I appreciate these small important points you've made: One, "It is the burden of the Church to prove and disseminate the truth about the mark of the beast and unpardonable sin with immediacy! Failure to do so will result in ongoing mass slaughter." Agreed and I make it know with little backlash.
So what happens?
Two, "That same whistleblower continues to confide in me today despite my religious views…"
Functionally, this^ happens.
I've shared the truth with many atheists, buddhists, new agers etc. who never came across these truths. And at the end of the day, they want to confide with a vessel that has the Holy Spirit living inside of him, myself.
Truth is our best bet, like you said. It is the small t that leads to the capital T—Jesus Christ.
Sara, I agree with all of this. I actually have been detoxing per Dr. Ana's protocol of EDTA and high volumes of Vitamin C bc it's being spread in the air and the shedding of other people. We all have bits of it in us as has been proven from Dr Ana testing the blood of both vax and unvaxxed. I have tested myself and my family and we do not emit any frequency but again we all are taking protocols to protect ourselves. But I think at this point we all have it in us somehow and detoxing protocols should be done by everyone. Interested in your thoughts on all of this. Thanks for sharing truth as hard as it is to hear.
Thank you for your comment. Good on you for taking the measurability test! I support parasite and heavy metal detoxing but not as a solution for the Corruption to the human genome – which is a false claim perpetrated by many. (I will be writing more about Big Pharma & allopathic healthcare because the power of sorcery depends on whether a biblical law(s) is broken). Honestly, the concept of detoxing is actually just a return to the ways in which we are supposed to treat the body with the medicines of the earth and daily herbs per the Bible. What Dr. Ana Mihalcea promotes is a pharmaceutical agent. The solution is found in the earth.
Interesting. I can't wait to hear more. Yes, I had full discernment on the covid mark of the beast. What bothers me is through the air and shedding those of us that refused to take it are not getting it apparently in our blood. I don't think it's enough to change our dna like getting the vaccine did but I'm not ok with it at all. I didn't lose a job and friends and not be able to go to restaurants/venues etc for a year to have it in my bloodstream at all!!!!!!
Oh man, did you really lose a job? I have a ton of respect for those of us who got financially displaced. I'd like to feature a few of those folks on my newsletter one day. The difference is consent - not by chance.
I want to believe that too. I've chosen not to take the mark. I knew it was the mark but it makes me so angry that now it could be in me. Yes I did lose a job. It was worth it. It's amazing to me how many didn't see it was the mark of the beast as they're toting it with burgers, ice cream and etc.... It was so obvious to me. And full disclosure. I'm not christian or catholic. I don't agree with organized religion so I'm pro God and Jesus. I don't think I'm wrong. I have SO much discernment. Should we bring up the cult of Trump?!?!?!? It's obvious Kamala is evil. Trump may be the trojan horse. Who knows
I agree with almost all you write. Yet, with a few things I disagree. I can be wrong but it seems to me that Rev. 14:9 Is countinounsly time not perfect. So, if someone received one dose of c19 vaccine and then repents for that and does not receive any more, he will be forgiven. But, if he does not repent but go on receiving 2nd dose, then 3rd dose etc. then he will end in lake of fire. Of course, no one should risk accepting even 1st dose because it could block him from repenting. Indeed most people will not repent but some will.
I have read that whole article. It is good and important that you say why c19 vaccine i.e. mark of the beast must not be taken at all. Yet, biblical verses you quoted do not seem to prove that taking mark of the beast (MOB) is unpardonable sin. I can be wrong but consider I am right until someone proves otherwise. It does not mean that we can take MOB because it is not unpardonable sin, for sin is something bad, alienation of God, whether it is unpardonable or not so we must not sin. You quoted some verses from Job. It does not seem to me that it is necessarily prophecy or image of MOB. Job lamented about that sins will not be forgiven but he was in old testament time and (though he gives some prophecy about his resurrection) did not understand fully plan of salvation in Jesus Christ which includes forgiving sins but only if we sincerely repent and obey Him by fulfilling His commandments (OSAS is, of course, heresy which we write against too). But, I am aware that most of people who take MOB will not repent and will go to lake of fire. Yet, a few of them will repent (I know some who repent now for taking c19 vaccine and do not intend to take it anymore) though it is question if assimilation process will go on taking place in them or will be stopped. Perhaps it will be stopped for those who took the first dose and fervently pray, fast, take part in Holy Communion, etc. Also, natural cleansing helps much (chewing tobacco and so on). While a person who took MOB is able to repent (has not become zombie yet) there is still hope for him. You also quoted verses from Revelation that various sinners ("each who do lie", etc.) will go to lake of fire. True, but only if they do not repent for those sins. You quoted verses from Gospel too that each sin will be forgiven except blasphemy on Holy Spirit which will not be forgiven neither in this age nor in future age (after death). True, but as I understand it, it is not that even such sin would not be forgiven if someone repents for that. It is about that person who does that sin does not want to repent but go on to blasphemy Holy Spirit and therefore there is no one else who could save that sinner (who blasphemy Holy Spirit, Spirit of Christ who died for him and who only has authority to forgive sin). Such man will not be forgiven even in future age (when someone prays for him and give penance for him after death) since he did not repent for such awful sin as blasphemy on Holy Spirit. Likewise, that who took the MOB if repents can be forgiven but most of such people do not repent for that and will not be forgiven. Real translation of Rev. 14:9,11 (similarly Rel. 13:12 and 19:20) is "those who receive mark and worship the beast" will go to lake of fire, not "those who received mark and worshiped the beast", so those who (without repentance) go on worshiping i.e. receiving the second dose, third dose, fourth dose (and so on) of c19 vaccine (or PCR test) will go to lake of fire. We spoke about that 3 years ago:
Hi Alexander - I would recommend spending some time reading through the The Decode before posting as well as replicating the tests. It will be difficult to understand the content if you are not familiar with previous articles such as "Assimilation in the Bible" and more: https://bibledecode.substack.com/p/assimilation-in-the-bible?r=44iosg.
In The Decode newsletter, the "weighty matters" of the mark of the beast, unpardonable sin, and Abomination of Desolation are distinct. Per my previous reply, the mark of the beast is the "current of his circuit," and this is an utterance of Heaven.
I have already read most of your texts (including "Assimilation in the Bible") on Decode before I wrote previous answer. But, those texts do not prove that MOB is unpardonable sin as nor this text too. I have written you arguments that words from Rev. 14:9,11 (similarly Rel. 13:12 and 19:20) are "those who are receiving mark and worship the beast" will go to lake of fire, not "those who received mark and worshiped the beast", so those who (without repentance) go on worshiping i.e. receiving the second dose, third dose, fourth dose (and so on) of c19 vaccine (or PCR test) will go to lake of fire. You did not answer me about that. Then, you say: "the mark of the beast is the "current of his circuit," and this is an utterance of Heaven". How are you sure that all you got spiritually in vision an so on is from Heaven? Even if it is, did you understand all well? I know about many who were getting many true visions from YAH, but unfortunately were not careful to the end and at some moment were deceived from devil. I do not say that you have surely at some moment been deceived from demon, perhaps all you got is from YAH, but prove that comparing with Bible! Apostle Paul says not to despise prophecies but also to test all spirits to see which is from YAH. That is why I ask you about words from Rev. 14:9,11 (similarly Rel. 13:12 and 19:20) and other I wrote in previous message. If you explain it in some other way and convince me that I am wrong I will accept that and repent. If you do not prove that then I stay on my stance. I just want truth.
As of abomination of desolation - it is mark of the beast itself and consequences it produces. I am not sure what do you mean when say: "replicating the tests". If you think tests about level of EF in me I told you that I have not found device for that, only for EMF. If I had found it I would test it. But, it is not necessary since graphene in anesthetic is not mark of the beast as I described in previous message. Mark of the beast is graphene + other components in c19 vaccine and PCR test. So, people will not go to hell if received anesthetic (if they did it unaware of existing graphene in it), only if receive c19 vaccine or PCR test and do not repent for that but continue to receive it. But, since graphene in anesthetic is harmful (though is not MOB itself) for health then we should not take anesthetic when we find out that there is graphene in it and then we could end in hell for going to defile temple (our body) with something bad though it is not mark of the beast for whose taking punishment is bigger than taking something harmful (as graphene in anesthetic) but is not MOB itself.
Perhaps we could define MOB as "current of his circuit" but only if it springs from c19 vaccine and PCR test.
The EMF device I mentioned to you will measure (EF), so you can examine yourself. I have answered you, but only Christ can convince per Jude 1:15. My responsibility is to warn, and since 2021, these Heavenly utterances have proven true.
I have told you that I could not find such a EMF but it does not matter since I proved by Bible that graphene from anesthetic (if that which I got had graphene at all) is not mark of the beast (though we should not take anesthetic (because graphene is harmful even if is not part of mark of the beast but not in same way as when is part of mark of the beast) any more), only if it is got from c19 vaccine or PCR test. Ok, I also warned about biblical truths, who has ear let him hear what Spirits says. We said all what had.
Oh one more thing. I was walking around at 3:00am around Christmas and a kid said, "hey!" He was 14 at the time and was sitting on a bench by his house. So I went over and chatted with him by google translate. He showed me a video of Vietnamese getting butchered alive... And then he asked me if I have seen such videos?
I told him I have.
Then I urged him to never watch those again. I was very clear about the doors he's opening and that it takes a long time to get rid of those images. Actually he may never get rid of them. I shared Jesus with him and he told me he is actually very scared and haunted by the images. He said he can't help but watch.
So, the kids in Vietnam are watching porn and gore porn.
I was in Vietnam and a girl kept warning me about safety in her area. I was never worried about it. Until a few weeks ago she sent me a murder case of a young Chinese foreigner who was cut to pieces at a karaoke place. The people that found the parts claimed to find a hand floating and half of a head in the drainage ditch.
My point, exotic murders.
I mentioned last week to a girl about the cancer rate and deaths of young people due to the vaccine. She was very surprised! And within a week since I mentioned it, she came to me and told me that she just heard news of three 24-26 year olds dying of strokes near her place.
Also.. as I think and write. Almost all of the music is EDM and they cannot survive without obnoxiously loud music. When my friends and I would relax and then listen to calming music, they simply don't know what to do and become irritated because they need movement and action. It has become irritating. I am liked by everyone as I hosted clubs and challenged their views. They are very superstitious so they respond quickly in fear to strange things. I hear often from the Vietnamese that something has changed recently and people are dark. Just like anywhere else, we know that the shots ruined the ability for spirit and body to co-function. So, I just see inspirationless folk everywhere.
Well, the clotshot, demonic invasion, edm, AI fascination, and the great deception being pushed by buddhist organizations.
Not to mention almost half of the young men and teenagers are bisexual or gay, wearing ear piercings for almost every boy.
As a follower of Jesus Christ walking around praying nearly every day, I get followed, spied on, and tempted in some odd ways. A man almost attacked me but he may have just been on drugs. A witch found me and told my friend that she is hear for me because I am a spiritual man. She spoke in a dark tongue, understood zero english, and would argue in this tomgue against my English words about Jesus Christ.
But, their hearts are soft in Vietnam and they are receptive to the gospel. And! They hate covid, the clotshots, the direction of the modern world, and the stress of this modern hopeless world.
I pray that they are not affected by the 5G tower activation.
Good news, I could tell God answered many of my prayers for those I met.
người dân Việt Nam chúng tôi đa số là đã tiêm 4 mũi văcxin ,mới đây có một vụ người chồng đánh vợ và cắn (bite) chi chít lên người cô ấy và mới hôm qua thôi chị tôi đã tức giận và cắn (bite) con của cô ấy .
Wow.. your sister too? Pray in the name of Jesus Christ over your family. Specifically the blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse them from this poison.
I am hearing from people who received revelation that what has been injected already can be prayed away and best when the person repents of ever taking it and pray for themselves.
But, as more vaxes are pushed there is a point of no return, and we see what 'The Decode' has been sharing..
I would repeat after what God told me which is that, "the vaccinated are programmable units for search and destroy." In hindsight, our Christian church teachings have been awful (sigh). If you ask a Christian today, "what is the worst offense in the law according to God?," they wouldn't be able to articulate it. Calls for "repentance" (for the unpardonable sin) are getting innocent people killed. Here is a prophetic utterance by a pastor in around 2014: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8kJrPM4/. He explains that the mark of the beast would be something that changes your DNA - meaning your species. He also talks about receiving the "light of darkness" in you which is spot-on. You cannot change the image of God by manipulating the human genome, especially with chimeric DNA sequences. You cannot prove your Reasonable Service to God in Romans 12:1.
If in doubt, do the test - the current is measurable.
Student Stabbed to death at Manor, Texas High School reported on 10/29/24
Wow. Thank you for sharing. I wish I had more time to bring attention to these stories.
You’re very welcome. Thank you for sharing this critical research. It really does confirm what the Holy Spirit has been putting on many of our hearts.
I appreciate these small important points you've made: One, "It is the burden of the Church to prove and disseminate the truth about the mark of the beast and unpardonable sin with immediacy! Failure to do so will result in ongoing mass slaughter." Agreed and I make it know with little backlash.
So what happens?
Two, "That same whistleblower continues to confide in me today despite my religious views…"
Functionally, this^ happens.
I've shared the truth with many atheists, buddhists, new agers etc. who never came across these truths. And at the end of the day, they want to confide with a vessel that has the Holy Spirit living inside of him, myself.
Truth is our best bet, like you said. It is the small t that leads to the capital T—Jesus Christ.
Thank you so much Jordy :) I am so pleased to hear that you understand the essence of what is being conveyed in the article.
wher is this?
If you're referring to the video of the stabbing, I believe it was in South America. I hyperlinked the news release in the article.
Sara, I agree with all of this. I actually have been detoxing per Dr. Ana's protocol of EDTA and high volumes of Vitamin C bc it's being spread in the air and the shedding of other people. We all have bits of it in us as has been proven from Dr Ana testing the blood of both vax and unvaxxed. I have tested myself and my family and we do not emit any frequency but again we all are taking protocols to protect ourselves. But I think at this point we all have it in us somehow and detoxing protocols should be done by everyone. Interested in your thoughts on all of this. Thanks for sharing truth as hard as it is to hear.
Thank you for your comment. Good on you for taking the measurability test! I support parasite and heavy metal detoxing but not as a solution for the Corruption to the human genome – which is a false claim perpetrated by many. (I will be writing more about Big Pharma & allopathic healthcare because the power of sorcery depends on whether a biblical law(s) is broken). Honestly, the concept of detoxing is actually just a return to the ways in which we are supposed to treat the body with the medicines of the earth and daily herbs per the Bible. What Dr. Ana Mihalcea promotes is a pharmaceutical agent. The solution is found in the earth.
More to come on this.
Interesting. I can't wait to hear more. Yes, I had full discernment on the covid mark of the beast. What bothers me is through the air and shedding those of us that refused to take it are not getting it apparently in our blood. I don't think it's enough to change our dna like getting the vaccine did but I'm not ok with it at all. I didn't lose a job and friends and not be able to go to restaurants/venues etc for a year to have it in my bloodstream at all!!!!!!
Oh man, did you really lose a job? I have a ton of respect for those of us who got financially displaced. I'd like to feature a few of those folks on my newsletter one day. The difference is consent - not by chance.
I want to believe that too. I've chosen not to take the mark. I knew it was the mark but it makes me so angry that now it could be in me. Yes I did lose a job. It was worth it. It's amazing to me how many didn't see it was the mark of the beast as they're toting it with burgers, ice cream and etc.... It was so obvious to me. And full disclosure. I'm not christian or catholic. I don't agree with organized religion so I'm pro God and Jesus. I don't think I'm wrong. I have SO much discernment. Should we bring up the cult of Trump?!?!?!? It's obvious Kamala is evil. Trump may be the trojan horse. Who knows
I agree with almost all you write. Yet, with a few things I disagree. I can be wrong but it seems to me that Rev. 14:9 Is countinounsly time not perfect. So, if someone received one dose of c19 vaccine and then repents for that and does not receive any more, he will be forgiven. But, if he does not repent but go on receiving 2nd dose, then 3rd dose etc. then he will end in lake of fire. Of course, no one should risk accepting even 1st dose because it could block him from repenting. Indeed most people will not repent but some will.
Hi there - the interpretation of the mark of the beast on The Decode is the "current of his circuit." This was an utterance of Heaven. Here is an article I wrote which addresses the complexity of your question: https://bibledecode.substack.com/p/covid-19-vaccine-crimes-against-god?r=44iosg
I have read that whole article. It is good and important that you say why c19 vaccine i.e. mark of the beast must not be taken at all. Yet, biblical verses you quoted do not seem to prove that taking mark of the beast (MOB) is unpardonable sin. I can be wrong but consider I am right until someone proves otherwise. It does not mean that we can take MOB because it is not unpardonable sin, for sin is something bad, alienation of God, whether it is unpardonable or not so we must not sin. You quoted some verses from Job. It does not seem to me that it is necessarily prophecy or image of MOB. Job lamented about that sins will not be forgiven but he was in old testament time and (though he gives some prophecy about his resurrection) did not understand fully plan of salvation in Jesus Christ which includes forgiving sins but only if we sincerely repent and obey Him by fulfilling His commandments (OSAS is, of course, heresy which we write against too). But, I am aware that most of people who take MOB will not repent and will go to lake of fire. Yet, a few of them will repent (I know some who repent now for taking c19 vaccine and do not intend to take it anymore) though it is question if assimilation process will go on taking place in them or will be stopped. Perhaps it will be stopped for those who took the first dose and fervently pray, fast, take part in Holy Communion, etc. Also, natural cleansing helps much (chewing tobacco and so on). While a person who took MOB is able to repent (has not become zombie yet) there is still hope for him. You also quoted verses from Revelation that various sinners ("each who do lie", etc.) will go to lake of fire. True, but only if they do not repent for those sins. You quoted verses from Gospel too that each sin will be forgiven except blasphemy on Holy Spirit which will not be forgiven neither in this age nor in future age (after death). True, but as I understand it, it is not that even such sin would not be forgiven if someone repents for that. It is about that person who does that sin does not want to repent but go on to blasphemy Holy Spirit and therefore there is no one else who could save that sinner (who blasphemy Holy Spirit, Spirit of Christ who died for him and who only has authority to forgive sin). Such man will not be forgiven even in future age (when someone prays for him and give penance for him after death) since he did not repent for such awful sin as blasphemy on Holy Spirit. Likewise, that who took the MOB if repents can be forgiven but most of such people do not repent for that and will not be forgiven. Real translation of Rev. 14:9,11 (similarly Rel. 13:12 and 19:20) is "those who receive mark and worship the beast" will go to lake of fire, not "those who received mark and worshiped the beast", so those who (without repentance) go on worshiping i.e. receiving the second dose, third dose, fourth dose (and so on) of c19 vaccine (or PCR test) will go to lake of fire. We spoke about that 3 years ago:
Hi Alexander - I would recommend spending some time reading through the The Decode before posting as well as replicating the tests. It will be difficult to understand the content if you are not familiar with previous articles such as "Assimilation in the Bible" and more: https://bibledecode.substack.com/p/assimilation-in-the-bible?r=44iosg.
In The Decode newsletter, the "weighty matters" of the mark of the beast, unpardonable sin, and Abomination of Desolation are distinct. Per my previous reply, the mark of the beast is the "current of his circuit," and this is an utterance of Heaven.
Hi Sara!
I have already read most of your texts (including "Assimilation in the Bible") on Decode before I wrote previous answer. But, those texts do not prove that MOB is unpardonable sin as nor this text too. I have written you arguments that words from Rev. 14:9,11 (similarly Rel. 13:12 and 19:20) are "those who are receiving mark and worship the beast" will go to lake of fire, not "those who received mark and worshiped the beast", so those who (without repentance) go on worshiping i.e. receiving the second dose, third dose, fourth dose (and so on) of c19 vaccine (or PCR test) will go to lake of fire. You did not answer me about that. Then, you say: "the mark of the beast is the "current of his circuit," and this is an utterance of Heaven". How are you sure that all you got spiritually in vision an so on is from Heaven? Even if it is, did you understand all well? I know about many who were getting many true visions from YAH, but unfortunately were not careful to the end and at some moment were deceived from devil. I do not say that you have surely at some moment been deceived from demon, perhaps all you got is from YAH, but prove that comparing with Bible! Apostle Paul says not to despise prophecies but also to test all spirits to see which is from YAH. That is why I ask you about words from Rev. 14:9,11 (similarly Rel. 13:12 and 19:20) and other I wrote in previous message. If you explain it in some other way and convince me that I am wrong I will accept that and repent. If you do not prove that then I stay on my stance. I just want truth.
As of abomination of desolation - it is mark of the beast itself and consequences it produces. I am not sure what do you mean when say: "replicating the tests". If you think tests about level of EF in me I told you that I have not found device for that, only for EMF. If I had found it I would test it. But, it is not necessary since graphene in anesthetic is not mark of the beast as I described in previous message. Mark of the beast is graphene + other components in c19 vaccine and PCR test. So, people will not go to hell if received anesthetic (if they did it unaware of existing graphene in it), only if receive c19 vaccine or PCR test and do not repent for that but continue to receive it. But, since graphene in anesthetic is harmful (though is not MOB itself) for health then we should not take anesthetic when we find out that there is graphene in it and then we could end in hell for going to defile temple (our body) with something bad though it is not mark of the beast for whose taking punishment is bigger than taking something harmful (as graphene in anesthetic) but is not MOB itself.
Perhaps we could define MOB as "current of his circuit" but only if it springs from c19 vaccine and PCR test.
I hope I made my point of view more clearer.
YAH bless you!
The EMF device I mentioned to you will measure (EF), so you can examine yourself. I have answered you, but only Christ can convince per Jude 1:15. My responsibility is to warn, and since 2021, these Heavenly utterances have proven true.
That's all I can say to you for now. Take care.
I have told you that I could not find such a EMF but it does not matter since I proved by Bible that graphene from anesthetic (if that which I got had graphene at all) is not mark of the beast (though we should not take anesthetic (because graphene is harmful even if is not part of mark of the beast but not in same way as when is part of mark of the beast) any more), only if it is got from c19 vaccine or PCR test. Ok, I also warned about biblical truths, who has ear let him hear what Spirits says. We said all what had.
Thanks! I started to read that article. I hope I will get time to read it until tomorrow and then I will reply you.
Oh one more thing. I was walking around at 3:00am around Christmas and a kid said, "hey!" He was 14 at the time and was sitting on a bench by his house. So I went over and chatted with him by google translate. He showed me a video of Vietnamese getting butchered alive... And then he asked me if I have seen such videos?
I told him I have.
Then I urged him to never watch those again. I was very clear about the doors he's opening and that it takes a long time to get rid of those images. Actually he may never get rid of them. I shared Jesus with him and he told me he is actually very scared and haunted by the images. He said he can't help but watch.
So, the kids in Vietnam are watching porn and gore porn.
I was in Vietnam and a girl kept warning me about safety in her area. I was never worried about it. Until a few weeks ago she sent me a murder case of a young Chinese foreigner who was cut to pieces at a karaoke place. The people that found the parts claimed to find a hand floating and half of a head in the drainage ditch.
My point, exotic murders.
I mentioned last week to a girl about the cancer rate and deaths of young people due to the vaccine. She was very surprised! And within a week since I mentioned it, she came to me and told me that she just heard news of three 24-26 year olds dying of strokes near her place.
Also.. as I think and write. Almost all of the music is EDM and they cannot survive without obnoxiously loud music. When my friends and I would relax and then listen to calming music, they simply don't know what to do and become irritated because they need movement and action. It has become irritating. I am liked by everyone as I hosted clubs and challenged their views. They are very superstitious so they respond quickly in fear to strange things. I hear often from the Vietnamese that something has changed recently and people are dark. Just like anywhere else, we know that the shots ruined the ability for spirit and body to co-function. So, I just see inspirationless folk everywhere.
Well, the clotshot, demonic invasion, edm, AI fascination, and the great deception being pushed by buddhist organizations.
Not to mention almost half of the young men and teenagers are bisexual or gay, wearing ear piercings for almost every boy.
As a follower of Jesus Christ walking around praying nearly every day, I get followed, spied on, and tempted in some odd ways. A man almost attacked me but he may have just been on drugs. A witch found me and told my friend that she is hear for me because I am a spiritual man. She spoke in a dark tongue, understood zero english, and would argue in this tomgue against my English words about Jesus Christ.
But, their hearts are soft in Vietnam and they are receptive to the gospel. And! They hate covid, the clotshots, the direction of the modern world, and the stress of this modern hopeless world.
I pray that they are not affected by the 5G tower activation.
Good news, I could tell God answered many of my prayers for those I met.
Anyhow, keep sharing the truth !
Tôi ở Việt Nam ,và lạy Chúa
người dân Việt Nam chúng tôi đa số là đã tiêm 4 mũi văcxin ,mới đây có một vụ người chồng đánh vợ và cắn (bite) chi chít lên người cô ấy và mới hôm qua thôi chị tôi đã tức giận và cắn (bite) con của cô ấy .
Wow.. your sister too? Pray in the name of Jesus Christ over your family. Specifically the blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse them from this poison.
I am hearing from people who received revelation that what has been injected already can be prayed away and best when the person repents of ever taking it and pray for themselves.
But, as more vaxes are pushed there is a point of no return, and we see what 'The Decode' has been sharing..
I would repeat after what God told me which is that, "the vaccinated are programmable units for search and destroy." In hindsight, our Christian church teachings have been awful (sigh). If you ask a Christian today, "what is the worst offense in the law according to God?," they wouldn't be able to articulate it. Calls for "repentance" (for the unpardonable sin) are getting innocent people killed. Here is a prophetic utterance by a pastor in around 2014: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8kJrPM4/. He explains that the mark of the beast would be something that changes your DNA - meaning your species. He also talks about receiving the "light of darkness" in you which is spot-on. You cannot change the image of God by manipulating the human genome, especially with chimeric DNA sequences. You cannot prove your Reasonable Service to God in Romans 12:1.
If in doubt, do the test - the current is measurable.
So there is no chance to repent? I took a swab and all
The other people have - don’t believe it was the mark or evil. But I do.
Check out this article which should address your concern: https://open.substack.com/pub/bibledecode/p/the-mark-of-the-beast-is-measurable?r=44iosg&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Thank you- this answered everything
Hi what do you think about this - https://open.substack.com/pub/willyealsogoaway/p/is-there-forgiveness-of-sin-for-those?r=4o0p6q&utm_medium=ios
I recommend spending some time reading through The Decode newsletter since I address your questions in my articles: https://open.substack.com/pub/bibledecode/p/covid-19-vaccine-crimes-against-god?r=44iosg&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web