I started having a problem with 👉🏼all👈🏼vaccines back in 06’ when I woke up. I wasn’t real grounded in the truth though until 09’.
My main problem then was I that I was in the military, and in the military refusing even the flu shot can land you a dishonorable or bad conduct discharge. And it just so happened that 2009 was the year they rolled out the Swine Flu vaccines. So I had a choice to make. Continue on the path of truth or sell out and take the swine flu vaccine. I already had 12 years in and only needed 8 more years to retire.
Long story short… I was on fire for the truth and sticking to my guns was a no brainer. NO MORE TOXIC CRAP WAS EVER GOING INTO MY BODY AGAIN. I had already started following the dietary laws as well so I was, and still am, serious about what goes inside my body.
The most high was with me the whole way. I even had people in the military who had my back and I ended up getting an honorable discharge and even kept my GI Bill. BUT i received so much persecution from my family because I was so close to retiring and getting that pension for life.
Fast forward to Covid. I had already been through the whole thing with the swine flu so it was another no brainer. I seen it coming a mile away. I did have to give up two great paying jobs for not playing their stupid covid vaccine games and nasal testing garbage. And get this… one of my jobs actually accepted my religious exemption BUT THEN PUT ME IN CHARGE OF TESTING OTHER PEOPLE!!! I mean you can’t make this stuff up! I was outta there! Deuces!
Every time I stuck to my guns, and stood up for truth, the most high always had my back and there was another job waiting on me.
I could really go on and on. I got out of Babylon aka the virgin daughter of Babylon aka America and left the country for an entire year and the most high was with me the entire time. The most high blesses the strangers in a strange land! Dont ever be afraid to flee Babylon like the scriptures says!!
Okay I’m rambling a little.
When you stand for the truth, and you stand for Christ, and you stand for the most high and the Holy Spirit… You will be blessed exceedingly.
Everyone here should read 2nd Maccabees chapter 6 and chapter 7 in their entirety to understand EXACTLY where our resolve REALLY needs to be when it comes to standing up for the TRUTH.
Much love all. Let’s focus on making it into the kingdom.
Wow! I love this account! Bravo for sticking to your guns. Seems like employers purposefully targeted individuals who submitted religious exemption requests, even if they approved those requests to avoid legal liability. Thanks for your comment. Sara
Tom, you might like this. Just found this video, but its exactly what the whistleblowers describe happening in the early morning hours: https://www.bitchute.com/video/mu27sp8Obb2M
Awesome find Tom! The "violent vomiting" is reminiscent of the exorcism films. The mention of the hacking of the brain like a "computer program" as well as "pixelated vision" reminds of the Assimilation whistleblowers. The sense of "infestation" might be from the black goo creeping vermin of artificial intelligence. I believe the "poison" they are referring to is the arrows of the Almighty when He is taking away a person's soul: "For the arrows of the Almighty are within me, the poison whereof drinketh up my spirit: the terrors of God do set themselves in array against me" (Job 6:4).
I woke up around 2011. After work, I often visited my neighbor (70 at the time, a refugee from East Prussia).
In the 1960s, she worked for a doctor who was married to a man 20 years older than her (he was active as a doctor during the Nazi era).
The doctor liked my neighbor because she had such integrity. She told her never to get vaccinated, it's only for stupid people. This statement hit me like a bolt of lightning and I ran to my little son (four at the time) and told him NEVER to get vaccinated again. I also pay close attention to this.
My neighbor gave birth to her son in the 1960s and never had him vaccinated; he is still in excellent health today.
Some time later, my neighbor told me about another incident. For many years she lived under the same roof as her narcissistic mother-in-law, who tormented her every day with harassment and gaslighted her all over the place. One day there was a smell of sulfur in my neighbor's kitchen and the devil was standing in her kitchen (please don't laugh), he told her that he would now get her mother-in-law for the bad deeds, the next day the mother-in-law was dead.
My neighbor also said that most people are not in the truth, but she liked me. Now whether that fits here or not, for me the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. God sometimes speaks to us through seven corners, but he gives us signs.
And in the years when they tormented us all with this C19 crap, I found even more of God. The Bible was never really a topic, but through my research I realized that it is important to deal with it.
My family and I have refused everything here in Germany, no vaccinations for over 12 years, no tests. And God guided us safely through everything.
Today I saw my old Bible on the living room table. I wondered who had looked in it. It was my son (17 years old). He started reading it on his own. Well, things just fall into place :)
Rage like Wroth, legacy of Cain. Please, if you don't mind, provide the main points of the video you shared. I watched a few bits but its quite long. Thanks.
This is film 3 of 4 for us since 2022 as to how we connect the dots to the midst of the trib coming up via RAGING zombie apocalypse. That's what the hivemind is for.
Over 1,000 zombie films have been made globally, it's Satan's number one predictive programming and it will be utilized for pushing the world into the kingdom of the slain and risen MBS/Edom with Judas in him. This is the perfect understanding on the matter as we prove all things with the evidence set before us RIGHTLY divided. The plot line of the netflix show "KINGDOM" with the idol shepherd crown prince on the poster.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJV - Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
More on our films here, which I highly encourage you to watch to add to your understanding.
Not a decode, just the perfect understanding and through faith we understand.
I have been public since 2020 sounding the alarm that the end starts when Esau di Arabia (MBS) does the deal with Israel and the stage is set for the final countdown, just look at the news on Saudi Israel normalization.
MBS was also jabbed on XMAS 2020. He is the vessel for Judas (the son of perdition) and his second coming.
The State of Israel is the smokescreen, the fake Jewish synagogue of Satan. They are not the true Israel. So biblical prophecies pertaining to Judaea or Israel have to be adapted toward the true descendants. I think the world will figure this out soon. lol
state of Israel = 201 with gematria for the Gentile controlled vatican power structure via her "the jesuit order" (201) militia that also serpent basptized the world in preparation for Judas' return.
Luke 21:24 KJV - and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
The beast will soon confirm the covenant with the current nation to start their final 70th week. THEN the mark comes to pass 42 months after mbs does the deal and is LITERALLY killed and resurrected.
Daniel 9:27 KJV - And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:
Israel the NATION doing the deal with the beast while Israel is scattered among the nations.
Isaiah 28:15 KJV - Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
What MANY don't know is that the beast is a child of Esau.
“For Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth.” 2 Esdras 6:9
What a video you have put together here and graciously shared with us.
It echoes the sentiments and feelings of many who have become ostracised by today's society. Who would have thought that the cover story for global tyranny and beastly persecution would be PUBLIC HEALTH.
Amen. It reveals the modern day "physician" as a type of "false christ" since one of the titles of Christ was Physician (Luke 4:23). "Doctor" was a title which no one else should claim according to Matt 23:8 (Godbey). Thank you for your comment.
This made me cry. Sometimes I forget the trauma, the loss of jobs,etc. You're right we are warriors!!!! I followed the little voice inside me and was fine losing a job and not being able to go to events and loss of family and friends. Those that wear a mask at least show themselves as to who they are so I don't even engage so that's a bonus. I have lost all respect for those that complied for any reason. In a battlefield I will only take the strong with me and those are the unvaccinated. We are about to be in round 2 again with the cancer MRNA shots coming. Good grief it's never ending. I guess that's the deal with the black goo you have to have continuous system upgrades. The lack of critical thinking was amazing to watch, I would've never guessed so many would be so brainwashed. I lived in Berlin for a while and learned more about the mindset of those there that ended up turning away and letting the horrors happen, moved back to the US in 2018 and then watched the exact scenario with the same playbook pretty much unfold starting 2020. I was screaming from the rooftops but obviously noone was listening. Now I don't even try, if you don't see it by now there is no hope for you to see it.
What a trigger but we survived profound levels of abuse, violence and exclusion by our own governments.
No doubt many more became TIs bcs they refused the vax.
These satanist Archons pushed me out of my home during this insanity. To get access to temp shelter they forced us to get tested. A week or two later I got COVID from one of my handlers‼️
He almost died and we were praying hard for his life to be spared. Maybe that was karma since he never even acknowledged infecting two of us much less even expressed concern nor regret😷🤕🤒
It was brutal having COVID and this handler was almost bragging about getting it at a tattoo parlour which was quite irresponsible and now that I know the devil was indeed in the details👿 We were given COVID intentionally for obvious reasons but it totally backfired like a boomerang🪃🪃🪃
I was divinely protected from ALL their attempts🐬❤️🦋
Hi Yolisa - I heard that people were evicted from their homes over vaccination status. Some went homeless. Blew my mind. Seems obviously illegal. It was all Satanic. I hope all is well with you.
It was brutal. Our building had been to court numerous times with management. Every year they jacked up the rent higher than was permitted and tenants would end up in court.
Rents were skyrocketing and there was a housing crisis, which has significantly worsened.
I’m shocked to see tent cities all over downtown Toronto now but I felt it coming from what I went through‼️
The MKULTRA targeting included destabilizing my housing. Their Op was often hanging around with my superintendent, our my building and the plaza close by. He would be drinking with all my neighbours and setting us up with drug dealers and all kinds of weirdos🤡🥸🧛🏻♂️
In fact the Op sent a slew of predators to our home at all hours from crackheads to Trannies so safety became a major issue🤔 I reported it numerous times to no avail leaving my family vulnerable.
At one point we were facing extremely cold temperatures in our unit. There had been flooding which worsened the situation.
I was forced to complain to the City who came to investigate. They agreed the unit was below regulations & I heard management was fined.
In retrospect I think the Ops were tampering with the electricity and power. They do that here. They can even trigger security and water systems.
It’s surreal to even think of. Imagine being secure all your life, good savings, good investments, good jobs then that’s all suddenly taken from you bcs of malicious bitter criminals who thought they could destroy my life & get away with it bcs I witnessed their criminality & corruption🤔
I was rescued by my sibling after literally having to escape from a shelter. What a nightmare🚩 I kept telling myself, “There’s a reason I’m here that God wanted me to see this!”
The shelters are HELL. That’s where many MKULTRA operations are tested - on the poor addicted unsuspecting homeless population.
Afterall, they’re “Expendable”
It’s miraculous to be home in Afrika after being terrorized in Canada after giving 40+ years of my hard earned labour, after paying taxes, having 2 babies & much more. I was made to feel like a “newcomer”, as if I had just arrived from another country.
Of course it continues but escaping the shelter “shitstem” as Peter Tosh called it literally saved my life💯🦋
Canada has become a very scary place to live with nefarious policies around euthanasia. Innocent people are getting sent to institutions then coerced into being “put to sleep”. Major organ harvesting is attached to this.
Still standing with the grace of Uthixo -God the most high❤️💫🐬
Hey, nice article… I have a story of my own but it would be too long to post here. I can give you a glimpse of it, though, here https://fionaforhealth.com/tricky-problems-right-solutions/ Near the bottom, the 2nd video I share in that post, you will find some people doing great work related to the electromagnetic assault on us (InPower Movement).
This comment might be a bit off topic, but I have often, as of late, had thoughts about the assimilated being the vessels that will fight the Lord Jesus Christ and His armies at the battle of Armageddon. And that “Dear MOTB” video you posted in the comments, where the guy says that when the assimilated souls die, their souls would be taken to be downloaded into the clone bodies prepared in underground labs ( if I am understanding that video guy correctly), seemed to remind me of this.
These clone bodies will be the vessels for the disobedient assimilated ones is what I am thinking.
I have been aware of these clone bodies which they have developed in underground labs. I was asking Jesus what they were for, because apparently they have developed many of them. What are your thoughts?
I do believe that the Assimilated are programmable units for search and destroy, and that God set them as a "mark against Him" for battle (Job 7:20). Yes. Very intense. Thank you for your comment.
Another excellent video, Sara. Always so timely. We recently heard 2 more people say that the "had to take it, because... [insert excuse here]" Sadly, most of my family took it, dismissing our many warnings. But we, the few of our family members who refused it, all felt the warning from the Lord from the start.
Amen! That's exactly the difference. God kept some of us from this evil. If anything, they were "forced" to sell their soul for the debt they owed for all the sins in their life. This is in the lyrics of the black goo music video "Bury A Friend" by Billie Eilish which explain the purpose of the injections ;)
Just saw the end of a 1960 movie on The Twilight Zone called Mirror Image. When she mentioned a parallel world/plane and copies of all people . . . wherein the copy would take over our real bodies because they needed them, it made me think of the vaccine and whatever it did/does to their bodies, those who took it.
Yes. The storyline of Assimilation has been repeated for decades: Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956, 1978) They Live (1988), Invasion (2007), The Host (2013) and Assimilate (2019) are just a few. The Mirror Image concept is a prominent theme of occult Freemasonry, the Alice in Wonderland motif of Through the Looking Glass to another world. Many of the black goo films have a character named "Alice" for this reason.
Hi Sara, do you think some vaccines might have been saline? I have tested the ble scanner app and some mac addresses appear at home, but never around me, they are always far away or in a certain area of the house, even tough i took 2 jabs and a swab test. I tried it with my mom and it appeared once, but not with the other family members. Whenever i try to search for the truth, my family always seem to have an almosst 6th sense about it and try to stop me from looking at it, so i have to be careful. I also tried the magnet test and they dont work at me except when im sweaty, but when im sweaty paper also glues on me. Thank you and god bless you.
Well i did end up becoming very scared after the first jab but i became better later as nothing happened, i became depressed and even suicidal after the second jab, but lately as i have read again about the mark i had some panick attacks, which i heard the lord say to trust in him and not go to the hospital, i would be fine he said, but i went anyway as he tried to confort me, later on the demons started to torment me with being doomed. Lately tough i have become better since i started to pray, i dont fear the demons anymore, i only fear the lord, they even tried another panick attack again, but i didnt fear them again and after a prayer they went away. Lately i feel very good, the demons seem powerless against me, altough i still struggle with sin and the lord is trying to help me with that.
I've also had a fatty liver since last year, altough it diminished into almost nothing when i started to eat healthy and exercise. I've also had a cough too which didnt seem to disappear, which was common anyway as ive always catched a cold easily, but it has disapeared since i started to pray against it and now its pretty much gone.
Are you hearing voices in your head or having hallucinations? Do you feel pulsations traveling throughout your body like an energetic system? Like light shooting up and down the nervous system? Have you experienced any blackouts since your vaccines?
No blackouts, altough i felt like i was about to during one of my panic attacks. I am having loads of dreams lately, about what is going to happen, sores and zombies, some happen to me, some happen to my family instead when i pray on them. I do feel headaches when im down, but i pray and they go away. I do talk with he lord a lot, bht i used to have the devil telling terrible things to me, but this was after reading about the mark again, before that i had none outside of the lord sometimes asking me to stop sinning and reminding me of hell when i was suicidal sometimes. I did have a scary panic attack after reading about zombies where i tought about eating my family and pets, i pleaded the lord to save me and he did, i felt in my body something entering me and giving me peace, and the toughts have never appeared again. No pulsations per se, but my heartbeat does go up a little when im having headaches or anxiety, but once again, i pray and they go away. It seems like these panic attacks always happens after i read about something that makes me feel like im doomed, otherwise im fine.
So in summary i had no blackouts, altough i almost felt like i was having one during one of my panick attacks.
No pulsations of energy either, altough my heartbeat gets faster when i have headaches, i discovered now prayer diminishes them and they only appear when im feeling down or scared.
No voices except of the lord lately, and of the devil soon after reading about the mark again, when i was feeling suicidal i only heard the lord reminding me of hell if i did that, he never left me, not even during my panick attacks.
No hallucinations either, altough i had loads of dreams lately about zombies, sores and the final judgement, some im doomed, others its my family that is doomed instead.
I also saw demons or had them tormenting me after reading about the mark again, but they always runned away when i prayed, lately they havent appeared anymore and i didnt feared them anymore the last time i saw them, not even my last panick attakc like event scared me, i only feared the lord, not them.
I didnt want to get them, but my family pressured me to keep my job, even tough i was already prepared to get out of it and get guillotined, i could feel the lord was really angry with the first, and just sad with the second, i didnt have the same faith or information or certainty at the time, only lately as i have read more about it. Yet i still can see signs on the wind that the lord speaks with me, or when i got my second panic attack, it rained right as i was about to go to the emergency, it was like the lord was trying to make me not go and to trust him that i was fine. And of course praying still works. The lord is also telling me to leave my jobs already and go with him, regardless if it angers my family.
It seems like a partially have some symptoms described, but not others. I also don't fear the demons anymore and they have pretty much disappeared lately, and i also seem to be very good at discerning the truth from lies lately as my holy spirits seems to tell me almost innately about it, even when i try to believe a lie, i just can't, i feel a near repulsion from it, far more than the truth, no matter how harsh the truth is, i can barely even finish reading the lie. And i feel a great repulsion from sin, even when i try, there's a very strong feeling to stay away from it.
I also did the measurability test, and some seem to fail, others don't. I don't feel any magnetic or energetic pulses in my body at all. I do have plenty of vivid dreams, but i always did, and once again if there's anything demonic on it i pray or say jesus and it goes away. I don't feel or say i'm a chosen one, in fact i became a lot more humble and sometimes even self hating after the jab, and the lord only says i'm still sinning and asking me to stop. I also don't feel any technology in my heart or the back of the skull either, the back of the skull in special i never felt anything on it, my occasional headaches are generally on the sides, and they only appear when i'm anxious, which to be frank i always felt even way before the jab. I do feel fear when seeing the truth, but lies downright repulse me far more, i can barely look at them. I have also read the bible and the word of god a lot more often than ever before, even if i feel terror from it, i just can't look away or ignore it even when i want to, it's like i'm drawn to it, i just can't pass much time without searching about it. I did have some psychotic moments, but i have always had nightmares and anxiety, which only started to disappear after i met the lord in 2017, then they returned for a while after the jab, than they disappeared entirely as i started to sin away, then returned after i started to read about the mark, and now have disappeared as i have prayed more. I also do feel or know that my family has a near 6th sense to keep me away from the truth, but i don't feel i'm necesarily targeted by any entity or organization or anything, never did, the devil did try to prove i was doomed, i saw some demons sometimes, but they have gone as i have prayed again, just like back in 2017.
Maybe i took the real thing or not. I'm not sure. So what do you think?
I would replicate the measurability tests to determine a link to the hive mind and marker of a demonic entity. Check for evidence of electromagnetic signals emitted from and routed through the body as well as the sound of the digital transmission at 2.4 GHz frequency.
Excellent video once again! I will share it everywhere I have an account!
You're awesome Johnny! Always on Fire! I hope our efforts encourage more folks to share their testimonies and to know that they are not alone.
Thank you, Sara
Absolutely!! What a relief to hear others' stories.
I started having a problem with 👉🏼all👈🏼vaccines back in 06’ when I woke up. I wasn’t real grounded in the truth though until 09’.
My main problem then was I that I was in the military, and in the military refusing even the flu shot can land you a dishonorable or bad conduct discharge. And it just so happened that 2009 was the year they rolled out the Swine Flu vaccines. So I had a choice to make. Continue on the path of truth or sell out and take the swine flu vaccine. I already had 12 years in and only needed 8 more years to retire.
Long story short… I was on fire for the truth and sticking to my guns was a no brainer. NO MORE TOXIC CRAP WAS EVER GOING INTO MY BODY AGAIN. I had already started following the dietary laws as well so I was, and still am, serious about what goes inside my body.
The most high was with me the whole way. I even had people in the military who had my back and I ended up getting an honorable discharge and even kept my GI Bill. BUT i received so much persecution from my family because I was so close to retiring and getting that pension for life.
Fast forward to Covid. I had already been through the whole thing with the swine flu so it was another no brainer. I seen it coming a mile away. I did have to give up two great paying jobs for not playing their stupid covid vaccine games and nasal testing garbage. And get this… one of my jobs actually accepted my religious exemption BUT THEN PUT ME IN CHARGE OF TESTING OTHER PEOPLE!!! I mean you can’t make this stuff up! I was outta there! Deuces!
Every time I stuck to my guns, and stood up for truth, the most high always had my back and there was another job waiting on me.
I could really go on and on. I got out of Babylon aka the virgin daughter of Babylon aka America and left the country for an entire year and the most high was with me the entire time. The most high blesses the strangers in a strange land! Dont ever be afraid to flee Babylon like the scriptures says!!
Okay I’m rambling a little.
When you stand for the truth, and you stand for Christ, and you stand for the most high and the Holy Spirit… You will be blessed exceedingly.
Everyone here should read 2nd Maccabees chapter 6 and chapter 7 in their entirety to understand EXACTLY where our resolve REALLY needs to be when it comes to standing up for the TRUTH.
Much love all. Let’s focus on making it into the kingdom.
Wow! I love this account! Bravo for sticking to your guns. Seems like employers purposefully targeted individuals who submitted religious exemption requests, even if they approved those requests to avoid legal liability. Thanks for your comment. Sara
Great topic. Here are a few more comments from the vaccinated as well. Blessings.
Tom, what is the host's name on that link you posted?
Here’s the link that I mirrored it from. https://www.bitchute.com/video/I79zb5gyktBV/
I think the original came from :
Tom, you might like this. Just found this video, but its exactly what the whistleblowers describe happening in the early morning hours: https://www.bitchute.com/video/mu27sp8Obb2M
Thank you. I’ll check it out.
Awesome find Tom! The "violent vomiting" is reminiscent of the exorcism films. The mention of the hacking of the brain like a "computer program" as well as "pixelated vision" reminds of the Assimilation whistleblowers. The sense of "infestation" might be from the black goo creeping vermin of artificial intelligence. I believe the "poison" they are referring to is the arrows of the Almighty when He is taking away a person's soul: "For the arrows of the Almighty are within me, the poison whereof drinketh up my spirit: the terrors of God do set themselves in array against me" (Job 6:4).
It’s really a perfect description. And to think about how long ago that was written blows my mind. Wow. Thank you for sharing that.
I DM'd you on the Substack Chat. Please see comment. TY
Thank you for the movie suggestion.
I will watch it.
Hi David - hope you are well. Thank you for your comment.
> If your price isn't Death, you're for sale.
Literally. Thank you for your comment :)
2.094 / 5.000
I woke up around 2011. After work, I often visited my neighbor (70 at the time, a refugee from East Prussia).
In the 1960s, she worked for a doctor who was married to a man 20 years older than her (he was active as a doctor during the Nazi era).
The doctor liked my neighbor because she had such integrity. She told her never to get vaccinated, it's only for stupid people. This statement hit me like a bolt of lightning and I ran to my little son (four at the time) and told him NEVER to get vaccinated again. I also pay close attention to this.
My neighbor gave birth to her son in the 1960s and never had him vaccinated; he is still in excellent health today.
Some time later, my neighbor told me about another incident. For many years she lived under the same roof as her narcissistic mother-in-law, who tormented her every day with harassment and gaslighted her all over the place. One day there was a smell of sulfur in my neighbor's kitchen and the devil was standing in her kitchen (please don't laugh), he told her that he would now get her mother-in-law for the bad deeds, the next day the mother-in-law was dead.
My neighbor also said that most people are not in the truth, but she liked me. Now whether that fits here or not, for me the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. God sometimes speaks to us through seven corners, but he gives us signs.
And in the years when they tormented us all with this C19 crap, I found even more of God. The Bible was never really a topic, but through my research I realized that it is important to deal with it.
My family and I have refused everything here in Germany, no vaccinations for over 12 years, no tests. And God guided us safely through everything.
Today I saw my old Bible on the living room table. I wondered who had looked in it. It was my son (17 years old). He started reading it on his own. Well, things just fall into place :)
Wow. What a beautiful story, and I'm happy for your son. Thanks for sharing.
We haven't seen nothing yet.
Psalm 46:6 KJV - The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved:
Rage like Wroth, legacy of Cain. Please, if you don't mind, provide the main points of the video you shared. I watched a few bits but its quite long. Thanks.
This is film 3 of 4 for us since 2022 as to how we connect the dots to the midst of the trib coming up via RAGING zombie apocalypse. That's what the hivemind is for.
Over 1,000 zombie films have been made globally, it's Satan's number one predictive programming and it will be utilized for pushing the world into the kingdom of the slain and risen MBS/Edom with Judas in him. This is the perfect understanding on the matter as we prove all things with the evidence set before us RIGHTLY divided. The plot line of the netflix show "KINGDOM" with the idol shepherd crown prince on the poster.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJV - Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
More on our films here, which I highly encourage you to watch to add to your understanding.
Not a decode, just the perfect understanding and through faith we understand.
I have been public since 2020 sounding the alarm that the end starts when Esau di Arabia (MBS) does the deal with Israel and the stage is set for the final countdown, just look at the news on Saudi Israel normalization.
MBS was also jabbed on XMAS 2020. He is the vessel for Judas (the son of perdition) and his second coming.
The State of Israel is the smokescreen, the fake Jewish synagogue of Satan. They are not the true Israel. So biblical prophecies pertaining to Judaea or Israel have to be adapted toward the true descendants. I think the world will figure this out soon. lol
I am VERY aware.
state of Israel = 201 with gematria for the Gentile controlled vatican power structure via her "the jesuit order" (201) militia that also serpent basptized the world in preparation for Judas' return.
Luke 21:24 KJV - and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
The beast will soon confirm the covenant with the current nation to start their final 70th week. THEN the mark comes to pass 42 months after mbs does the deal and is LITERALLY killed and resurrected.
Daniel 9:27 KJV - And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:
Israel the NATION doing the deal with the beast while Israel is scattered among the nations.
Isaiah 28:15 KJV - Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
What MANY don't know is that the beast is a child of Esau.
“For Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth.” 2 Esdras 6:9
No, I don't agree with this at all. The mark of the beast is already here, and myself and other warriors for God are proving it ;)
Winking is not good.
Proverbs 10:10 KJV - He that winketh with the eye causeth sorrow: but a prating fool shall fall.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJV - Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
The reason I reached out was to add to your understanding, but pride is hard to overcome.
You are NOT rightly dividing the word of truth.
MBS is the beast, it is a SINGULAR MAN with the number of his name being 666 which WE HAVE PROVEN. You haven't.
prince mohammed bin salman = 666 with gematria
mohammed bin salman = 942 which is 666 in base-12 counting
the mark of salman = 942 and it comes out 42 months AFTER he does his deal with Jacob by the midst of the trib.
the jab was simply to create the zombies to force people to the mark which is the unforgivable sin.
The Lord will hold you accountable for knowing this and NOT repenting (changing your mind due to pride).
2 Timothy 2:7 KJV - Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things.
What a video you have put together here and graciously shared with us.
It echoes the sentiments and feelings of many who have become ostracised by today's society. Who would have thought that the cover story for global tyranny and beastly persecution would be PUBLIC HEALTH.
The devil really pulled a wool over many eyes.
God help us.
Amen. It reveals the modern day "physician" as a type of "false christ" since one of the titles of Christ was Physician (Luke 4:23). "Doctor" was a title which no one else should claim according to Matt 23:8 (Godbey). Thank you for your comment.
This made me cry. Sometimes I forget the trauma, the loss of jobs,etc. You're right we are warriors!!!! I followed the little voice inside me and was fine losing a job and not being able to go to events and loss of family and friends. Those that wear a mask at least show themselves as to who they are so I don't even engage so that's a bonus. I have lost all respect for those that complied for any reason. In a battlefield I will only take the strong with me and those are the unvaccinated. We are about to be in round 2 again with the cancer MRNA shots coming. Good grief it's never ending. I guess that's the deal with the black goo you have to have continuous system upgrades. The lack of critical thinking was amazing to watch, I would've never guessed so many would be so brainwashed. I lived in Berlin for a while and learned more about the mindset of those there that ended up turning away and letting the horrors happen, moved back to the US in 2018 and then watched the exact scenario with the same playbook pretty much unfold starting 2020. I was screaming from the rooftops but obviously noone was listening. Now I don't even try, if you don't see it by now there is no hope for you to see it.
Amen Kristen. It all makes me cry too. There is so much fallout from all of this. We are still just scratching the surface. TY for your comment.
What a trigger but we survived profound levels of abuse, violence and exclusion by our own governments.
No doubt many more became TIs bcs they refused the vax.
These satanist Archons pushed me out of my home during this insanity. To get access to temp shelter they forced us to get tested. A week or two later I got COVID from one of my handlers‼️
He almost died and we were praying hard for his life to be spared. Maybe that was karma since he never even acknowledged infecting two of us much less even expressed concern nor regret😷🤕🤒
It was brutal having COVID and this handler was almost bragging about getting it at a tattoo parlour which was quite irresponsible and now that I know the devil was indeed in the details👿 We were given COVID intentionally for obvious reasons but it totally backfired like a boomerang🪃🪃🪃
I was divinely protected from ALL their attempts🐬❤️🦋
Hi Yolisa - I heard that people were evicted from their homes over vaccination status. Some went homeless. Blew my mind. Seems obviously illegal. It was all Satanic. I hope all is well with you.
That’s exactly why Babylon is falling🔥⚖️💯
Thanx Sara🙏🏾
It was brutal. Our building had been to court numerous times with management. Every year they jacked up the rent higher than was permitted and tenants would end up in court.
Rents were skyrocketing and there was a housing crisis, which has significantly worsened.
I’m shocked to see tent cities all over downtown Toronto now but I felt it coming from what I went through‼️
The MKULTRA targeting included destabilizing my housing. Their Op was often hanging around with my superintendent, our my building and the plaza close by. He would be drinking with all my neighbours and setting us up with drug dealers and all kinds of weirdos🤡🥸🧛🏻♂️
In fact the Op sent a slew of predators to our home at all hours from crackheads to Trannies so safety became a major issue🤔 I reported it numerous times to no avail leaving my family vulnerable.
At one point we were facing extremely cold temperatures in our unit. There had been flooding which worsened the situation.
I was forced to complain to the City who came to investigate. They agreed the unit was below regulations & I heard management was fined.
In retrospect I think the Ops were tampering with the electricity and power. They do that here. They can even trigger security and water systems.
It’s surreal to even think of. Imagine being secure all your life, good savings, good investments, good jobs then that’s all suddenly taken from you bcs of malicious bitter criminals who thought they could destroy my life & get away with it bcs I witnessed their criminality & corruption🤔
I was rescued by my sibling after literally having to escape from a shelter. What a nightmare🚩 I kept telling myself, “There’s a reason I’m here that God wanted me to see this!”
The shelters are HELL. That’s where many MKULTRA operations are tested - on the poor addicted unsuspecting homeless population.
Afterall, they’re “Expendable”
It’s miraculous to be home in Afrika after being terrorized in Canada after giving 40+ years of my hard earned labour, after paying taxes, having 2 babies & much more. I was made to feel like a “newcomer”, as if I had just arrived from another country.
Of course it continues but escaping the shelter “shitstem” as Peter Tosh called it literally saved my life💯🦋
Canada has become a very scary place to live with nefarious policies around euthanasia. Innocent people are getting sent to institutions then coerced into being “put to sleep”. Major organ harvesting is attached to this.
Still standing with the grace of Uthixo -God the most high❤️💫🐬
Wow. Yes, so many financial hits. The poor are very mistreated in Babylon. Then again, "it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven."
Hey, nice article… I have a story of my own but it would be too long to post here. I can give you a glimpse of it, though, here https://fionaforhealth.com/tricky-problems-right-solutions/ Near the bottom, the 2nd video I share in that post, you will find some people doing great work related to the electromagnetic assault on us (InPower Movement).
Are you referring to your video entitled, "Overcoming Symptoms: Part 1, Pain?" The other links I saw were of Cal Washington and Elana Freeland.
The Cal Washington video
This comment might be a bit off topic, but I have often, as of late, had thoughts about the assimilated being the vessels that will fight the Lord Jesus Christ and His armies at the battle of Armageddon. And that “Dear MOTB” video you posted in the comments, where the guy says that when the assimilated souls die, their souls would be taken to be downloaded into the clone bodies prepared in underground labs ( if I am understanding that video guy correctly), seemed to remind me of this.
These clone bodies will be the vessels for the disobedient assimilated ones is what I am thinking.
I have been aware of these clone bodies which they have developed in underground labs. I was asking Jesus what they were for, because apparently they have developed many of them. What are your thoughts?
I do believe that the Assimilated are programmable units for search and destroy, and that God set them as a "mark against Him" for battle (Job 7:20). Yes. Very intense. Thank you for your comment.
Another excellent video, Sara. Always so timely. We recently heard 2 more people say that the "had to take it, because... [insert excuse here]" Sadly, most of my family took it, dismissing our many warnings. But we, the few of our family members who refused it, all felt the warning from the Lord from the start.
Amen! That's exactly the difference. God kept some of us from this evil. If anything, they were "forced" to sell their soul for the debt they owed for all the sins in their life. This is in the lyrics of the black goo music video "Bury A Friend" by Billie Eilish which explain the purpose of the injections ;)
Just saw the end of a 1960 movie on The Twilight Zone called Mirror Image. When she mentioned a parallel world/plane and copies of all people . . . wherein the copy would take over our real bodies because they needed them, it made me think of the vaccine and whatever it did/does to their bodies, those who took it.
Yes. The storyline of Assimilation has been repeated for decades: Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956, 1978) They Live (1988), Invasion (2007), The Host (2013) and Assimilate (2019) are just a few. The Mirror Image concept is a prominent theme of occult Freemasonry, the Alice in Wonderland motif of Through the Looking Glass to another world. Many of the black goo films have a character named "Alice" for this reason.
Thanks for your comment.
Hi Sara, do you think some vaccines might have been saline? I have tested the ble scanner app and some mac addresses appear at home, but never around me, they are always far away or in a certain area of the house, even tough i took 2 jabs and a swab test. I tried it with my mom and it appeared once, but not with the other family members. Whenever i try to search for the truth, my family always seem to have an almosst 6th sense about it and try to stop me from looking at it, so i have to be careful. I also tried the magnet test and they dont work at me except when im sweaty, but when im sweaty paper also glues on me. Thank you and god bless you.
There are reports that the Bluetooth scan is not always a reliable indicator. What physiological changes have you experienced?
Well i did end up becoming very scared after the first jab but i became better later as nothing happened, i became depressed and even suicidal after the second jab, but lately as i have read again about the mark i had some panick attacks, which i heard the lord say to trust in him and not go to the hospital, i would be fine he said, but i went anyway as he tried to confort me, later on the demons started to torment me with being doomed. Lately tough i have become better since i started to pray, i dont fear the demons anymore, i only fear the lord, they even tried another panick attack again, but i didnt fear them again and after a prayer they went away. Lately i feel very good, the demons seem powerless against me, altough i still struggle with sin and the lord is trying to help me with that.
I've also had a fatty liver since last year, altough it diminished into almost nothing when i started to eat healthy and exercise. I've also had a cough too which didnt seem to disappear, which was common anyway as ive always catched a cold easily, but it has disapeared since i started to pray against it and now its pretty much gone.
I've also always had adhd, probably autism and anxiety, so my mental state has never been great even before the vax.
Are you hearing voices in your head or having hallucinations? Do you feel pulsations traveling throughout your body like an energetic system? Like light shooting up and down the nervous system? Have you experienced any blackouts since your vaccines?
No blackouts, altough i felt like i was about to during one of my panic attacks. I am having loads of dreams lately, about what is going to happen, sores and zombies, some happen to me, some happen to my family instead when i pray on them. I do feel headaches when im down, but i pray and they go away. I do talk with he lord a lot, bht i used to have the devil telling terrible things to me, but this was after reading about the mark again, before that i had none outside of the lord sometimes asking me to stop sinning and reminding me of hell when i was suicidal sometimes. I did have a scary panic attack after reading about zombies where i tought about eating my family and pets, i pleaded the lord to save me and he did, i felt in my body something entering me and giving me peace, and the toughts have never appeared again. No pulsations per se, but my heartbeat does go up a little when im having headaches or anxiety, but once again, i pray and they go away. It seems like these panic attacks always happens after i read about something that makes me feel like im doomed, otherwise im fine.
So in summary i had no blackouts, altough i almost felt like i was having one during one of my panick attacks.
No pulsations of energy either, altough my heartbeat gets faster when i have headaches, i discovered now prayer diminishes them and they only appear when im feeling down or scared.
No voices except of the lord lately, and of the devil soon after reading about the mark again, when i was feeling suicidal i only heard the lord reminding me of hell if i did that, he never left me, not even during my panick attacks.
No hallucinations either, altough i had loads of dreams lately about zombies, sores and the final judgement, some im doomed, others its my family that is doomed instead.
I also saw demons or had them tormenting me after reading about the mark again, but they always runned away when i prayed, lately they havent appeared anymore and i didnt feared them anymore the last time i saw them, not even my last panick attakc like event scared me, i only feared the lord, not them.
If you don’t mind me asking, what prompted you to get the 1st and then, 2nd jab?
I didnt want to get them, but my family pressured me to keep my job, even tough i was already prepared to get out of it and get guillotined, i could feel the lord was really angry with the first, and just sad with the second, i didnt have the same faith or information or certainty at the time, only lately as i have read more about it. Yet i still can see signs on the wind that the lord speaks with me, or when i got my second panic attack, it rained right as i was about to go to the emergency, it was like the lord was trying to make me not go and to trust him that i was fine. And of course praying still works. The lord is also telling me to leave my jobs already and go with him, regardless if it angers my family.
It seems like a partially have some symptoms described, but not others. I also don't fear the demons anymore and they have pretty much disappeared lately, and i also seem to be very good at discerning the truth from lies lately as my holy spirits seems to tell me almost innately about it, even when i try to believe a lie, i just can't, i feel a near repulsion from it, far more than the truth, no matter how harsh the truth is, i can barely even finish reading the lie. And i feel a great repulsion from sin, even when i try, there's a very strong feeling to stay away from it.
I also did the measurability test, and some seem to fail, others don't. I don't feel any magnetic or energetic pulses in my body at all. I do have plenty of vivid dreams, but i always did, and once again if there's anything demonic on it i pray or say jesus and it goes away. I don't feel or say i'm a chosen one, in fact i became a lot more humble and sometimes even self hating after the jab, and the lord only says i'm still sinning and asking me to stop. I also don't feel any technology in my heart or the back of the skull either, the back of the skull in special i never felt anything on it, my occasional headaches are generally on the sides, and they only appear when i'm anxious, which to be frank i always felt even way before the jab. I do feel fear when seeing the truth, but lies downright repulse me far more, i can barely look at them. I have also read the bible and the word of god a lot more often than ever before, even if i feel terror from it, i just can't look away or ignore it even when i want to, it's like i'm drawn to it, i just can't pass much time without searching about it. I did have some psychotic moments, but i have always had nightmares and anxiety, which only started to disappear after i met the lord in 2017, then they returned for a while after the jab, than they disappeared entirely as i started to sin away, then returned after i started to read about the mark, and now have disappeared as i have prayed more. I also do feel or know that my family has a near 6th sense to keep me away from the truth, but i don't feel i'm necesarily targeted by any entity or organization or anything, never did, the devil did try to prove i was doomed, i saw some demons sometimes, but they have gone as i have prayed again, just like back in 2017.
Maybe i took the real thing or not. I'm not sure. So what do you think?
I would replicate the measurability tests to determine a link to the hive mind and marker of a demonic entity. Check for evidence of electromagnetic signals emitted from and routed through the body as well as the sound of the digital transmission at 2.4 GHz frequency.