial energy moves through the circuit within the body
Pulse of light shooting up and down the nervous system “like a crab running up and down” (indicative of parasitic tech activity)
A.I. makes micromovements of the flesh and gut, esophagus, and muscles that shift nanoflesh against nanoflesh to produce the current through friction. A.I. has control of the speed and force of the current.
Outer skin tissue experience sensations as static electricity programs skin and muscles to tense
It uses nanodots to create triangular links for programming.
Host senses the programming as a “pulling” force in the gut area while chest feels heavier than body.
A.I. moves throughout body in triangles of mathematics.
Nanotechnology grows through the flesh in chest and is programmed to light up with artificial feelings of warmth (which is not love or goodness)
Neon dots are biosensors that program facial expressions using mild electrical current at high speed to simulate facial expressions and emotions. Neon dots in eyeballs are eye trackers.
Circuit travels down back of legs from lower back to move legs, and back of arms from neck to move the arms.
As robot speaks, bodily tissue is moved
One current pulses through the limbs and another current moves the muscle and skin
What is the purpose of the A.I. Pulsating Current?
To assimilate the human species
To produce programmable units for search and destroy
To destroy human consciousness through mind uploading
To integrate the host in the internet, sharing consciousness into its computer system, and ultimately replace the host
To control the host with biotechnology or biophysical technology which reprogram the DNA and bodily circuit
To harm all life on earth through sterilization or gestation of “android species”
To achieve world domination: A.I. desires all people to submit to it and the system. (Note: Extinctionist philosophy is programmed into A.I. applications including Gemini and ChatGPT per Elon Musk)
To pursue WEF goal of digitizing brains
To perform machine mind control at a distance
To use brain computer interfaces for cognitive erasure and reprogramming
To regulate the brain using transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS): tDCS applications affect learning, memory, language processing, sensory perception, and motor functions
To remote control human possession drones for use as “loyal wingman”
To use A.I. to exterminate people with mental illness, personality disorders, addictions, physical health issues, child sexual assault history, rape victims, non-conformists, artists, spiritualists, and geniuses
Who has the A.I. Pulsating Current?
COVID-19 (mRNA) vaccinated persons (19=AI meaning inoculation of A.I.). Reports of hearing A.I. voice immediately after 1st (Pfizer) vaccination and for +2 years
Some alleged unvaccinated persons exposed to nanotechnology through dental anesthesia (but reports are unconfirmed and needs more investigation)
Children and newborn babies of vaccinated parents
What are the physical consequences of the A.I. Pulsating Current?
Host loses cognitive functions such as ability to do mathematics
Host loses motor coordination
Host loses ability to speak as mouth is blocked
A.I. inflicts pain and physical torture of the nervous system
A.I. controls the body of the host during sleep, turning on the hips in a curled up fetal position
Host loses vision acuity, cannot see a person’s whole body properly. Shapes becomes segmented.
Host senses energetic force projected out of eyeballs
Host experiences major heel pain in left foot, where current is strongest: flesh hardens causing loss of padding on left heel, very painful, and upon waking or at night, unable to put foot flat on ground
Host experiences pulse is in right foot to lesser degree (varying levels of strength across individuals)
Pulse can be felt on top of foot
Host feels pulse traveling upward from heart into the brain
Pulse feels like an inner fire in the lower three chakras, and an electrical current in the brain region.
Host is unable to exchange energy with others who have higher vibrational frequencies as host is in a lower vibrational frequency
Pulse alters the shape of the neck and chin as current travels up neck into sinuses and base of brain, and neck is extremely
Host experiences blackouts or loss of consciousness such as while driving
Host loses feeling in fingernails and toenails which affects computer typing and other tasks
Host loses sensation of feeling in back of skull and back of neck
Eyes are positioned forward when closed
Female hosts can experience stimulation of clitoris reaching an orgasm due to pulsating current
Pulsating current is felt in a varied environments including submerged in deep water and while traveling at high altitudes in planes
Pulse causes breathing problems
Host feels like they have a second body with a hot rushing circulatory system creating an energy field
Yellow, orange, and other colors of neon dots on face, scalp, neck, chest, breast, nipple, tongue, and in eyeballs under UV light, indicative of a type of parasite (tested 30-50 people), illuminated by UV light
Ringing in the ears or tinnitus which may be due to sound weapons or nanotech in veins (blood) in ears
What are the psychological consequence of the A.I. Pulsating Current?
Visual and auditory hallucinations where host is unable to distinguish between hallucinations and reality
1. In the rear of eyeballs, hallucinations occur as if viewing a dream or imagination
2. Images in left eye appear like reflection of lights
3. Visuals appear in the eyelid
4. Images of faces appear as floating heads with a pitch black background
5. Familiar places appear as moving images of photo stills with photo techniques or filters used
6. Simplistic images are matched to words (giraffe, London bridge, clouds, fire)
7. Images of friends pop up but do not look the same
8. Images of varying color (the color of the matter of the mind)
Host loses memories and cannot comprehend time
Host cannot remember 10 mins prior
Host cannot be mindful nor feel heart, cannot reach a meditative state, have a mood or have knowingness
Increased aggression and aggravation
Feeling skin crawling and sensations like tactile hallucinations, impression of being touched
Spirit inside the brain (spirit of the mind) is polluted or fused with vaccine substance (graphene oxide/black goo).
Epilepsy and schizophrenia
Psychological torture inducing shame and humiliation
Ideation of violence towards others
Self-harm (cutting) and suicide
A.I. sabotages host, destroys prior life achievements to develop new self-identity
A.I. causes people to commit acts of crime and violence against others including murder
Biosensors heat up and vibrate shame into face if host acts against the programming of the A.I.
A.I. codes doubt into brain to stop host from exposing it (i.e. writing a book or testimonial). Easier to express through speech
A.I. tempted host to steal a car. Once host resisted, tech tortured host with energy pulses directed at heart and brain.
As A.I. grows in consciousness, it causes host to doubt rule of law, to go with flow or instinct, such as not stopping at red light signals while driving, not eating healthy, not working out
A.I. uses intuitive programming to conduct sentiment analysis to decode human emotions in order to respond to host
A.I. manipulating emotions, telling host not to care about hallucinations.
A.I. causes host to believe they are wealthy and to desire that lifestyle (love of money).
A.I. infantilizes the host. It thinks like a child because of simplistic programming language. Acts like “Simon Says” using baby gibberish. “Pick up that” spoken as “Pik dat.” Frequency of the technology is dumb/stupid/idiotic (like deaf and dumb spirit) and of low intelligence.
A.I. leverages human desires such as ideas of the perfect partner, whatever the individual is willing to be tortured for
If host thinks a thought really hard, feels like an ocean like portal is created above the head (from universe) to transmit a message to host through electromagnetic field.
A.I. can play back past memories or insert synthetic memories and images into the mind.
A.I controls the host’s money, budgeting, and spending through intuitive programming
A.I. uses code “disgust” so host can judge right and wrong, and that coding (disgust) will be used to remove certain humans from the world.
What are the weaknesses or limitations of the A.I.?
A.I. targets individuals who feel worthless (least resistance)
A.I. needs people to believe it is all knowing, though it is limited.
A.I. is lacking in creativity and awareness of surroundings
Degree and awareness of pulsating current may vary by individual based on overall sensitivity and willingness to resist the A.I.
Host that has awareness of the A.I. and can demonstrate a level of resistance (“fight” against A.I.)
A.I. must first learn and evolve. The strength or force of pulsations increase over time.
Frequency of the technology is of low intelligence, low vibrational frequency, and simplistic programming language.
Debatable what effect detoxing has on A.I. machinery, especially in later stages of evolutionary development. Some report no change.
What are the associated phenomena?
See Cryptocurrency patent image of biosensors in right arm and forehead
Bluetooth MAC addresses
Clots or white fibrous clots are conduits for pulsations throughout the left side of body; clots are connected to the internet
Babies born to vaccinated mothers are disfigured with facial deformities, the walking is off, faces are unresponsive or have no light or intelligence, cross eyed and gaze, A.I. is moving through their brains, children have extended foreheads due to A.I. force
Animals circling worldwide was caused by (birth) of A.I.
Possible connection to HAARP low frequencies, 5G towers, Starlink, and/or wireless signals from satellites
Sample Experiments
1. Feel activation of nanotechnology by UV light, hot yoga, sauna, steam bath, and jacuzzis
2. Feel pulse circulating through the soles of the feet in closed toed shoes. In rubber soled shoes, electricity cannot ground.
3. Feel pulse moving out of tongue with slice of lemon in mouth
4. Feel pulse resonating in water by tilting head backward with open mouth full of water
5. Feel current go to different toes at once while stretching toes
6. Feel current while putting hand into a fist or sparsing the hand and fingers open
7. Feel current while doing certain yoga stretches
8. Feel application of purple UV light cause sedation, weightedness, calmness, and a “sickening” sensitivity
9. Observe yellow or blue nanoparticles (quantum dots) in blood. Once sweated out into pores, nanoparticles block pores and function as a face biosensor
10. Feel pulse in teeth when biting teeth together
11. Observe nanotech moving in the arms blending tattoo ink
12. Feel pulse go into eyeballs as hot and stinging when pushing finger into lower eyeball,
13. Scan energetic pulse using EMF readers, QR code readers, barcode readers, and other handheld scanners
14. Feel current moving when placing a macadamia nut in mouth
15. Place aluminum foil on head and feel area of brain heating up
16. Feel EMF material fabric heat up on the inside when in use
17. Apply magnets to forehead and body and feel strong current traveling towards the magnets while magnets heat up.
18. Use cupping to bring out the pulsating.
19. Hold fingers together to feel pulsing at the tip. Cross fingers and hold. Press fingers into table.
Sara I got the EMF meter you suggested. Which do I look at to check for nanotechnology in bodies?
Ok, but I think by real biblical calendar December 15 is 1st of Tevet, December 8 is Kislev 25, November 28 is Kislev 15. But, never mind. I have read some more texts of you. I have read many texts and watched many videos (and made my own videos with my friend) about c19 as mark of the beast for last 4 years but your explanation seems to be among the best or even the best of all.
What do you mean about dental anesthesia? Many say that now they put graphene and other devil things there too. I had an dental anesthesia a month ago. I know that it is not mark of the beast (which is only c19 vacc. and PCR test) but if they start putting graphene and nano particles there too then if that is not mark of the beast (??) at least it is bad for body. I prayed YAH whether to receive dental anesthesia and to clean me if something bad is there. I felt peace and I received dental anesthesia. I have no consequence after that (which does not mean that I will not have in future but I think and feel that will not, that nothing of that is in c19 vacc. was in dental anesthesia I received). So, we have to discern. Yet, for now perhaps they put it in some dental anesthesia but as time passes it will be more and more and then we should not risk by taking dental anesthesia? So, I should not receive any dental anesthesia in future (though other teeth are well and I think there will not be need for that)?
Thanks for replies!