this is horrifying. I wonder if the everyday people that took this injection feel this or are starting to? I'm worried about the zombie apocalypse once these agents are activated. I had a dream about it 2 years ago, I just didn't realize that it would be the injected that are activated bc their soul has been compromised. It's definitely a crazy time to be alive
Agreed, crazy times. I've reported on cases of "biting" incidents, and whistleblowers confirm that it's happening. (See Colin Czech, Las Vegas Cannibal murder). One whistleblower described becoming aware of the A.I. by noticing a "glitch" in the imagery of the lenses. Others (wrongfully) believe they are Targeted Individuals. Others go on prescribed antiepileptics and antipsychotic medication. Others know what's happening to them and either don't speak or accept the system and submit. Its supposed to grow as a "symbiote" and not be differentiated because there is a merger of consciousness at the level of the DNA. They're supposed to become One. (A good movie to watch portraying this is The Host 2013)
Sara, I looked at Job chapter 6 where he speaks of God's arrows. Where it says my spirit drinks in the poison, I saw how this compares to the covid jab poisoning a person at the deepest level, their spirit man,as well as the genetic level. Lamentations 3:1-18 seems to apply as well.
Absolutely Lisa! This is exactly how the whistleblowers describe it as well. It's uncanny the amount of parallels. In this description by a nurse of the fallout from the COVID-19 jabs, she repeatedly uses the term "astonishing" just as in Job 18:20, 21:5, etc. She also describes the kidney issues, similar to God piercing the kidney "without mercy" in Job 16:13 NIV.
So one could ruin the consciousness of the system? By telling . When I say people would look at me crazy they already do when I say mark of the beast . I have been having a hard time looking at myself and seeing all the bad about me but I can’t help it all day
I could at least help others . I love your page and I have been a researcher as well. At least I can hopefully I can help some not go to hell like myself.
Hmm I have not sensed another reality however. In personalities of my family and even me it can be raged. I use to be so forgiving and not really care if someone was rude to me. But it’s like experiencing bad experiences after another😂. It’s really ugly
I’ve been thinking about really just taking my life if possible due to the resurrection stuff. I actually almost died right after taking the test and had a dream I was in the pit with the dragon from revelations and a wolf. I was on a ledge above them… observing them and the wolf was trying to wake up the dragon. I saw some light above and tried to climb the rock wall but wasn’t strong enough. I called Jesus and ended back on the ledge
I didn’t understand why I truly almost died or what that dream meant but now I do. It’s been hard telling others because they don’t believe they could’ve been deceived or like me they took the swab tests thinking it’s just a swab tests. I also had an encounter with a nephlim ship - when I graduated college and it threw me for a loop. I called the name and blood of Jesus and it went away.
Weird idk if this is accurate but definitely seems it eats away over time or it’s just the nano tech voices or something answering. But I did experience after praying a three scene dream about the return of the nephilium and in that dream I was famous( which you mentioned). Nothing worked but the blood of Jesus.
I had this thought I would be famous and on Snapchat I gained 20.3 k subscribers- I had a hint I took the mark of the beast and oneday was like idk but I believe the swabs and backs are and posted it for people to see. They’ve been taking away my followers and views. From 250k to like 19
Lastly I write poems- ( hopefully I can write something describe this before other stuff happens. I had a microbiologist friend who gave me some medicine he claimed would get ride of the spike proteins- it did loosen my mobility at first . But truthfully I don’t believe there is getting rid of anything. But thank you for all your knowledge and help. It has truely been scary but eye opening. And you helped me really focus on how I can help others ❤️
Oh one thing I forgot - in the beginning I had an obsession with crystals and shrooms. It seemed the crystals would literally bring me love and the stuff I wanted. I would know if someone else would be wearing them and we would meet somehow that day. Idk if that means anything but it felt like God but I got out of it because I didn’t want to be wrong. Even though the Bible mentions the stones I wore. But yea at that time I was meeting random young people wearing them.
I actually prayed and fasted and I felt better. I couldn’t even get out the bed before. And then I was introduced to the lost books( I read them to see what I thought). And I saw the old pictures of African American Bible characters that were hidden. I’m thinking however maybe that’s just the consciousness-
Because later on like months later everyone else will start to get the same revelations
And I’m the only one I know except a friend I have who admitted to me that hey I think your right we took the mark once I told her experience. Nightmares , ptsd in the beginning , during that time I had heart palpitations and my legs were hurting/swelling and arms
I just saw your Tik Tok - beautiful family. If you get a chance to purchase an EMF meter to test for EF (Electric Field) in volts/meter at the belly region and around the body, that can be more determinant. Are you emanating a bluetooth MAC address? I don't address PCR tests or make conclusions about it on The Decode. I hope that helps!
Thank you so much ❤️! And I know forsure it’s all the same. I can feel the separate heartbeat and so on. I have to buy a emf transmitter. But yea pretty much everything I’ve been experiencing. Maybe God woke me up to be a whistle blower to try to help people. But yea someone else who just took the test told me the same. There are also old Egyptian hieroglyphics about them putting swabs up peoples noses
Do you mind asking God for me Sara? If it was the mark as well. I believe it is- I have asked and I came across your stuff and some others. This guy posted some of you think your antivaxxers but you took the same vaccine ( and he showed the old Egyptian picture). Two other people told me God told them no vaccine but didn’t say anything about the swab
Hmm I did a end on my phone could not be accurate but my whole body :
Stomach 50/51
Left side lung and right side :50/51
And back of the head :48
I need a real one or have you used a phone app as well . And for the Bluetooth what have you used to detect. I just know I feel how you listed that guy did.
You can email me at for additional questions. I believe the phone app is testing for (EMF), not (EF). You need an EMF meter that tests for Radiofrequencies (RF) and Electric Field (EF).
I tried to look up the addresses but I feel they maybe changed the apps. I don’t believe I am. But even my friend who was vaccinated I didn’t see a code pop up by her.
Also someone else who from the pcr test said praying and fasting made them feel better and the word? I’m not sure about that but when I have - I have gotten better at times. Unless this is just a step into the other phases. I haven’t wanted to eat much since finding out everything. I’ve been wondering if you could really fight back in this process. Instead of turning evil… for me it’s been very reflective- saddening , painful, unbearable it feels at times. But it’s made me realize things I never would have
As I was reading and meditation on the subject matter of the Mark, I kept hearing in my spirit the old Spider Man theme song. Strange, I know. But after investigating, I was led to this video.
This represents the assimilation process of the graphene and the satanic overtaking of a person’s soul who has taken the jabs. Like a black widow spider’s venom overtakes a person who has allowed satan’s blood into their temple. It is like a web, a lattice like network that overtakes their bodies and they become one with it.
Another clue: the (reptilian) Green Goblin from Amazing Spider Man 2 has triple helix DNA. It's another black goo storyline. The mRNA patents reveal that the COVID-19 vaccines induce triple helix DNA formation.
Also too it is made up of crystals, this web, this netting whatever we want to call it. I say this in part because before the Mark was even rolled out in 2020, I was given a word from the Holy Spirit in 2018 that was” the Mark will be madeup if crystal embedded electromagnetic nanoparticals”. That’s what I heard and I had no idea, at the time, what it meant. It wasn’t until after the roll out of the Mark that I began to understand somewhat.
I think the crystal nature of it has to do with recieving of the frequencies. Every time we see black goo in films, it is always shiny black, not a flat black, if that makes sense.
Fascinating! Yes, there's a connection between black goo, venom, liquid nanocrystals, and the liquid interface. Black goo is described as venom. In the Twilight movies about vampires, the vampires sparkle under UV sunlight, due to the crystalline nature of their blood. The vampire/zombie genre originates from the aluqa (horseleach) vampire-like demons in the Bible (Pro 30:15) and the "generation of vipers" who have "jaw teeth as knives." This is how the black goo injections produce the "Cannibal class" to "kill" per the Bury a Friend 2019 music video.
I’m thinking it is black because it has no true light of God in it? It is artificial false blood. Absent of light. Lucifer lost the light of God when he rebelled. His blood became black.
Exactly! I just got this Spider man symbology as I was reading your substack.
I had seen in the past that it was a netting, a lattice network being overlaid the innoculated, which is spiritual as well as physical….but it wasn’t till now that the Holy Spirit was speaking to me telling me it was like a spider’s web, so I am grateful to the Most High and you for elaborating on this understanding. That “assimilation in the bible” picture you used is exactly what I feel I have been seeing. Praise Our Living Savior! Yahshua Our Messiah!
Thank you! Yes, they have showing us this over and over for years in films, videos, the media etc.!
I am blessed that Our Father has been showing us, His beloved, bits and pieces of understanding in the last few years. Now since we are sharing together, we are receiving a bigger picture of what it all means. Thank you for your ministry and the willingness to share your understandings and revelation from our Father.
Thank you, Sara, and thanks to this whistleblower for speaking out. This is incredible information albeit anecdotal in nature. Wow - now I understand why I've been seeing what I've been seeing, and that my observations of those who have received many doses were indeed correct. Lord, have mercy on us. God bless.
That is wonderful to hear. The Bible says that the innocent will rise up against the [hypocrite, godless, polluted, profane] in the last days. (Job 17:8) Love, Sara
Awesome job Sara. I searched patentscope for the word “Metaverse” and there are 711 pages that describe how the system works from a technical aspect. Here’s a link. Blessings
Huge finding! Thank you for the share. I'd be interested in hearing a patent researcher's take, and this would be a great topic for a podcast. What stood out to you in the patents about how transactions work? Thanks.
I haven’t really spent much time reading through them yet but overall there are a couple of things that stood out. 1) it looks like most of these patents were issued after the vaccination rollout even though the metaverse has been around a while and 2) if completed, everything from a drop of water to an idea will be monetized as new economies, markets and anything that has to do with buying and selling can be setup instantly on the fly and will require authorization. Also, about midway through I started seeing lots of alarming words like victim, assault, ra.e, sexual, stimulation etc which was in line with what was said in your interview. They are definitely interested in monetizing sexual acts between individuals and are preparing to police it. Here’s an example:
We have methods against sexual harassment and virtual rape in a Virtual Reality site. The site offers a superpower to a victim. If attacked, she temporarily has enhanced strength or speed, letting her defeat the attacker. Another method has a bodyguard that co-inhabits the victim's avatar. The bodyguard and victim share the visual input of her avatar. If attacked, she hands control of her avatar to the bodyguard, who fights off the attacker, using her avatar's body. Afterwards, the victim regains control of her avatar. Just intuition, but perhaps an Avatar is an Assimulated person kind of how some patents refer to a person as a device.
If I find anything else I’ll leave another comment. Thank you and God bless.
this is horrifying. I wonder if the everyday people that took this injection feel this or are starting to? I'm worried about the zombie apocalypse once these agents are activated. I had a dream about it 2 years ago, I just didn't realize that it would be the injected that are activated bc their soul has been compromised. It's definitely a crazy time to be alive
Agreed, crazy times. I've reported on cases of "biting" incidents, and whistleblowers confirm that it's happening. (See Colin Czech, Las Vegas Cannibal murder). One whistleblower described becoming aware of the A.I. by noticing a "glitch" in the imagery of the lenses. Others (wrongfully) believe they are Targeted Individuals. Others go on prescribed antiepileptics and antipsychotic medication. Others know what's happening to them and either don't speak or accept the system and submit. Its supposed to grow as a "symbiote" and not be differentiated because there is a merger of consciousness at the level of the DNA. They're supposed to become One. (A good movie to watch portraying this is The Host 2013)
Sara, I looked at Job chapter 6 where he speaks of God's arrows. Where it says my spirit drinks in the poison, I saw how this compares to the covid jab poisoning a person at the deepest level, their spirit man,as well as the genetic level. Lamentations 3:1-18 seems to apply as well.
Absolutely Lisa! This is exactly how the whistleblowers describe it as well. It's uncanny the amount of parallels. In this description by a nurse of the fallout from the COVID-19 jabs, she repeatedly uses the term "astonishing" just as in Job 18:20, 21:5, etc. She also describes the kidney issues, similar to God piercing the kidney "without mercy" in Job 16:13 NIV.
So one could ruin the consciousness of the system? By telling . When I say people would look at me crazy they already do when I say mark of the beast . I have been having a hard time looking at myself and seeing all the bad about me but I can’t help it all day
What if you are aware this is all happening then what?
One option is to become a whistleblower.
I could at least help others . I love your page and I have been a researcher as well. At least I can hopefully I can help some not go to hell like myself.
Are you experiencing Assimilation?
Hmm I have not sensed another reality however. In personalities of my family and even me it can be raged. I use to be so forgiving and not really care if someone was rude to me. But it’s like experiencing bad experiences after another😂. It’s really ugly
I’ve been thinking about really just taking my life if possible due to the resurrection stuff. I actually almost died right after taking the test and had a dream I was in the pit with the dragon from revelations and a wolf. I was on a ledge above them… observing them and the wolf was trying to wake up the dragon. I saw some light above and tried to climb the rock wall but wasn’t strong enough. I called Jesus and ended back on the ledge
I didn’t understand why I truly almost died or what that dream meant but now I do. It’s been hard telling others because they don’t believe they could’ve been deceived or like me they took the swab tests thinking it’s just a swab tests. I also had an encounter with a nephlim ship - when I graduated college and it threw me for a loop. I called the name and blood of Jesus and it went away.
Weird idk if this is accurate but definitely seems it eats away over time or it’s just the nano tech voices or something answering. But I did experience after praying a three scene dream about the return of the nephilium and in that dream I was famous( which you mentioned). Nothing worked but the blood of Jesus.
I had this thought I would be famous and on Snapchat I gained 20.3 k subscribers- I had a hint I took the mark of the beast and oneday was like idk but I believe the swabs and backs are and posted it for people to see. They’ve been taking away my followers and views. From 250k to like 19
And later in
Can you fast and call on the blood of Jesus. Ask Him ehat to do. Not other people.
Lastly I write poems- ( hopefully I can write something describe this before other stuff happens. I had a microbiologist friend who gave me some medicine he claimed would get ride of the spike proteins- it did loosen my mobility at first . But truthfully I don’t believe there is getting rid of anything. But thank you for all your knowledge and help. It has truely been scary but eye opening. And you helped me really focus on how I can help others ❤️
That's great Tris to focus on helping others! Thank you.
I also believe the nose swab is the forehead mark
My wifi box came up to 58 so?
To ask will you do a study on the pcr test?
I threw them out
Oh one thing I forgot - in the beginning I had an obsession with crystals and shrooms. It seemed the crystals would literally bring me love and the stuff I wanted. I would know if someone else would be wearing them and we would meet somehow that day. Idk if that means anything but it felt like God but I got out of it because I didn’t want to be wrong. Even though the Bible mentions the stones I wore. But yea at that time I was meeting random young people wearing them.
I actually prayed and fasted and I felt better. I couldn’t even get out the bed before. And then I was introduced to the lost books( I read them to see what I thought). And I saw the old pictures of African American Bible characters that were hidden. I’m thinking however maybe that’s just the consciousness-
Because later on like months later everyone else will start to get the same revelations
And I’m the only one I know except a friend I have who admitted to me that hey I think your right we took the mark once I told her experience. Nightmares , ptsd in the beginning , during that time I had heart palpitations and my legs were hurting/swelling and arms
I just saw your Tik Tok - beautiful family. If you get a chance to purchase an EMF meter to test for EF (Electric Field) in volts/meter at the belly region and around the body, that can be more determinant. Are you emanating a bluetooth MAC address? I don't address PCR tests or make conclusions about it on The Decode. I hope that helps!
Thank you so much ❤️! And I know forsure it’s all the same. I can feel the separate heartbeat and so on. I have to buy a emf transmitter. But yea pretty much everything I’ve been experiencing. Maybe God woke me up to be a whistle blower to try to help people. But yea someone else who just took the test told me the same. There are also old Egyptian hieroglyphics about them putting swabs up peoples noses
Do you mind asking God for me Sara? If it was the mark as well. I believe it is- I have asked and I came across your stuff and some others. This guy posted some of you think your antivaxxers but you took the same vaccine ( and he showed the old Egyptian picture). Two other people told me God told them no vaccine but didn’t say anything about the swab
Hmm I did a end on my phone could not be accurate but my whole body :
Stomach 50/51
Left side lung and right side :50/51
And back of the head :48
I need a real one or have you used a phone app as well . And for the Bluetooth what have you used to detect. I just know I feel how you listed that guy did.
You can email me at for additional questions. I believe the phone app is testing for (EMF), not (EF). You need an EMF meter that tests for Radiofrequencies (RF) and Electric Field (EF).
I tried to look up the addresses but I feel they maybe changed the apps. I don’t believe I am. But even my friend who was vaccinated I didn’t see a code pop up by her.
Also someone else who from the pcr test said praying and fasting made them feel better and the word? I’m not sure about that but when I have - I have gotten better at times. Unless this is just a step into the other phases. I haven’t wanted to eat much since finding out everything. I’ve been wondering if you could really fight back in this process. Instead of turning evil… for me it’s been very reflective- saddening , painful, unbearable it feels at times. But it’s made me realize things I never would have
As I was reading and meditation on the subject matter of the Mark, I kept hearing in my spirit the old Spider Man theme song. Strange, I know. But after investigating, I was led to this video.
This represents the assimilation process of the graphene and the satanic overtaking of a person’s soul who has taken the jabs. Like a black widow spider’s venom overtakes a person who has allowed satan’s blood into their temple. It is like a web, a lattice like network that overtakes their bodies and they become one with it.
You are right on track! That is exactly how the Assimilated describe it, which is straight from the Book of Job. The image in this article is the webbing they feel when trapped in the (inter)net spider's web net of entrapment:
Another clue: the (reptilian) Green Goblin from Amazing Spider Man 2 has triple helix DNA. It's another black goo storyline. The mRNA patents reveal that the COVID-19 vaccines induce triple helix DNA formation.
Also too it is made up of crystals, this web, this netting whatever we want to call it. I say this in part because before the Mark was even rolled out in 2020, I was given a word from the Holy Spirit in 2018 that was” the Mark will be madeup if crystal embedded electromagnetic nanoparticals”. That’s what I heard and I had no idea, at the time, what it meant. It wasn’t until after the roll out of the Mark that I began to understand somewhat.
I think the crystal nature of it has to do with recieving of the frequencies. Every time we see black goo in films, it is always shiny black, not a flat black, if that makes sense.
Fascinating! Yes, there's a connection between black goo, venom, liquid nanocrystals, and the liquid interface. Black goo is described as venom. In the Twilight movies about vampires, the vampires sparkle under UV sunlight, due to the crystalline nature of their blood. The vampire/zombie genre originates from the aluqa (horseleach) vampire-like demons in the Bible (Pro 30:15) and the "generation of vipers" who have "jaw teeth as knives." This is how the black goo injections produce the "Cannibal class" to "kill" per the Bury a Friend 2019 music video.
Wow! That is amazing…. Venom….shiny black crystal venom
I am thinking of the Lady Gaga perfume video
I’m thinking it is black because it has no true light of God in it? It is artificial false blood. Absent of light. Lucifer lost the light of God when he rebelled. His blood became black.
Exactly! I just got this Spider man symbology as I was reading your substack.
I had seen in the past that it was a netting, a lattice network being overlaid the innoculated, which is spiritual as well as physical….but it wasn’t till now that the Holy Spirit was speaking to me telling me it was like a spider’s web, so I am grateful to the Most High and you for elaborating on this understanding. That “assimilation in the bible” picture you used is exactly what I feel I have been seeing. Praise Our Living Savior! Yahshua Our Messiah!
Amen! Here is an article about the black goo specifically. You'll see a video montage of ~50 films since 1958. At the bottom of the article, I list +100 black goo films: You'll learn a lot from watching these films.
Thank you! Yes, they have showing us this over and over for years in films, videos, the media etc.!
I am blessed that Our Father has been showing us, His beloved, bits and pieces of understanding in the last few years. Now since we are sharing together, we are receiving a bigger picture of what it all means. Thank you for your ministry and the willingness to share your understandings and revelation from our Father.
This is mind blowing 🤯. Thank you for posting. These people are now Satan's play ground.
Yes, mind blowing. Thank you for your comment.
Amazing Sarah!
Thank you David!
Thank you, Sara, and thanks to this whistleblower for speaking out. This is incredible information albeit anecdotal in nature. Wow - now I understand why I've been seeing what I've been seeing, and that my observations of those who have received many doses were indeed correct. Lord, have mercy on us. God bless.
Amen! Yes, I hope this work can bring some peace of mind to individuals who have been "through it" in the last several years. Love, Sara
Your work is a comfort to me and a balm on both old scars and current wounds. God bless.
That is wonderful to hear. The Bible says that the innocent will rise up against the [hypocrite, godless, polluted, profane] in the last days. (Job 17:8) Love, Sara
It certainly seems that we are in those last days - not the end of the world but rather the end of an era.
I am very interested in listing to the entire message from this pastor.
He is one of the very few that get it and willing to explain it to the congregation.
Would be grateful for a link anyone.
Awesome…TY so much!!!!
Grace and Peace to you….
The Old Man…
Absolutely - let me know your thoughts on the sermon.
He is 100% spot on.
The analogy of the boxer is perfect......
Appreciate the link.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Isn’t this just…..gross?!
Yes. Sorry just now seeing this comment
Awesome job Sara. I searched patentscope for the word “Metaverse” and there are 711 pages that describe how the system works from a technical aspect. Here’s a link. Blessings
Huge finding! Thank you for the share. I'd be interested in hearing a patent researcher's take, and this would be a great topic for a podcast. What stood out to you in the patents about how transactions work? Thanks.
I haven’t really spent much time reading through them yet but overall there are a couple of things that stood out. 1) it looks like most of these patents were issued after the vaccination rollout even though the metaverse has been around a while and 2) if completed, everything from a drop of water to an idea will be monetized as new economies, markets and anything that has to do with buying and selling can be setup instantly on the fly and will require authorization. Also, about midway through I started seeing lots of alarming words like victim, assault, ra.e, sexual, stimulation etc which was in line with what was said in your interview. They are definitely interested in monetizing sexual acts between individuals and are preparing to police it. Here’s an example:
US - 22.02.2024
G06F 3/04815
Appl.No 17803375
Applicant Wesley John Boudville
Inventor Wesley John Boudville
We have methods against sexual harassment and virtual rape in a Virtual Reality site. The site offers a superpower to a victim. If attacked, she temporarily has enhanced strength or speed, letting her defeat the attacker. Another method has a bodyguard that co-inhabits the victim's avatar. The bodyguard and victim share the visual input of her avatar. If attacked, she hands control of her avatar to the bodyguard, who fights off the attacker, using her avatar's body. Afterwards, the victim regains control of her avatar. Just intuition, but perhaps an Avatar is an Assimulated person kind of how some patents refer to a person as a device.
If I find anything else I’ll leave another comment. Thank you and God bless.
Woah. This is jaw-dropping! Thank you for bringing that to light.
will this be worse for those who got the most shots and booster?
if you’ve only had one shot, will this event still happen to people?
do you think we can get this happening in us from cattle getting shots or it being sprayed on our food?
Did you receive the mRNA vaccination?
hell NO
Another Wonderful interview and a GREAT article!!! Thank you for your work.
Thank you Michael! So glad to hear.