A few new HUGE revelations recently!
(Brace yourselves…)
A few years ago, it was discovered that Parasite Egg Sacs morph out of the contents of the COVID-19 vaccine vials. These egg sacs release tons of eggs within just a few hours.
Q: Guess what the Bible calls it?
A: Cockatrice eggs.
Q: Guess what that means?
A: The Spawn of Dragons.
Here’s why…
“…for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a [cockatrice, basilisk, poisonous snake], and his fruit shall be a [fiery flying serpent, flying serpent, flying fiery dragon].” (Isa 14:29 KJV | JPS Tanakh 1917 | CEV)
“They hatch cockatrice' eggs, and weave the spider's web: he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper.” (Isa 59:5)
“Their webs shall not become garments, neither shall they cover themselves with their works: their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands.” (Isa 59:6)
“And Babylon shall become heaps, a dwellingplace for dragons, an astonishment, and an hissing, without an inhabitant.” (Jer 51:37)
In the black goo media narrative, three (3) outcomes can result from infection: death, mutation, or gestation. Cockatrice eggs can be implanted into the host through black goo cryo- needle injection. The black magic sorcery of pharmakeia is a key distinction between the “injfected” and “uninjfected” populations, as well as the PCR swab test group. It also provides support that except for sexual intercourse [bestiality], “shedding” is a transmission of lesser components such as “microbots” but remains distinct from Trojan Horse needle injection into the bloodstream which bypasses the immune defense garment of light.
Egg Cryopreservation. Through egg cryopreservation, cockatrice eggs are injected into the host through vaccine vials stored at sub-zero temperatures. **This process cannot be replicated through aerosolization, chemtrails, the food supply chain, or graphene contaminants.** It is akin to artificial insemination of frozen embryos. Through the sorcery of petrification, the basilisk-cockatrice-effect petrifies the host in order to hatch the fiery flying serpent aka dragon from the “rib.” Whistleblowers describe it as being “physically petrified” in the “petrification of [their] nervous system.” This is the Abomination of Desolation, That Horrible Thing, an apex Predator which results from the imitation of God’s Creation of man and woman perverted into the host and Thing.
This is Sleeping Death sorcery and the true meaning of “my limbs all froze” in the black goo music video called “Bury a Friend” (2019) by Billie Eilish.
So what’s happening? And why does it seem like the injected have altered personalities?
“And he, as a rotten thing, consumeth, as a garment that is moth eaten.” (Job 13:28)
“He is torn from the security of his tent and marched off to the king of terrors. His tent is set on fire, and his life is consumed by a viper.” (Job 18:14 NLT 2nd Edition 2004)
In the Sleeping Death poison-induced sorcery of Basilisk petrification, the host is trapped in a loop of time which is the Alice in Wonderland effect. Through Assimilation, the spirit is “rooted out of the tabernacle” and the body is inhabited by the King of Terrors, a murderous viper (Job 18:14 NLT 2nd Edition 2004). Their bodies are “set on [hell]fire” and reanimated by the demonic-parasitic entity on the inside (Job 18:14 NLT | NLT 2nd Edition 2004). The host experiences a type of brain death, all the while “rotting” from the effect of “poison drinking up the spirit.” (Job 6:4)
Hence, the rotten necrotic odors people have observed…
Because as God emphatically warned,
“…but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it. For in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die.” (Gen 2:17)
A reminder that this “tree” in Isa 66:17 is a type of “leader” called “The One,” and the forbidden “fruit” is black goo creeping vermin, an “abomination” of birthing fluid which can contain cockatrice eggs. This is hinted at in the black goo horror film series known as “Alien” (1979-2024) and “Prometheus” (2012) in which the birthed monster is also called “Star Beast” or “Dragon.”
Also, a reminder that these poisonous arrows are from God, a direct strike to take away the soul of the hypocrite (Job 27:8; 34:26). It means that God set up the injfected as a "mark for the arrow" with “His bow.” (Lam 3:12-13) By “His archers,” they were "shot" with the poisonous “arrows of the Almighty" as though “shot at a mark.” (I Sam 20:20, Job 6:4, 16:13) So God set them up for "His mark" as a "mark against [Him]” and “a burden to [themselves]." (Job 7:20, 16:12) They would become an astonishment on earth, not “spared.” (Job 16:13, 17:8, 18:20, 21:5). This is how He “takes away [the] soul.” (Job 27:8)
Why repentance is a moot point:
The “injfected” were Shot by God’s poisonous arrows to “taketh away [the] soul.” (Job 27:8)
The judgment for the sacrilegious Abomination of Desolation in the temple of the body is that nothing that “defileth” or “worketh abomination” shall enter the Holy City. (Rev 21:27) Neither shall “the abominable,” “murderers,” or “idolaters” enter. (Rev 21:8)
Assimilation is the “fate” of the “wicked” and “heritage of oppressors.” (Job 27:13 NIV)
God’s vengeance against the ungodly is “fire and worms” related to the black goo described in media as “fire at zero gravity.” (Sir 7:17, Jud 16:17)
It is the “hope of the hypocrite [heathen, profane, godless]” to be cut off by God. (Job 8:13-14)
Assimilation means their “salvation is passing [or passed away] like a Cloud.” (Job 30:15 Smiths | Peshitta)
Assimilation is akin to the “ingraft” or “graft into” the tree of knowledge of good and evil; terminology which also means "to inoculate" or "to prick in" in Strong's G1461 (egkentrizō).
Sacrilegious blasphemy is the unforgivable | unpardonable sin. (Matt 12:31-32)
Partaking in the forbidden fruit bars you from the tree of life. (Gen 3:22-24)
Whoever eats the cockatrice eggs must die, groping in desolate places as dead men. (Isa 59:5, 10)
The Assimilated [hived, ingrafted] will be “[lifted] up to the wind” and “[caused] to ride upon it” as their “substance” is “dissolved [or dissolves]” in the stormy tempest of “desolation.” (Job 30:14, 22)
It is a Speciation change to the (family) tree of knowledge of good & evil; The “Father” is “Corruption;” the “mother and sister” are the “worm;” and they become a “brother to dragons.” (Job 17:14; 30:29)
“They hatch cockatrice' eggs, and weave the spider's web: he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper.” (Isa 59:5)
Spider’s web: So here we have the deeper meaning behind the coupling of the spider and the snake in the Bible and in media. The durable silk produced in the spider’s abdomen protects egg sacs containing the cockatrice eggs. The spider carries and wraps the cockatrice egg(s) in silk web which will later hatch into a fiery flying viper aka dragon (Isa 59:5).
Venom. In 2018 a song called “Venom" was released by Eminem. Lyrics include the following: “When something's in your mitochondrial, cause it latched on to you. Knock knock, let the devil in. This medicine’s screamin. Think my skeleton’s meltin’. The smell of elephant manure, hell. To hit ‘em with the snare. This f- world better prepare to get laced because they're gonna taste my Venom. Thoughts spun like a web and you just caught in ‘em. Alien. This chokehold. I’m loco. Became a symbiote. My fangs are in your throat. You’re snake-bitten with my, venom. The Doc put me on. You only get one shot. I wait to face the demons I’m bonded to cause they’re chasin’ me, but I’m part of you so escapin’ me is impossible. I latch onto you like a parasite. You marvel that? I’m the suit.”
The major implications of this song:
The injfected were snake-bitten for opening a door to the devil.
Their demonic bondage is at the level of the mitochondria DNA.
The devil entered them (possession) through medicine.
They are ensnared in a web with chokehold.
The demon inside of them is likened to the creature from Alien.
They become loco- or psychotic.
One shot is enough to cause permanent bondage.
There is a parasitic creature in them.
There is no escape.
Their outer garment changes to the suit of the Devil or snake.
“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.” (Rev 13:11)
“But be ye not called Doctor: for One is your teacher; and you are all brothers.” (Matt 23:8 GNT)
“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” (Matt 24:24)

Forgers of Lies & Physicians of No Value. I believe that the second beast of Revelation is the two-horned Baphomet deity of Big Pharma sorcery (Rev 13:11). Baphomet Big Pharma’s ultimate objective was Solve & Coagula, the black magic sorcery of cockatrice eggs petrification. The caduceus medical symbol is an allusion to the serpent seed agenda of the Devil who was cursed to his “belly” in Genesis 3:14 and desires to get his wings back. The spawn of Dragons through cockatrice eggs is the meaning of the “bronze angel statute,” a figure hatching from an egg. Many “healthcare” practitioners promote cures for COVID-19 vaccines. But allopathic deathcare practiced by M.D.s and anyone prescribing pharmaceuticals, drugs, and potions is witchcraft and sorcery. Christ is the ultimate Physician, called Doctor. (Matt 9:12; 23:8 GNT; Mar 2:17; Luke 4:23) Those who erroneously use His Title position themselves as a type of false Christ, one of many antichrists (I John 2:18). These false Christs are of the sort who “[deceived] the very elect” in the COVID-19 plandemic era (Matt 24:24).
Assimilation is akin to the “ingraft” or “graft into” the tree of knowledge of good and evil, a concept which also means "to inoculate" or "to prick in" in Strong's G1461 (egkentrizō). It means that the “hand of God hath touched [you]." (Job 19:21) and is proof of the partaking of the Forbidden Fruit. (Job 19:21)
Disease. In 2024, a song called “Disease” was released by Lady Gaga. The video is proof that the second beast of Revelation is Baphomet, the two-horned deity of Big Pharma and allopathic deathcare which is a mockery of the healing ministry of Christ. Lyrics include the following: "Screamin, like you’re gonna die. Poison on the inside. I could be your antidote. I could play the doctor. I can cure your disease. If you were a sinner, I could make you believe. Lay you down, eyes roll back in ecstasy. I can cure your disease. You’re so tortured when you sleep. Plagued with all your memories.”
The implications of this song:
Allopathic deathcare doctors are a type of false christ, and therefore, one of many antichrists.
People sought after false christ wizard doctors rather than Christ to save their own lives; the folly of a sinner.
The “cure” or antidote for this “disease” is poison, implying a Set Up.
They experience Sleeping Death, being laid down with their eyes rolling back.
The results are torturous.
Parasite Eve. In June 2020, a song called “Parasite Eve” was released by Bring Me the Horizon nearly six months before the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines in Babylon. It displays the toxic, radioactive needle injection with the label “Hellwei” meaning the way to hell. The song wallpaper displays a worm emerging from an apple. Lyrics include the following: "I’ve got a fever, don’t breathe on me. I’m a believer in nobody. The end has arrived. We cannot save you. This is a war. It’s the Parasite Eve. Got a feeling in your stomach. I heard they need better signal. Put chip and pins in the needles. In that black hole you call a brain. This sh*t. Pathogens.”
The major implications of this song:
There is a microchip or integrated circuit with a PIN code in the injfected, likely RFID technology which may enable digital transactions through contactless payment.
The RFID is likely part of crypto- mining for the Metaverse “economy.”
There is a signal associated with the needle injection.
The injected were unbelievers and cannot be saved.
This is the end, and it is a war.
There is a creature in the stomach - which, as I have laid out in this article, will eventually spawn the Dragon.
More information to come! Please share if you feel inspired to Sound the Alarm. To get involved, learn more about the Comrades initiative here.
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