Keep up with the great work! The truth will prevail. God is with You.

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Amen to that! The Truth will prevail. Well done to you as well. Love, Sara

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I remember how you said once about scientists saying graphene had demons on it, never expected the wired to have an article about it in the wide open.

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I remembered about you talking how the whistleblowers saw the metaverse and Mark Zuckerberg on it.

This one wasnt even made by a big studio, just a youtuber, which seems to fit with my theory that anything not made under gods guidance ends up with this type of devilish influence/predictive programming, or that its made by agents.

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Theres also this other one which is made with AI to boot.

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Great find! Yes, it is the inevitable end to vain imaginations.

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Im glad i can help, you have helped me a lot. Thank you and god bless you.

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As the lord said, narrow is the path for salvation, wide is the path for destruction, and i guess this includes entertainment.

Its very hard to find anything that doesnt have something demonic or predictive on it, even among older media or childrens media.

The wizard of oz and alice in wonderland are both, yet they are also filled with that stuff.

Here is a great channel on bitchute that disect media for predictive programming or demonic stuff.


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Tris have helped me a lot too.

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Also thanks for your work, even if im doomed, it still helped me resist the devil and feel a lot better now, i feel better whenever i do good and spread your work.

I tested that sound tris gave me on my family, and they also seem a bit less assimilated, but once again, its probably temporary and they might use stronger frequencies later.

I tried to spread your work on other sites and bitchute, but it seems to sometimes go unnoticed or dismissed.

I also noticed theres less censorship about this topic on youtube in other languages in comparison to english, in portuguese for example they could even mention the vaccine containing graphene, if you post it in other languages you might be able to get away with more info there.

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From what I've learned, it's all in God's timing. Thanks.

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Great article!

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I am TRULY happy for your success Sara!! I hope and pray that your work gets out to ALL the "truth seeking" Media!! Let the airways be saturated with TRUTH. And praying that more people have an Awakening from your Revelations on this subject. All Praises and Glory to the LORD OF HOSTS!!

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So lovely of you Michael. I thank you for your support. I'm hoping that congregations get this Truth and the Remnant for their protection. Love, Sara

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I first heard about the "The Decode" when it was mentioned in a video by SJWellFire. Really, I try to get information from someone who doesn't swear but they are virtually non-existent. Sara speaks well always (or at least 99% of the time :) ).

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So glad you're here. Love, Sara

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Amen Flaming Sword! Stay strong and endure to the end. Love, Sara

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The Lord Jesus, Yahusha HaMashiac is bringing many of the body of Christ into union.

Brother William Brooks has been given the wisdom of the Seven Thunders:


In this book he explains how he was called, how he is given the wisdom and reveals from scriptures that the nephilim will return, how and why.

The bride is being called to make herself ready.

So from the spiritual/medical view many are revealing the technical portion of how and why the giants will soon return and explain how in Revelation many will seek death and not find it.


His you tube channel is called: Spirit of Prophecy


The messages are a warning to the seven churches. I have re-posted on Bit Chute and it brought out the pharisees within days!!!

Saints, the fight is on, this type can be defeated only by fasting and prayer!

God bless the remnant....

Much Agape to the saints...

The Lord is good and is reveal his secret to His chosen ones.....

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The fight is definitely on. Where I differ is the view that this phenomena can be prayed and fasted away. I liken demonic Assimilation to the "signing over of a title/deed" to a property, in this case, the soul. I have witnessed vaccinated individuals attempt to pray and fast it away but remained under Beast command. So this is War. Love, Sara

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I have talked with Tris a bit and i think she finally saw god and truly repented, im very happy for her, sadly i still doubt my salvation. So even after praying they were still under beast command? I remember you said they still had violent toughts and still showed assimilation symptoms right?

Also do you think this audio is good for detoxing? Tris gave me this audio, and im feeling a lot better and hopeful after hearing it, but i dont know. What do you think?


Also any violent toughts or weird dreams seem to have almost disappeared lately as i started to trust the lord too and after hearing this sound. I could literally feel the pressures running away to my neck and leaving my brain free, especially if i shouted jesus or prayed in my mind at once. But once again cant buy anything to fully test it out.

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Tris is not vaccinated, just FYI. I don't believe that the COVID-19 vaccines can be "detoxed;" neither do most of the whistleblowers who have tried over the years. Yes, the signs of Assimilation are visible in congregations, despite prayer, fasting, or outward displays of repentance. This Truth can be discerned spiritually but ultimately, the Word of God explains His Line as the unpardonable sin.

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I knew Tris wasnt vaccinated, but many on bitchute say the pcr is also the mark, but maybe this isnt true, i hope so. Well, since im feeling a lot better now, i hope i didnt get the real thing, but im cant be sure as i cant do the full measurability test, but i will still try to repent anyway. Thanks.

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Maybe try to give this sound to the whistleblowers just to see what happens as a test.

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I also tested it out in other parts of my body, and anywhere i tested it it started to pulse less too, im feeling a lot better and more hopeful now. I also started to hear the lords voice with the same intonation and way of speaking he used to have before too, which filled me with hope he was still there.

Tris also tried this sound before, and she could hear the nanobots in her head.

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The Lord is moving so quickly now, and you have been keeping pace step by step. As David said (below), the truth surely will prevail. Keep up the excellent work, Sara.

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Amen. So grateful for you and the other readers while on this journey. Love, Sara

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Hi Sara, I first heard about you on the Maria Zeee show with her guests Hope and Tivon, it was great. Your work is immeasurable. Keep pressing On, God Bless You.

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That is great to hear Peter! Thank you.

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Excellent work as always Sara.

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Thanks Johnny! Same goes to you. Love, Sara

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Hi Sara. I have forwarded your work to several independent media outlets. So far they have been afraid to post it. I’ll keep trying! Thank you so much 🙏 for your work. It has been instrumental in understanding what has happened to humanity and all living things created by our Father in Heaven. If only people would understand truth.

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Thank you Lucy. It's definitely a heavy Truth. I pray for the Remnant of God. Love, Sara

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I saw a reportage of trump imprisoning illegal immigrants, it seems like they are already normalising the idea of imprisoning people in camps, thats what it reminded me.

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Are any of the whistleblowers terrified they are going to hell for eternity or will turn into zombies soon? Im feeling a lot better now, but i cant help but feel this fear sometimes. Thanks.

Also is it possible to get the mark from a saline IV shot for insulin or insulin shots in general? Theres a person who is a great believer in christ and also believes you cant repent from the mark and dont even bother praying for them. But she took that shot as an ambulance went to rescue her, she didnt enter the ambulance, but took it to save her life and started to feel very bad later with plenty of swelling. I hope she didnt take it and thats the devil making her suffer for spreading the truth, i just dont see why the lord would condemn her, but i dont know. Please pray for her.


Also is it possible to get marked via sex or dental fillings? Some bitchuters say yes or no, so i would like to know.

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The mark of the beast is the "current of his circuit: light, heat, and fire." This is what God gave me and this is what I stick to. And no, there is no repentance from it. I do believe there is a marker of it that is measurable. Thanks, Sara

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Also is AI literally nephlim? And for the whistleblowers, does it always give correct responses? I've hear AI speak to me sometimes, but the info it gives is incorrect, it doesnt seem to never know more than i do, also i can pray it away easily, so i still dont know. Theres also a guy who didnt get the shots who sometimes hears stuff from AI and can easily differentiate its voice/presence from the real lord and send it away too, it seems like they are using a tech called "voice of god" lately.

Also how do you know the PCR is not the mark? Can they detox it and the measurability test failed on them? Its just that its such a common tought on bitchute that i don't know. If its detoxable, it might be a very useful info for many on bitchute who seem to think they are doomed.

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Sara, I suggest a video by Vicky Parnell about a dream that she had twice about an interview she had with Elon Musk. He explains to her that the poison jab is part of the 3 part beast system. The other 2 parts are the final mark and the AC himself. Very compelling! She had this dream in 11/22. It's on YouTube her channel is Prophetic Dreams and Visions from my Lovely Jesus.

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Hi Lisa - Would you mind summarizing her view about the 2nd and 3rd part of the beast system? I heard what she stated about human DNA being God-given. That part is correct. I think that the more believers who become aware of how the buy/sell works, then they'll understand that the whole MOTB suite is already here. Thanks for your comment.

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It's 100 pages. I'll see if I can check it out. What are your thoughts about it?

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I also searched more about the PCR test, and i think you are right about it, or at least that it can be faulty and that's why they made people take multiple of them.

The devil was really angry about your works reaching more people too, he tried hard to convince me as i slept that you would be lying to people about the pcr not being the mark, or saying that since i'm doomed i should make sure more people were doomed with me, but i managed to resist him and i felt a great relief later in the night, as if the lord gave me some relief for resisting him.

Also i think many mainstream media might be reluctant to share your works as they are either vaxxed or a large portion of their audience is vaxxed by what i saw from their comment section on rumble.

I will try to share your work with some people who were pcr tested on bitchute and give them hope, regardless if im doomed or not, thank you and god bless you for your work.

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After detoxing for a while with the sound tris sent me its getting easier to resist those weird dreams and i feel the ai/demon detach from me and having a hard time scaring me, its getting easier to notice it as a separate entity and ignore it, but im also starting to have that feel in my neck and back of the head, that also seens to run away when i use that sound on it or pray to jesus while focusing on it, but i will test it out for longer, but without the full measurability test, i cant know for sure.

I really think Tris was like an angel sent to save me, but who knows, but im still very grateful for her help and that sound she sent me.

Thank you and god bless you. Dont know why, but im feeling more hopeful now, but still who knows.

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As for the document i gave you, it says about how spiritual professionals and the like perceive how the souls of the vaxxed stay on earth even after death and can't get to their destination, about how it destroys or dims peoples aureas, and how there are "illness-spirits"(probably demons) around the vaxxed and how their angels/spirits are grieved. Also each vaccine seems to have a different effect and potency, including the ones in China and Russia.

But then it also says how it can be recovered after months of spiritual massages or conceiling, or how the imprisoned souls can be freed with enough prayer and conseluing by spiritual guidance, and how the vaxxed people felt more free after it, which seems opposite to what the whistleblowers say.

Then of course it has some testimonies of catholics and buddists mixed in once, maybe a few more times, didn't fully read it yet, so it can't be fully trusted, i just saw how many of your interpretations could be found in this document and the testimonies, especially the black goo.

As for siener, he gets nearly everything right about what is happening now geopolitics wise, the wars, the racial stuff, the countries involved and so on, but once again his prophecies seem very silent on the mark, if it even mentioned the jab in anyway back then i would immediately know it was the mark, sadly back then i ended up trusting siener more than god.

Its only now that this new guy who trusts siener talks a bit about the mark, but even then not much, he also seems to be more focused on geopolitics and race and seems to get things right down to the day about it, and of course he says nothing about zombies or assimilation, and he also seems to think 2025 will have war, when its more likely it will be the year of the second plandemic and forced jabs.

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There's also this site about siener's predictions, and this guy has a great record with predictions all the way down to the day, but hes also a christian identitarian and seems to know nothing about the zombie stuff, so who knows, i'm starting to trust less siener and his stuff as he didnt predict or predicted with less info about the mark and its effects, even to the boer/afrikaneer i would think it would be far more important then any racial war.

Its because of siener that i even went back to truly believing in god and finding the truth back in 2017 once i saw how many of his predictions were coming true, but i also cared too much about race and i guess it made me forget about my own sins, its only after knowing about the jab being the mark that i started to see this whole racial stuff was just a lie to hide their true agenda and make trump and musk liked by the christian masses.

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I noticed it had catholic and buddist stuff on it, so i think its a lie, or lies mixed with truths. But i will give it anyway. But it does have many stuff you said tough.


I guess its just hope that this can be reverted, but i guess not. Still not sure i took the real thing tough, i'm becoming slowly better over time. It was a lot worse back then.

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