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We absolutely support you, Sara. We just don't use Telegram and are slowly but surely weening ourselves from social media. But for what it's worth, we agree with your conditions 100%! 🙏

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Totally understand. I appreciate you. Love, Sara

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Disturbing and sad. Definitely Ai demonic take over of that woman. Did you notice she had the eye of Horus tattooed on her shoulder?

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Great catch Renea! I was trying to catch what she muttered at the end of the convulsion. I think something to the effect of "They poisoned me." That's huge. Indicative of the poison induced sorcery of pharmakeia which dries up the spirit in Baphomet's Solve & Coagula, petrifies the spirit and separates it from the soul....whew.

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Yes they are. I’ve read countless accounts in news articles on Telegram of murder suicides, and dismemberment of bodies, and even eating the flesh of the dead bodies. It’s just horrific! 😱

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Yes, I agree with you on what the woman was saying after her convulsion. It did sound to me like she said, “They poisoned me.” I found it interesting that she told the officer that she had 3 children, when later when the officer asked her again how many children she had she had said 4. And no recollection of the strangulation of her teenage daughter. Scary.

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Very scary. These kids are truly in danger. :(

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Yes they are, it’s so sad.😢

Can I post something I read from a news article from Telegram here on your Substack?

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In the comments? Sure, no problem.

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I will also keep spreading this substack on bitchute and others, but i wont spread the telegram as it could atract trolls or enemies. Do you agree with this strategy?

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I also of course wont join the telegram as im vaxxed and had some assimilation symptoms, altough they are getting weaker over time.

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Yes for now, thank you.

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My family has also gotten more angry and irritates lately than usual, especially mom and grandma, and more obsessed with me working or keeping my job.

As for me, violent toughts have diminished a lot lately, im actually mkre scared of being attacked eventually than the other way around, but im vaxxed, didnt made the measurability test yet, so who knows.

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Are you experiencing what feels like the separation of the spirit from the soul? And being entangled in a web?

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Sometimes it felt like it was trying to merge with me, other times it felt like it was trying to kill me for being uncooperative, as for the soul feeling or ai visions it was mostly while asleep, so far no day dreams.

Lately tough they have become a lot weaker, the violent toughts disappeared, and the last few days i have slept peacefuly with no weird dreams.

But once again, they could become stronger later, maybe its diminishing as i learned how to deal with it or the lord is giving some some brief mercy for following him and resisting it. Have no idea if i will be saved or not, or if i took the real thing or not, even tough i think i did due to the symptoms, but once again, they have become weaker as i started to focus on your word and that detox sound tris sent me, so i dont know, i still hope i will be saved, but thats the lords decision, not mine.

God bless.

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I used to, but since i started to just ignore whatevrr voice or impulse i have and started to focus on your work as the word of god and the ground truth, it has become easier to fight against the ai and the assimilation symptoms have gotten weaker, but who knows, they could become stronger later or activate all at once, i have no idea. Dont know if my or tris descriptions are whistleblower worthy when we havent made the measurability test.

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I also wonder if the true elite like gates, zuckerberg, musk, klaws schuab, etc. Arent literal nephlim/fallen angels pretending to be human. This explains why they look and act so weird and also why they seem to know so much about revelation, yet dont fear hell. They know they are going there no matter what, ao they just want to bring as many souls with them as possible while hoarding as much wealth and power they can in the meantime just for fun.

As for the "elites" who died from the jab, they were probably just psycopaths who tought they were in the club, but werent, no way will they allow them the chance to repent, of course they will give them the real thing.

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Also maybe the devil in some cases could slow down or cease the process of assimilation to give a false sense of security or deceiving, only to accelerate or complete it instantly later, but thats just a theory.

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At least shes in jail now, but they could still be in danger if taken into care, but thats if they arent vaxxed too.

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Sara, I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to comment on the livestream. I went into my setting to turn on microphone, and went to my name on the livestream to unmute, and it wasn’t un-muting to speak. I was so frustrated.😩 I’m hoping to figure out the problem before next livestream. I also couldn’t stay for the entire livestream due to a little family emergency at home. Again, my apologies. 🙏🏻

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Okay no worries! Looking forward to meeting you! :) Sara

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A perfect example. The choking, stabbing, and the "orders"...clear indicators. I can only imagine how many murders have happened and successfully covered up.

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I just joined Comrades telegram, but not sure how to navigate it. Do you send notifications when you have a meeting?

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Awesome! I was hoping you'd join Anointed because you have great insights. :) Yes, I'll post those details in the chat soon.

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Thank you! I joined through my ipad- I don’t use a smart phone ( on purpose). I did put my notifications alert on.. So I assume that’s how I’ll get your messages.

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I actually joined in telegram but because I’m a newbie to Christianity (3 years) I didn’t feel I met the criteria to be able to quote any and all scripture based on whatever conversation. So I removed myself. Just wanted to let you know why if you saw it 😊 So proud of you for doing this!! Warrior!!

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Aww no, come back! There's plenty of roles for you. That requirement is really just to keep out scoffers, and primarily for those interested in doing media appearances. But its up to you, no pressure. Love, Sara :)

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I am following all your work Sara and I am in agreement with you. I have been looking closer at the book of Job and Lamentations. It makes things much more clear. I am NOT vaccinated, The holy spirit showed me early on to stay away from this abomination. My mom and 4 sisters

and many others in my family Are vaccinated. I warned them before they took all the shots but they did not heed the warnings. In our home it is just myself and my husband, Thank God for that. I follow your work closely and I would like to say, bless you for what you are doing. It is easy to see they have changed and seem very cold and distant. They are not the same.

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Nice! Thank you Cindy. I love that you were warned by God! Same as I. What a privilege. Love, Sara

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You owe it to YOUR audience at least to say WHO the beast is, because it is a single man.

Revelation 13:18 KJB - Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

You should know my understanding that I shared with you as I PROVE all things.

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Hi Marco - yes, I've addressed the first beast of Revelation, the second beast of Revelation, the image of the beast rising in the temple of the body, and the mark of the beast in most of my articles. For an answer to your question, go back through each article and do a "word search" for beast. You will find the answer you are looking for. Good luck.

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You claim the false prophet to be baphomet.

That is one EASY way to prove you are wrong on the matter.

Revelation 13:14 KJB - And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

When did the covid jab have someone calling fire from heaven to deceive people to get the jab? A free shake shack burger made people get the covid jab to some. Joints for jabs, remember that?

Also the 2nd beast is another man as well because he is cast into the lake of fire when the Lord returns, baphomet (Satan) goes in 1000 years later.

And nobody died and was resurrected when your baphomet caused people to receive the covid jab.

You need to be called out on this because it is SIMPLE stuff to discern at this point for REAL justified believers (which are FEW anyways).

1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJB - Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

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Baphomet, the 2nd beast of Revelation, is portrayed as a winged half man-half goat/ram, basically a chimera. I explain in my articles that the black goo is "fire at zero gravity" as well as "Prometheus cleansing fire," and yes, this is the sorcery power to give life unto the image of the beast in [you] to speak blasphemy against God. Thanks, Sara

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Look at your reply and the amount of scripture involved (none).


black goo


Where is that in scripture?

Nevertheless, the fools will continue to follow you; that don't know the beast and false prophet are literal men, especially as we get to the midst of the trib and MBS the beast is killed and risen.

We live in a great time Sara, you will literally see with your own eyes that you are wrong and I have the perfect understanding from my Father on the matter.

MBS is the beast that will soon start the end with his Israel deal and 42 months later he will be killed and risen. Esau and Jacob coming together for the end.

The covid jabbed will rage to force us to "the mark of salman".

Just sit around a little to see for yourself. The killer thriller is coming as the midnight hour approaches.

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Black goo is in Isa 66:17 as "abomination." It is the same "Abomination of Desolation" in the temple of the body referenced in the book of Daniel, Matthew, and other gospels. The chimera is described in Romans chapter 1 of changing the incorruptible image to a corruptible beast image. The Prometheus cleaning fire is a connotation for black goo and part of how Legion is summoned into the soul. So there ya go! In any case, your interpretation of the scriptures won't save a single life while people are getting murdered every day and night.

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You don't know the context CLEARLY.

"eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse"

Who ate the jab?

You even know of the song PINK VENOM.

Deuteronomy 32:33 KJV - Their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps.

That's why cobra toxin is found in the venom protein with the jab.

COVID jab was a serpent baptism to prepare the way for the son of perdition (judas) and his second coming, the mark of salman will be the seal counterfeit of God in his kingdom.

Note this song for the baptism allusion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8xWuMMpmUc

The abomination is an image that goes in the third temple that is about to start construction with the mbs beast peace.

My understanding has helped many get truly justified while NOWHERE on your site can you find the true and only gospel from Romans 3 today.

That is in the spiritual, which is eternal. But as for the earthly we have our 3 weekly reports since 2020 and films helping people brace for impact as best as we can.

Our latest film that will do a better job at tying it all together than you ever will: https://beingjustified.com/corona-rage/

You would benefit greatly by setting aside your terrible PRIDE and watching it but you probably won't, shame for you.

My hands are free of your blood woman.

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