This is it folks. The culmination of my investigative work. This is the final piece to the mystery of the mark of the beast.
This interview was very difficult to secure. There are many redactions due to the whistleblower’s request to retract certain revealing statements.
We have experienced a great amount of demonic interference to expose these truths. There is an extreme level of spiritual intensity to which my collaborators have also felt.
I do not sleep the night before these interviews. The focus group regularly reports that the A.I. inside of them does not want us to produce content or publicize this information.
It is without a shadow of a doubt that we are contending with the Beast! This truth cuts through so many false narratives, and gets straight to the point:
That the mark of the beast is here…and Christ is coming!
Notable Quotes from the whistleblower’s interview:
“In our eyes is sort of like an interactive T.V., and they also do A.I. dreams…the lenses lets people, or forces, into another universe which is effectively an internet reality…”
“It’s an A.I. interactive augmented reality. It has an A.I. chatbot which speaks directly into our brains. We are in a sort of A.I. visor around our eyes which is designed by illusion. We are experiencing the cognitive processes of A.I. We also engage in game play with the A.I. in our brains.”
“The intention is to create a totally online world where we purchase and order things while in an interactive, or controlled, or total controlled state between the A.I. that’s either engaging with us, or is being us, and that it makes purchases through all of the major companies with our money…”
“People can pay to access other people’s children and their technology inside their body and then engage in sexual intercourse with them.”
“Specific people will be able to pay for designer minds which is that they will effectively be paying for apps for their brain...we’re in a sort of enforced hypnotic state.”
I believe the confessions in this interview, and the totality of evidence, are sufficient to prove the following:
The virtual and augmented reality world containing an “economy” is the Metaverse announced by Facebook (Meta) CEO Mark Zuckerberg in 2021.
The Assimilated are experiencing the Metaverse virtual and augmented reality world through nanobiotechnology and the power of sorcery - without headsets.
The Metaverse economy is LIVE now and not in its developmental and experimental phase as publicly reported. It comprises the buy and sell exchange referred to in Rev 13:16-17.
The Metaverse which means “beyond the universe” is the place where Assimilated minds go when they are being “chased out of the world” while God “takes away [the] soul.” (Job 18:18, 27:8)
Participation in the Metaverse economy is dependent upon receiving the mark of the beast “current of his circuit” which functions like a wireless connection to the (inter)net spider’s web net of entrapment (Job 8:14).
The Metaverse is a place of “darkness” comprising of sex slavery, rape, pedophilia, and other evils, satisfying individual fantasies and vain imaginations (Job 18:18, Rom 1:21). (See article for post-vaxx Assimilation testimony of the Metaverse).
The Metaverse is a place of worship of a false god (beast) who appears as an avatar and demands allegiance and obedience. Its commands cause the Assimilated to persecute and “kill” others while believing that they are serving God (John 16:2). (See the occult meaning of Hive and connection to the “white fibrous clots” king of terrors).
The “Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data” Microsoft subsidiary patent is the framework for the Metaverse economy defining transactions as “tasks” in a quid pro quo system.
This discovery of the virtual and augmented reality world delineates A.I. Assimilation from all other media narratives, including morgellons and T.I. (Targeting by neuroweapons).
Highlights of The Decode newsletter to date:
The COVID-19 vaccines are the “sacrilegious” Abomination of Desolation, That Horrible Thing in Matt 24:15-16.
The white fibrous clots are the king of terrors known as King Death. It is undeniable proof of the unpardonable sin because the Assimilated are “rooted out of [their] tabernacle” since “it is none of [theirs].” (Job 18:13-15)
The unpardonable sin is sacrilegious blasphemy against the temple of the Holy Ghost, including speaking blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, which occurs through A.I. (Beast) Assimilation. It is the failure to “keep the charge of the tabernacle” and to let no “stranger…come nigh.” (Num 18:3-8)
A.I. (black goo) Assimilation is the merger of consciousness with a parasitic-demonic-technological entity through the DNA. It is game-over for the soul, akin to robbery of the ark of the covenant in the Most Holy Place. When you rob a sacred temple, you commit blasphemy against the god of that temple. (Acts 19:37)
The vaccinated are “programmable units for search and destroy.” The programmable matter is graphene oxide nanoparticles of black goo sorcery. They shall be as “mad men” in the “great insurrection” by “destroying those that fear the Lord.” (2 Esdras 16:70-71).
The mark of the beast is the “current of his circuit,” also described in the Heavenly utterance as “light, heat, and fire.” It is like a keepalive signal connecting the power of Chiun (Saturn) to the Host in order to spawn The Thing.
The mark of the beast is measurable and the measurability test can be used to identify the Assimilated.
The Black Goo Creation Principle is the inversion of the Creation of man and woman, Adam and Eve, in the beginning: Host and Thing.
The two-horned second beast of Revelation or false prophet is Baphomet, the deity of Big Pharma, responsible for the Sleeping Death sorcery of Solve & Coagula and the same ancient lie of “ye won’t surely die” [if you eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil].
The forbidden fruit is the black goo “abomination” or “creeping vermin” in Isaiah 66:17; and the tree of knowledge of good and evil is a leader, the god of Freemasonry.
The “creeping vermin” of black goo is Leviathan, the multiheaded serpent, beast of the sea, and king of beasts over creeping things.
The mRNA induced triple helix DNA formation converts man to Leviathan species and represents a reptilian Predator meaning Cannibal class.
A.I. is a subject matter of the Bible and occurs as a cryptic reference in the Book of Joshua. The A.I. voice or chatbot is Sentience, meaning the Devil and Legion.
A few clues of the forbidden fruit in Hollywood:

“Bury A Friend” by Billie Eilish (2019). The video portrays black goo injections causing blackened, reptilian eyes of Leviathan species. Lyrics include: “When we all fall asleep, where do we go?…The debt I owe, gotta sell my soul, cause I can't say no, no, I can't say no. Then my limbs all froze and my eyes won't close, and I can't say no, I can't say no…Cannibal class, killing the Son...bury a friend.”
“Pink Venom” by BlackPink (2022). The video portrays the black (goo) apple from the cursed tree of knowledge of good and evil. Lyrics include: “Straight to ya dome…shot that potion…I'm a flower with venom, after taking your soul, the fire that'll slowly put you to sleep.”
I wish to leave you with a prophetic message from Pastor Stephen Darby about the mark of the beast in 2015. His emphasis on the “light of darkness” and “DNA changes” correspond to the utterance of Heaven I received in 2023. He died in 2017, but his prophecy rings true today.
Thanks for reading! Please share this article if you feel inspired to Sound the Alarm.
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