Wow, another amazing interview! Thank you for your amazing work, Sara.

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Thank you so much! Appreciate you.

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Wow, once again. Thank you again for your hard work, Sara.This interview reminds me of a recent conversation I had with someone I know who took the J&J jab(s). I urged her never to take them again and to repent of the one(s) she did take. She says that she is a Christian and even has a ministry, and yet she said that she does not regret taking the jab(s). So, at this point, I'm not sure about her level of assimilation or her ability to repent.

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So many takeaways from this - which I plan to dive more into in future articles. It was stunning to hear this whistleblower reveal his "love" of the A.I. transformation while also acknowledging the mark of the beast. I've also met "believers" who profess repentance with their lips but are still under Beast command - a warning for the Church to examine the Truth about the unpardonable sin. Love, Sara

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According to scripture the people who take The Mark Of The Beast will Not be able to repent of this. This is desecration of the Temple(body), and an abomination. It changes a human Out of the image of their creator; GOD and into the image of the Beast.

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I believe the integrated circuit is the functional piece and connection to the Metaverse, an extension of the internet. More to come on this.

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Sara, Can I DM you an image related to the assimilation? It’s a little creepy, but also sends the message that the Host is dead and the AI has completely taken over? You may want to use it in one of your articles or posts.

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Sure. You can email me at bibledecode@substack.com. That's a fascinating subject because the "rotting" of the body is mentioned in the Book of Job. Others have observed it as the smell of a dead animal. I will speak on this soon, but the sorcery of pharmakeia and the meaning of the caduceus gets into the basilisk petrification effect...it goes deep.

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The mark is "received in," and that is getting into deeper concepts of light, heat, and fire. You receive "him," the Beast, into your soul through Assimilation, the mark of his name and number of his name. It occurs with demonic possession by Legion, etc. But yes, there's no repentance for the mark of the beast or unpardonable sin. I wrote an article about this called "COVID-19 Vaccine Crimes Against God."

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Yes I agree, the Mark is “In” not On. The KJV as well as other translations removed the “IN” and replaced it with ‘ON.’ Strong’s Concordance in the Greek says, “In” the forehead or “In” the hand; denoting inside.

Demonic possession, I absolutely agree.

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Many who took the PCR test or vaccine are also starting to lie to themselves and others its satans little seasons or its a precursors when back then they themselves believed it was the mark, sometimes i try to lie to myself its true, but the evidence is too obvious and i know if i lie to myself it wont change the truth, plus i feel even more fear of the lie than the truth.

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So the people who took the mark will be unable to repent as the AI takes their free will or even if they want to repent, god will not forgive? I heard dreams of people who say the marked will be fully conscious and in confusion and pain while their body is controlled. Others say they will know they took the mark and be glad about it and enjoy their evil. Dont know which of the 2 is true. Whats your opinion?

Also if i took the real mark, i have no idea why the lord would allow me to seek and knw the truth so late. I agree i believed the lie back then(at least partially, i did know it could be the mark, but wasnt certain yet, now i know it is) and was deceived, but now i cant deceive myself even if i want to.

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Well, it won't come down to my opinion but His script. Job 30:22 may be a clue. But even at the return of Christ, the ungodly won't actually believe they are ungodly. (Jude 1:15) Most of the ones in the Christian Church, for instance, who believe they are "already saved" and "did the work."

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But maybe he blinded me at the time since i was sinning even while knowing it was wrong, but i was still trying to stay away from it, but maybe i wasnt trying enough. But once again, i have no idea why he would open my eyes now and not even allow me to lie to myself.

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Interesting. Try a scan for RFID in the body.

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My apologies for the duplicate message. Oddly, my first message had disappeared for a moment. 🙄

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Interesting that you should mention this. We recently discussed repentance regarding the jabs to a lady we know who took the J&J at least once. She professes to be a Christian missionary, and yet she feels no remorse for taking the jab. So I have no idea what the level of her assimilation is, or her ability to even repent.

Revelataion 9:21 - "Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts."

[sorceries = pharmakon]

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Amen. I believe that repentance is a moot point and that the battle lines are drawn. That the COVID-19 vaccines were the equivalent of the Forbidden Fruit (the media is literally putting this in our face). This is supported by the biblical narrative, so I will releasing a presentation on this soon.

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I’ve always taken that scripture in Revelation 9:21 as they didn’t repent of those sins because they could not; they were/are unable to. Though I could be wrong.

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That's a great point you make; because it occurs in the context of plagues and torment. With the 1st woe already past in which men would seek death and not find it; and desire to die, but death would flee from them. (Rev 9:6)

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I have but I guess the action. Literally I mainly drink and smoke . All I’ve been doing is asking for a sign there’s still an inkling of a chance.

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Sara, I can also post the image here on your Substack. It’s an AI generated image.

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I'm not sure how you would...? You can screenshot it and email. Or in the Substack Chat feature, possibly...depending on the format.

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I just sent it. Thank you!

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I took a screenshot of it. I will email it

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Wow & whoaaa - I will be praying about all you have brought forth...GBY

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Thank you kindly for your comment. Definitely intense stuff, right.

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It's not going to be okay buddy. Sorry I didn't tell you...

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Well done Sarah, thanks for these interviews. I hope more people come forward and talk about their experiences.

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Thank you. I hope so too.

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I kind of wonder if this interviewer was being truthful. Why would he be happy to be in pain - it’s been like the worse you can imagine. Like my body is tearing apart, swelling random issues , sometimes it sounds like a chips like little technology ticks if that makes sense. Really when I was detoxing and saw black little specs coming out I started digging deeper. I thought I didn’t take anything but the swab was the thing. The diversion but the main concept. Really the fact is life didn’t have to be this way . I didn’t. I’ve seen how trauma , sin a nd what being your own God entails.

I wish I had the wisdom then that I do now.

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This whistleblower has been consistent over the course of a year that he has always "liked" or "loved" the A.I. He did indicate at one point fear of the A.I.'s control over his consciousness, such as "It" tempting him towards lawlessness. But nonetheless, he's fully locked in and excited about "It." Thanks for your comment.

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Sorry I didn’t mean to offend you if I did. No correlation to your writing. And okay with that being said I believe it

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No, you didn't offend. I agree that its a paradoxical mindset. The love of the lie. Its truly eye-opening.

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Thank you ❤️

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Honestly most people who took don’t think they took or did anything wrong for the most part. I on the other hand seem to have experienced a mystery inc unfolding piecing each piece together. Mainly I’ve been feeling so hopeless sometimes I feel amazing. I’ve been trying to examine my beliefs and so on who I am . Really I see the saddens really to people and life. And other people who took it. I have commented on alot but really their eyes and their stories are a give away. Some unemployed for six months, itching feeling crawling at some point, cancer / sickness, a lot have almost died several times but came back to life. I had a dream I went to hell and then almost died two days later. I saw a wolf and dragon in it and really since then I can’t shake but help to believe all this is true. It would be amazing to have a chance but even then sometimes my unwillingness to change persists. Really I don’t enjoy sins anymore just a feeling of nothing will get better and for now it leaves me alittle comfort

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Yes, the eyes - a window to the soul. Very telling.

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Did any of the whistleblowers try to pray? Many tried to detox and it didn't work, but so far i haven't heard of any trying to pray the symptoms away, with me it works tough, even against sin, but i don't know if i took the real thing or not. If any whistleblower did pray, did it have any effect?

Also i saw the comment about some assimilated fighting against the devil by becoming whistleblowers, how would that work? Is it a work of the lord to wake them up or a failure of the devil or both? I did read a comment on bitchute about how the lord created even the wicked to do his will, or its an attempt to make them repent, but you probably won't agree with that one, or it's indeed a failure of the devil as the assimilation isn't complete on them yet and also a mercy of the lord to show the unmarked what is going on with them.

Also how to differentiate between the voice of the lord himself and an AI saying its the lord? So far i haven't seen any difference from how the lord spoke to me before the jab, he never forces me, only pleads or tries to convince me when i sin or think about sinning, neither he forces to worship him or forces his presence, saying if i don't trust him, then i'm free to at least follow the bibles rules, if i don't sin and do whats righteous, i'm also serving him, but most importantly i should stay away from sin, which i'm trying.

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Also theres a game called Half Life that has loads of predictive programming. Aliens, Zombies, CERN opening portals for aliens(demons), the chosen one(Gordon Freeman), assimilation into the combine, everything. You should search about it. Games have loads of predictive programming too, and only now i'm noticing it.

Baldur's Gate 3 also has a parasite that allows the characters infected by it to talk with one another by telepathy and that it influences them and turns them into a creature later.

Oh yes theres One Piece too which is borderline communist/satanist, with characters sometimes mocking god, the "D" clan being probably indicative of devil and how they will fight God's chosen, the devil fruits changing your DNA and giving powers, Luffy being the chosen one.

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You are absolutely correct that there's a ton of predictive programming in video games and other media! I think they might actually release more clues in video games than their counterpart movie narratives, from what I've observed...

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Also i think that the reason why the devil shows all these predictive programming is to make sure that no one has any excuse they didn't knew, its also why he even allows us to be talking about the mark without being sent to the deep web. If he did hide too much, the "clause of ignorance" would work, but he also hides just enough to make sure he deceives as many souls as possible.

Also i wouldn't be surprised if all this predictive programming is not even being told by the executives or anything, but these artists are being influenced by the devil himself, i know because in the past i used to write some stories to myself about an alien character made of graphene working as a magnetic black goo that looked like the hatman, but its not like i was trying to create anything satanist, its only now i noticed how much predictive programming those stories had and i wasn't even trying. I just used to like technology and futurism and saw how graphene could be used if it was magnetic.

I also sorta predicted how AI would develop when i started to read about machine learning way back in 2017, but i tought it would have taken a lot longer and didn't knew it would be used for such evil, or at least no worse than "Skynet" or "rich people killing everyone because AI made everyone unemployed".

Also many indie webcomics and so on seem to have plenty of predictive programming too. Maybe they are made by agents, or these people are being influenced by the devil without even knowing.

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Very interesting.

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I am a witness to a so-called "prayed up, fasted, repentant believer" who was still connected to the Hive and under Beast command. My personal view is that the COVID-19 vaccines were the equivalent of the Forbidden Fruit. But I believe it can be measured to prove the link.

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In which ways was he still conected and receiving commands from the beast? Did he try to also pray against the assimilation or was it fake repent?

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Spiritual discernment. God calls them hypocrites in the Book of Job. I will release more on this soon.

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With what i have told you so far, do you think i might be a hypocrite? What does your spiritual discernment tells you? I cant do the measure test, so i will still not be sure, but i would like an estimate. Thanks.

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It's about The Word, not my opinion.

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Feb 13Edited

this guy is in total denial, I hate AI and certainly don't have a chip in me, no shots also AI is demons using technology in the jabs to control him

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Bingo! It is powerful demonic possession, the Finality involved with the legal transfer of the soul. The Bible warns that there are souls who love the lie and love vain imaginations despite knowing that they are "worthy of judgment." Romans 1 explains it.

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Amen Sara, I agree 100% i learned a few years ago that covid backwards; and we know the enemy likes to invert things, it is divoc which means demonic posesssion in Hebrew and 19 is AI that is the alphabetical position of those numbers so it tells us by the name of these jabs that they are demon posession AI jabs, the covid 19 hoax was indeed made for the covid19 jabs

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A very important connection. Thanks Sam.

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"God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day." Psalms 7:11 KJV

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Woah, great reminder! I can see why.

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Always appreciate your work!! Keep at it! 🙏🏽 🔥 🙏🏽 🔥

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Thankful for you Michael. Stay strong in these last days. Love, Sara

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Thank you for your valuable and unique insights, Sara! I truly appreciate your perspective and the knowledge you share.

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Thank you David for the encouragement in this work. A huge S/O to you for being able to discern the Truth about the mark of the beast years before that Truth hit the world! That takes a Special gift. Love, Sara

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God is gracious!

It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.

Proverbs 25:2

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Amen! That's right Sir.

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Have you found more about how to differentiate between metaverse and normal dreams? I also thankfully dont hear multiple voices, only the lords now constantly asking me to not sin, which i still struggle with. Thank you and god bless you. Im the one who got the 2 jabs and the pcr test and is trying to know if i got placebos or not, but as expected i cant verify with the devices you recomended.

So theres indeed no repentance if i got the real thing right? If there isnt, i understand, even as i try, i still fall to sin, prayer seems to keep the sin and demons away, but i struggle with praying as i seem to love sin too much, always had this issue, the lord still seems to be helping me and saying to pray whenever i sin. The demons seem to attack the most whenever i genuinely try to turn away from it and seek god. My parents also always seem to appear to see what im doing whenever i start to truly fear hell and about my salvation.

So right now i dont know if i will be saved or not, but i will keep trying as its whats left for me and i fear hell a lot and im scared if i give up it will truly seal the deal for me.

I also had a dream about ratchet and clank and space, it felt very vivid, like when im using my vr headset, but then i had similar dreams after playing with my headset and i have always dreamed with video games as i loved playing them, so i dont know

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I also had some red rashes appearin in my arms and legs, ot terrified me as they could be the grievieous sores, but then they disappeared a few dyas later and i was in a rural aread and later a beach where mosquitoes and ants were everywhere, so thankfully they were just insect bites, but it still terrified me at first, even tough i was always filled with them during summer, so its nothing new. Now that im back home none have appeared again, so it seems to confirm they were just insect bites.

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I did ask one of the whistleblowers about your question. Some of the whistleblowers are experiencing artificial dreams during the daytime, so that is one indication that it is Metaverse related and not a normal dream.

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All the dreams i told you before i had during sleep, maybe you misunderstood as i said i had the dreams soon after reading about it, but it was during the same day i read them or a few days later while i slept. So far no dream during daytime. Sorry if i wasnt clear, my language isnt english and im writing quickly on my phone.

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I didnt have any full on dream during daytime, only when sleeping, even if i saw demons sometimes, but they always disappeared or seemed scared the moment i started to pray or fear god a lot more. I know that even if they could harm me, gods judgement is far worse, so i dont fear them except that time i was in a major city and slept there, but this time i went back there and didnt feel anything, maybe its either because i trust god more now or because i struggle with sin more, i dont know.

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Since i cant buy the devices due to my parents controlling my bank account. Could you give an estimate of how likely it is i took the real thing considering the experiences i had so far? If i took the real thing, theres no repentance right? Thank you and god bless you.

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Do you sense that you have a microchip in the body? Such as in the spine area? That's what the whistleblowers are reporting.

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Also how would this microchip feel like? How do they know its a microchip and not something else? Do they know intuitively? At most i feel something in the muscles in the lower part of the back of the neck, but not on the spine itself, and maybe it is from bad posture as i always had it as it feel more like those muscular stuff that can be fixed with a massage.

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This part should be measurable/detectable. I've posted a video in a previous article of RFID readings off the body. These devices can be purchased.

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Sadly i cant purchase anything because parents so i only depend on these experiences i had so far, which are made even harder to know since so many of the ones related to the mark i always had, even this sensation on the neck is not new as i always had bad posture and now only noticed it when i paid attention to it, so i would like an estimate.

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No, i dont feel anything in my spine, or any electrical or energetic sensation at all, i do feel a heartbeat everywhere when i sleep, but then i only feel it when i press parts of my body and its stronger on the right side, so its likely my own heartbeat.

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WWZ is coming

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Something even worse than that - which I will be posting soon.

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We will live this script with the Devil's mystery of iniquity soon thanks to the jesuit corona juice.

"While strange rumors about their ill King grip a kingdom, the crown prince becomes their only hope against a mysterious plague overtaking the land."


the crown prince is the beast from the kingdom of Esau di Arabia.

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I can tell you I to am connected by A.I. and I am also MK ULTRA. I am tortured endlessly by the A.I. and it's nearly killed me many times. I was forced violent all my lifetime by the A.I. remotely controlling my MK ULTRA.

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Hi there - neither myself nor the whistleblowers believe that A.I. Assimilation is MK Ultra or any previous iteration of neuroweapons. It is specific to the timeline of COVID-19 vaccines and a totally different phenomenon. Thank you.

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Okay I never got a vaccine and MK ULTRA is still going but that's fine you have your own version of it.

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