Back in 2021, someone I know now, was a nurse and didn’t want to get the Covid shot and was putting it off. But one day she was driving and was thinking about just getting it done with. Her husband called her and told her he had a dream that a snake bit her in the foot and she died. He told her not to get it. Amazing how God works!
I love stories like that. God intervened to warn so many of us. This is a testament to His goodness. There are also vaccinated people confirming that they received warning from God but still took the shot. Love, Sara
I also thought the shot was the Abomination of Desolation before I even knew about the assimilation. I thought it could change DNA. I thought it could be the MOTB but I wasn’t sure. I thought it could only be one or the other but is it both?
Also the passage in Matthew 24, Jesus talks about the temple being torn down but never talked about it being rebuilt again. And when people were dying suddenly after the rollout of the shots it reminded me again of Matthew 24 when Jesus said 2 men will be working and one will be gone and one left. I realized that prophecy was happening in real time.
I agree with you about the sacrilegious Abomination of Desolation. It comes with a serious warning from Christ because it precedes Great Tribulation. The Abomination of Desolation is referred to as That Horrible Thing. We learn from the Book of Job that the host has lost legal right to their tabernacle and is invaded by the King of Terrors. The mark means the Beast is in you and has right to your soul because you received the mark of his name:
There are people who say that the shot can’t be the MOTB because you will know and have to make a choice to choose to follow the beast. But I felt like so many people did make the choice to get an experimental substance injected into their bodies. Some did it so they could go to a concert or to an event or to travel. Instead of trusting in God regarding mandated for job they just folded fast. And the Bible did warn us about a delusion that even the elect will be deceived.
Yes, exactly. Under spiritual law, they did give consent. Whistleblowers confirm that the A.I. (Beast) states that they did consent by “signing a contract to take an experimental injection.” The matter of consent is also explored in the movie “Implanted” (2021). Ultimately, we each have to “keep charge of the tabernacle” and “let no stranger nigh.” (Num 18) The mark of the beast comes through deception (Rev 19:20) and this occurs by the “deceivableness of unrighteousness.” (2 Thess 2:10) The elect are truly deceived, and its one of the saddest, most surprising things I’ve ever witnessed.
As i said before, everyone got warnings by how weird things have been since at least 2016, and then 2020 was even a greater warning to the point even atheists noticed, but i guess some who were more willing to hear from the lord like me got a warning directly, but sadly most folded or ignored the warning.
That was heavy and I’m going to watch it a couple of more times. Great information. I thought you may want to see a video I clipped together almost 2 years ago. I titled it Cockatrice ? and there is a clip at the end of some blood samples that you may want to see.
Wow! Look at that! The convergence of our individual labor and insights, all towards the same inevitable biblical conclusion. Remember La Quinta Columna’s “Incubus” project to observe the vaccine vials in a reptile incubator? I am not aware of their conclusions from this project, but the name alone is revealing. Send me the link(s) to your channels, and I will hyperlink them in my previous article that I mentioned you in. Thanks for all your support Tom. I wish you all the best. Sara
Sister I am not surprised at anything anymore...not in this world of this world. I doubt that you could get away with saying these are things on YouTube why, I wonder, can you have this free speech on this platform? GBY
Sara, when you wrote “ hatch the fiery flying serpent aka dragon ”, that reminded me of mother hens sitting on their newly laid eggs, in order to “hatch”.
It is the mother hen’s body heat that hatches her eggs.
I’m wondering if the cockatrice eggs, latent in the injected, have already “hatched”, or, do these eggs become hatched or activated when “heat” is applied to them? I’m surmising that heat from the EMF frequencies are what activates the eggs.
I’m thinking of the 5/6 G frequencies.
I’ve watched videos of certain injected individuals who seem to be triggered by their cell phones near them. Their bodies go stiff and they appear to be seizuring.
Of course, we don’t know if they are “hatching” the serpent eggs at that time,but the frequencies are definitely doing something to them.
Perhaps it’s when they “turn up the heat” that the serpent eggs are hatched in the injected.
Woah, really great insight! Definitely worth exploring. The “heat” is relevant in terms of the “circuit” in Psa 19:6 and the “bones burning with heat” in Job 30:30. The whistleblowers describe the “heating” of the brain, nerves, skin, shoulders, hand etc. They refer to a “charge” that is generating heat and creating the Force - but the Force has to be understood through a biblical lense. (Job 30:18)
Thank you. You mentioning circuits- I know you’ve mentioned that word several times before in your substack. When you think of circuits, as in electrical circuits, you think of heat. At least I do. Heat and electricity go hand in hand. And EMF stands for electromagnetic frequency.
That’s very interesting about the whistleblowers- I had forgotten about their mentioning heating in various parts of their bodies, but it makes sense.
I’ll have to meditate/pray on this. When I wrote my comment, it made me think of the film “Cell” that many of us are familiar with.
Btw, if I haven’t mentioned it, I really appreciate your substack and ministry.
No one else is approaching this subject the way you do. From God’s biblical point of view. It all begins and ends with Him.
Sarah, I found this comparison to Job very well put together. There is a however, though. I am working with a young man now who was a teenager and forced by his father to get the vax when it came out. He is a great believer in the LORD, has repented, and is preparing for the days in front of him. I think one must clarify the cutoff for GOD to repent sincerely remains until they breathe their last or HE returns whichever happens first.
I know what the monks said that the demons told them. Hell is filled with the UN repentant. There is no one in hell that has repented - find me a scripture saying there is. I will not hold my breath because I already know it does not exist.
The convict on the cross was condemned and getting ready to have the death blow of his knees being broken when HE recognized and believed in the LORD and sincerely repented - his last breath and he was forgiven. That should be a reminder to all that no matter how dire it appears to us - the LORD knows the persons heart and will have mercy to those who HE will have mercy upon.
Leviticus 26 is the foreshadow of Revelation having 3 sets of 7fold punishments and with each warning GOD practically pleads with the people to turn from their sins and repent and turn back to HIM. This lasts until the day of HIS wrath/anger/hostility when the offer by GOD is no longer given. Leviticus 26 is Revelation 101. The covid is in Leviticus 26 described as the people gathered into the cities and a plague comes upon them and they are handed over to their enemies. Following that shortly after is the wrath.
Even after wrath GOD shows mercy and promises to remember the covenants HE made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. HE will judge as only a perfect judge can judge. That same convict HE granted mercy to mocked him before he “saw the light” and was told he would see Christ in Paradise.
Let GOD do the judging - be a John the Baptist and preach repentance and the LORD’s gospel until you have no breath left to do so.
Adding this - the three tests upon the world - #1 FAITH/ #2 HEALTH/ #3 FINANCES
The final test with biodigital convergence still awaits all and will be when the decision will be made to worship the beast or not where to make any transaction one will need to bow to the beast to do so. We still need to pass that test. None of us are done yet, except those who are no longer breathing.
Beast Assimilation is akin to the “engraffing or grafting in” to the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The same word in Strong's G1461 (egkentrizō) means "to inoculate" or "to prick in." It means that the “hand of God hath touched [you]." (Job 19:21) So to be hived or Assimilated means that God is “taking your soul.” (Job 27:8) The statement proves itself.
Regarding the videos of the “priest monks,” one of whom received the COVID-19 vaccine, even the demon in that audio stated that “those who receive the inoculation will be unable to repent,” because “I will be inside of them with the blood of the aborted fetuses.” The demon tells the priest that, “You belong to me now.” This priest says the shots are a forerunner to the mark of the beast – but this is untrue. This is not the sort of demonic possession that you can pray and fast away. Catholicism is idolatry, and the doctrines of these priests are flawed.
Regarding your statement about the “criminal on the cross” – did this criminal Corrupt the image of God? Did he commit the unpardonable sin? Did he Corrupt the glory of God into a beastly image? If the answer is no, then there is no equivalence.
Regarding your statement about Lev 26 – God is warning Israel (Jacob’s descendants) of His punishments for “not [hearkening] unto [Him]” and not “[doing] all these commandments.” He says, “if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant, I also will do this [verses 16-41 punishments] unto you.”
Regarding repentance – there is no repentance for the unpardonable sin nor the mark of the beast.
Regarding “Let God do the judging” – I do. He already spoke, and it’s all written in His Word. The “secrets of God are with the righteous.” (Pro 3:32). Good luck!
Yes, any man, woman, or child can be affected because there was a Corruption of the seed. Have you seen the videos of black eyes babies? They are not of God's creation. There are judgments in the Bible that pass to the 3rd and 4th generation. There are even heavier judgments than this in the Word. The sins of parents can cause the death of their children - just like the story of David and his infant son. This means, we all need to keep God's commandments with great great fear.
So does it even include the ones who were unable to say no or know what they were doing? Some videos of who were actually forced seemed to die instantly after getting the jab, but others didnt.
Is it possible for god to extend his mercy even to the marked, even if it doesnt mean actual salvation? Are there babies in hell?
If someone was "Shot" with "His poisonous arrows," then He set them up to "take away [the] soul.” (Job 27:8). The secret of the mark of the beast is that it is "His mark" to be set as a "mark against [Him]" (Job 7:20, 16:12). That's the script. It's not going to come down to my opinion, but what He is saying by The Word.
I already knew maybe it was the mark, and i felt a huge fear whenever my family talked about getting it, but the day came and my mom started to freak out about me getting out of my job and i end up falling for it. I asked again if it was the mark, and the lord showed me hell and asked if i wanted to risk it. Then the day came for me to get the first one, it was a scary military like facility, the lord told me to run, i could ferl him even trying to take over my body, but i froze and ended up taking it, a storm appeared soon after and i knew he was angry with me.
For the second one, i still felt fear of getting it, i was almost crying but my parents once again manged to conivnce me to get it, it was a random day as we walked around and didnt expected it, after it it started to rain, i could feel as if the lord was just sad and crying this time around.
But i dont know if the climate means much as i have noticed the lord seems to show some sings trouh it even now, when i felt overwhelmed and had a psychologist attendment i didnt want to have, it rained hard and she got a blackout. When i was being almost forced by the devil to worship him or hurting my family, he suddenly disappeared as i cried out to lord and a raining appeared the next ray, giving me another day before i got to trabel by bus, which would be a very bad place to have these feelings, so i dont know if the climate is accurate or not or even if i took thw real thing or a placebo.
I Do believe that if you took the jab or coerced someone else to. And you did it because you thought it was fit the greater good. Then you find out this was not the case or FAR FROM IT. BUT YIU BEKIVE IN GOD, A HIGHER POWER, A CRESTOR THEN YOU CSN BE SAVED IR YIUR SOUL.
AND THERE IS REMEDY OUT THERE FOR ANYONE THAT WABT TO LOOK FOR NATURAL ALTERANTIVES. In the firm of Homeopathy , Plant Tinctures, Salt / mineral / baths , Colloidal Silver, DMSO, CDS , etc etc
A 2017 survey revealed that 53% of "Christians" have never read the Bible. So its time to hold Christians accountable. The Bible is full of judgments, including the judgment for the unpardonable sin, but Christians cannot or won't articulate it. Anyone calling for repentance in 2025, especially in light of these post-vaccine murders, MUST first answer the following:
1. What is the unpardonable sin according to the Bible, and how do you commit it?
2. What is the mark of the beast and how is it received?
3. What is the Abomination of Desolation?
4. What are the disqualifiers for the Kingdom?
5. What did the COVID-19 sorcery shot "do" to the soul?
6. How do you explain all the bizarre phenomena?
7. Why are whistleblowers everywhere confirming that detoxing doesn't work?
8. Have you read the whole Bible, including the OT?
1) receiving the mark of salman, which has not come until the midst of the trib when MBS is killed and risen and then given out by the false prophet who is a literal MAN
2) the mark is BIOTECH not a vaccine INSIDE the RIGHT HAND or FOREHEAD, the cause will be to buy and sell and people could still buy or sell without the covid jab
3) the image of the beast which can speak and cause all that dont worship it to die which will STAND (literal) in the third temple by midst of the trib that will be a sign for Jews to run to the mountains when they SEE it as it is written in the scriptures.
4) For Gentiles: not believing in Jesus and having faith in his blood per Romans 3:24-26 gospel, for Jews: not believing in Jesus and keeping the commandments of God as witnessed to by Moses and Elias coming up when the beast MBS does the deal to start the end with Israel.
5) Corona juice was meant to mind control people to rage and lead us to the midst of the trib with the REAL mark of the beast still coming from MBS after being killed and risen.
6) The working of Satan for the 2nd coming of his son Judas via his mystery of iniquity program. SIMPLE.
7) Non-issue that cannot be backed up with scripture. I personally know 4 jabbed people with just testimonies of Christ in them, one of which who died and is with the Lord now because the covid jab was NOT the mark.
8) I read it according to his commandment in Romans 16 to be ESTABLISHED in the faith.
The mark of the beast interpretation on The Decode is the "current of his circuit; light, heat, and fire." Yes, it is received into the soul. It is here now and it is measurable/detectable. Sara
Hi Sarah, I do not know the bible to the extent you obviously do. That takes great dedication. My dedication , for the last twenty five years . Is to health and healing in the form of holistic medicines IE energy Medicine. Firstly with Homeopathy, EFT emotional Freedom technique ( tapping to release stuck energy IE phobias , addictions , PTSD ) Quantum Touch energy healing to release the past and hopefully heal it. To realign the skeletal system. And much much more. I also make 39+ Plant Tinctures . And those these twenty plus years. I have been able to help 95% of the people that have come to me. Firstly you have to want to be healed, as you are part of your own healing process, the biggest part. I like some many holistic practitioners. Are just the catalyst for that process to begin and if they wish continue. I do believe regarding the jabs and those that have been jabbed or have coerced someone else . If the did so in the belief they were doing the right thing IE protecting humanity. And then find out otherwise. If they truly reoent and ask god for forgiven, it will be granted. Gid is universal energy after all. And we all come from that source.To read the bible is in thing, to understand and interpret it is very different. And to each individual their interpretation will be different. And we can argue with those differences. But if we listen to our hearts and not our egos, I believe we will find the answers we are looking for ...
Thanks, but what you are saying is not biblical, and its getting innocent people murdered. The parameters of "repentance, forgiveness, and mercy" are framed by God through His Word. We cannot change this. I know of someone who has spent six (6) figures trying to "cure" the pulsating current. They won't find one because it is the mark of the beast. Hope that helps. Sara
The corona juice is just a serpent baptism to prepare the way for Judas and his second coming.
The mark of the beast (MOHAMMED BIN SALMAN) is still coming 42 months after he starts the end of the world with his upcoming Israel deal.
The mark of salman (942 with gematria and 666 in base-12 counting) will come to pass in the midst of the trib after his is killed and risen with Judas in him and that will SEAL the soul.
There is a difference between what John the baptist did with baptism and what God will do with sealing his servants in their forehead.
Our films PROVE all this as commanded by God
1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJV - Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
I addressed Rev 13:13 in the Sept 2024 article: In terms of translations, the modern KJV is different from the original KJV which included fourteen (14) additional books. The "KJV only" mindset doesn't account for this - also, God never said "only use KJV."
I can see why you don't give direct answers to who the beast and false prophet are because if you said them directly, it would sound silly, which it is.
Trump and baphomet is the beast and false prophet?
Trinity/baphomet/pharma is NOT the 2nd beast, it is ANOTHER man not a pharma system.
Revelation 13:13 KJV - And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
And he doeth great wonders
And he doeth great wonders
And he doeth great wonders
As for the KJB... stop making yourself the authority and not God who has his book as ALL AUTHORITY.
2 Timothy 3:16 KJV - All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Psalm 12:6 KJV - The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
For the readers' sake - the "beast coming up out of the Earth" in Rev 13:13 has two horns like a lamb and speaks as a dragon. This is Baphomet, the deity of Big Pharma. "He doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, and deceiveth them by the means of those miracles which he had the power to do..." meaning black goo [fire] sorcery and witchcraft (Rev 13:13-14). It leads those on earth to make an image to the beast [in the temple of the body], and through his [sorcery] power, the image is given life to speak [through Assimilation] and causes "that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed." (Rev 13:15) This is the cause for the murders that are happening now.
baphomet is Satan and that is a third part of the satanic counterfeit of the Godhead
"the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet."
Dragon is Baphomet and NOT the false prophet, that is another MAN to aid the beast (in your sad case trump)
the image is NOT the goo inside many right now. it will be a literal idol as was in Babylon
" fire come down from heaven " will be literal as Elias did on his first coming.
Speaking of Elias, where is he now if you think the mark of the beast was the covid jab? He should've been killed already before the beast ascends by 3.5 years after the start of the trib and when did the trib start?
Malachi 4:5 KJV - Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
I never caught people rejoicing after seeing the two witnesses killed?
Revelation 11:10 KJV - And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.
The trib has not started, the covid jab is not the mark and the beast is not trump
- trump is not a prince (mbs is a literal prince)
- doesn't have 666 to his name (prince mohammed bin salman = 666 with gematria)
- not the 7th king of Revelation 17 for a short space (mbs will be after king salman)
Back in 2021, someone I know now, was a nurse and didn’t want to get the Covid shot and was putting it off. But one day she was driving and was thinking about just getting it done with. Her husband called her and told her he had a dream that a snake bit her in the foot and she died. He told her not to get it. Amazing how God works!
I love stories like that. God intervened to warn so many of us. This is a testament to His goodness. There are also vaccinated people confirming that they received warning from God but still took the shot. Love, Sara
I also thought the shot was the Abomination of Desolation before I even knew about the assimilation. I thought it could change DNA. I thought it could be the MOTB but I wasn’t sure. I thought it could only be one or the other but is it both?
Also the passage in Matthew 24, Jesus talks about the temple being torn down but never talked about it being rebuilt again. And when people were dying suddenly after the rollout of the shots it reminded me again of Matthew 24 when Jesus said 2 men will be working and one will be gone and one left. I realized that prophecy was happening in real time.
I agree with you about the sacrilegious Abomination of Desolation. It comes with a serious warning from Christ because it precedes Great Tribulation. The Abomination of Desolation is referred to as That Horrible Thing. We learn from the Book of Job that the host has lost legal right to their tabernacle and is invaded by the King of Terrors. The mark means the Beast is in you and has right to your soul because you received the mark of his name:
There are people who say that the shot can’t be the MOTB because you will know and have to make a choice to choose to follow the beast. But I felt like so many people did make the choice to get an experimental substance injected into their bodies. Some did it so they could go to a concert or to an event or to travel. Instead of trusting in God regarding mandated for job they just folded fast. And the Bible did warn us about a delusion that even the elect will be deceived.
Yes, exactly. Under spiritual law, they did give consent. Whistleblowers confirm that the A.I. (Beast) states that they did consent by “signing a contract to take an experimental injection.” The matter of consent is also explored in the movie “Implanted” (2021). Ultimately, we each have to “keep charge of the tabernacle” and “let no stranger nigh.” (Num 18) The mark of the beast comes through deception (Rev 19:20) and this occurs by the “deceivableness of unrighteousness.” (2 Thess 2:10) The elect are truly deceived, and its one of the saddest, most surprising things I’ve ever witnessed.
As i said before, everyone got warnings by how weird things have been since at least 2016, and then 2020 was even a greater warning to the point even atheists noticed, but i guess some who were more willing to hear from the lord like me got a warning directly, but sadly most folded or ignored the warning.
That was heavy and I’m going to watch it a couple of more times. Great information. I thought you may want to see a video I clipped together almost 2 years ago. I titled it Cockatrice ? and there is a clip at the end of some blood samples that you may want to see.
Keep up the awesome work. Blessings.
Wow! Look at that! The convergence of our individual labor and insights, all towards the same inevitable biblical conclusion. Remember La Quinta Columna’s “Incubus” project to observe the vaccine vials in a reptile incubator? I am not aware of their conclusions from this project, but the name alone is revealing. Send me the link(s) to your channels, and I will hyperlink them in my previous article that I mentioned you in. Thanks for all your support Tom. I wish you all the best. Sara
Yes. Definitely confirmation from the most high. Here is a link to a playlist that I recently set up. It’s titled:
and here is the link to my channel on BitChute:
Tom’s Choice
Thank you and I pray you are blessed.
Great! I linked it. I will check out the playlist too. Thanks, Sara
Thank you for putting this information together!
Amen! Thank you for your presence. Love, Sara
Sister I am not surprised at anything anymore...not in this world of this world. I doubt that you could get away with saying these are things on YouTube why, I wonder, can you have this free speech on this platform? GBY
Thanks for your comment. YouTube censors so much, but I believe the Truth about the mark of the beast will blow up soon. Love, Sara
Sara, when you wrote “ hatch the fiery flying serpent aka dragon ”, that reminded me of mother hens sitting on their newly laid eggs, in order to “hatch”.
It is the mother hen’s body heat that hatches her eggs.
I’m wondering if the cockatrice eggs, latent in the injected, have already “hatched”, or, do these eggs become hatched or activated when “heat” is applied to them? I’m surmising that heat from the EMF frequencies are what activates the eggs.
I’m thinking of the 5/6 G frequencies.
I’ve watched videos of certain injected individuals who seem to be triggered by their cell phones near them. Their bodies go stiff and they appear to be seizuring.
Of course, we don’t know if they are “hatching” the serpent eggs at that time,but the frequencies are definitely doing something to them.
Perhaps it’s when they “turn up the heat” that the serpent eggs are hatched in the injected.
Woah, really great insight! Definitely worth exploring. The “heat” is relevant in terms of the “circuit” in Psa 19:6 and the “bones burning with heat” in Job 30:30. The whistleblowers describe the “heating” of the brain, nerves, skin, shoulders, hand etc. They refer to a “charge” that is generating heat and creating the Force - but the Force has to be understood through a biblical lense. (Job 30:18)
Thank you. You mentioning circuits- I know you’ve mentioned that word several times before in your substack. When you think of circuits, as in electrical circuits, you think of heat. At least I do. Heat and electricity go hand in hand. And EMF stands for electromagnetic frequency.
That’s very interesting about the whistleblowers- I had forgotten about their mentioning heating in various parts of their bodies, but it makes sense.
I’ll have to meditate/pray on this. When I wrote my comment, it made me think of the film “Cell” that many of us are familiar with.
Btw, if I haven’t mentioned it, I really appreciate your substack and ministry.
No one else is approaching this subject the way you do. From God’s biblical point of view. It all begins and ends with Him.
Thanks so much. Yep, this is definitely biblical! Love, Sara
Thanks Sara, keep pressing On. God Bless you.
Amen Peter - thank you so much! You too. Sara
Sarah, I found this comparison to Job very well put together. There is a however, though. I am working with a young man now who was a teenager and forced by his father to get the vax when it came out. He is a great believer in the LORD, has repented, and is preparing for the days in front of him. I think one must clarify the cutoff for GOD to repent sincerely remains until they breathe their last or HE returns whichever happens first.
I know what the monks said that the demons told them. Hell is filled with the UN repentant. There is no one in hell that has repented - find me a scripture saying there is. I will not hold my breath because I already know it does not exist.
The convict on the cross was condemned and getting ready to have the death blow of his knees being broken when HE recognized and believed in the LORD and sincerely repented - his last breath and he was forgiven. That should be a reminder to all that no matter how dire it appears to us - the LORD knows the persons heart and will have mercy to those who HE will have mercy upon.
Leviticus 26 is the foreshadow of Revelation having 3 sets of 7fold punishments and with each warning GOD practically pleads with the people to turn from their sins and repent and turn back to HIM. This lasts until the day of HIS wrath/anger/hostility when the offer by GOD is no longer given. Leviticus 26 is Revelation 101. The covid is in Leviticus 26 described as the people gathered into the cities and a plague comes upon them and they are handed over to their enemies. Following that shortly after is the wrath.
Even after wrath GOD shows mercy and promises to remember the covenants HE made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. HE will judge as only a perfect judge can judge. That same convict HE granted mercy to mocked him before he “saw the light” and was told he would see Christ in Paradise.
Let GOD do the judging - be a John the Baptist and preach repentance and the LORD’s gospel until you have no breath left to do so.
Adding this - the three tests upon the world - #1 FAITH/ #2 HEALTH/ #3 FINANCES
The final test with biodigital convergence still awaits all and will be when the decision will be made to worship the beast or not where to make any transaction one will need to bow to the beast to do so. We still need to pass that test. None of us are done yet, except those who are no longer breathing.
Awesome understanding & I agree as well. Sara brought an understanding beyond my years! lol 😃 Excellent work !
All the glory to Jesus.
Beast Assimilation is akin to the “engraffing or grafting in” to the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The same word in Strong's G1461 (egkentrizō) means "to inoculate" or "to prick in." It means that the “hand of God hath touched [you]." (Job 19:21) So to be hived or Assimilated means that God is “taking your soul.” (Job 27:8) The statement proves itself.
Regarding your statement that “some were forced to get the shot,” please see my response in this presentation.
Regarding the videos of the “priest monks,” one of whom received the COVID-19 vaccine, even the demon in that audio stated that “those who receive the inoculation will be unable to repent,” because “I will be inside of them with the blood of the aborted fetuses.” The demon tells the priest that, “You belong to me now.” This priest says the shots are a forerunner to the mark of the beast – but this is untrue. This is not the sort of demonic possession that you can pray and fast away. Catholicism is idolatry, and the doctrines of these priests are flawed.
Regarding your statement about the “criminal on the cross” – did this criminal Corrupt the image of God? Did he commit the unpardonable sin? Did he Corrupt the glory of God into a beastly image? If the answer is no, then there is no equivalence.
Regarding your statement about Lev 26 – God is warning Israel (Jacob’s descendants) of His punishments for “not [hearkening] unto [Him]” and not “[doing] all these commandments.” He says, “if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant, I also will do this [verses 16-41 punishments] unto you.”
Regarding repentance – there is no repentance for the unpardonable sin nor the mark of the beast.
Regarding “Let God do the judging” – I do. He already spoke, and it’s all written in His Word. The “secrets of God are with the righteous.” (Pro 3:32). Good luck!
So are babies, children, teens or the mentally disabled who got the mark also going to be judged?
Yes, any man, woman, or child can be affected because there was a Corruption of the seed. Have you seen the videos of black eyes babies? They are not of God's creation. There are judgments in the Bible that pass to the 3rd and 4th generation. There are even heavier judgments than this in the Word. The sins of parents can cause the death of their children - just like the story of David and his infant son. This means, we all need to keep God's commandments with great great fear.
So does it even include the ones who were unable to say no or know what they were doing? Some videos of who were actually forced seemed to die instantly after getting the jab, but others didnt.
Is it possible for god to extend his mercy even to the marked, even if it doesnt mean actual salvation? Are there babies in hell?
If someone was "Shot" with "His poisonous arrows," then He set them up to "take away [the] soul.” (Job 27:8). The secret of the mark of the beast is that it is "His mark" to be set as a "mark against [Him]" (Job 7:20, 16:12). That's the script. It's not going to come down to my opinion, but what He is saying by The Word.
What is the story of how God warned you prior to the shots? Have you considered sharing your story? I think its valuable. Love, Sara
I already knew maybe it was the mark, and i felt a huge fear whenever my family talked about getting it, but the day came and my mom started to freak out about me getting out of my job and i end up falling for it. I asked again if it was the mark, and the lord showed me hell and asked if i wanted to risk it. Then the day came for me to get the first one, it was a scary military like facility, the lord told me to run, i could ferl him even trying to take over my body, but i froze and ended up taking it, a storm appeared soon after and i knew he was angry with me.
For the second one, i still felt fear of getting it, i was almost crying but my parents once again manged to conivnce me to get it, it was a random day as we walked around and didnt expected it, after it it started to rain, i could feel as if the lord was just sad and crying this time around.
But i dont know if the climate means much as i have noticed the lord seems to show some sings trouh it even now, when i felt overwhelmed and had a psychologist attendment i didnt want to have, it rained hard and she got a blackout. When i was being almost forced by the devil to worship him or hurting my family, he suddenly disappeared as i cried out to lord and a raining appeared the next ray, giving me another day before i got to trabel by bus, which would be a very bad place to have these feelings, so i dont know if the climate is accurate or not or even if i took thw real thing or a placebo.
I Do believe that if you took the jab or coerced someone else to. And you did it because you thought it was fit the greater good. Then you find out this was not the case or FAR FROM IT. BUT YIU BEKIVE IN GOD, A HIGHER POWER, A CRESTOR THEN YOU CSN BE SAVED IR YIUR SOUL.
AND THERE IS REMEDY OUT THERE FOR ANYONE THAT WABT TO LOOK FOR NATURAL ALTERANTIVES. In the firm of Homeopathy , Plant Tinctures, Salt / mineral / baths , Colloidal Silver, DMSO, CDS , etc etc
A 2017 survey revealed that 53% of "Christians" have never read the Bible. So its time to hold Christians accountable. The Bible is full of judgments, including the judgment for the unpardonable sin, but Christians cannot or won't articulate it. Anyone calling for repentance in 2025, especially in light of these post-vaccine murders, MUST first answer the following:
1. What is the unpardonable sin according to the Bible, and how do you commit it?
2. What is the mark of the beast and how is it received?
3. What is the Abomination of Desolation?
4. What are the disqualifiers for the Kingdom?
5. What did the COVID-19 sorcery shot "do" to the soul?
6. How do you explain all the bizarre phenomena?
7. Why are whistleblowers everywhere confirming that detoxing doesn't work?
8. Have you read the whole Bible, including the OT?
1) receiving the mark of salman, which has not come until the midst of the trib when MBS is killed and risen and then given out by the false prophet who is a literal MAN
2) the mark is BIOTECH not a vaccine INSIDE the RIGHT HAND or FOREHEAD, the cause will be to buy and sell and people could still buy or sell without the covid jab
3) the image of the beast which can speak and cause all that dont worship it to die which will STAND (literal) in the third temple by midst of the trib that will be a sign for Jews to run to the mountains when they SEE it as it is written in the scriptures.
4) For Gentiles: not believing in Jesus and having faith in his blood per Romans 3:24-26 gospel, for Jews: not believing in Jesus and keeping the commandments of God as witnessed to by Moses and Elias coming up when the beast MBS does the deal to start the end with Israel.
5) Corona juice was meant to mind control people to rage and lead us to the midst of the trib with the REAL mark of the beast still coming from MBS after being killed and risen.
6) The working of Satan for the 2nd coming of his son Judas via his mystery of iniquity program. SIMPLE.
7) Non-issue that cannot be backed up with scripture. I personally know 4 jabbed people with just testimonies of Christ in them, one of which who died and is with the Lord now because the covid jab was NOT the mark.
8) I read it according to his commandment in Romans 16 to be ESTABLISHED in the faith.
Our latest film CORONA RAGE goes in on the upcoming zombie rage which the jab was MEANT for:
The mark of the beast interpretation on The Decode is the "current of his circuit; light, heat, and fire." Yes, it is received into the soul. It is here now and it is measurable/detectable. Sara
Interpretation is the wrong word, God uses that in his book to denote taking some language to another.
You don't have the understanding as to the mark of the beast. It is not trump and that is SIMPLE to disprove.
Hi Sarah, I do not know the bible to the extent you obviously do. That takes great dedication. My dedication , for the last twenty five years . Is to health and healing in the form of holistic medicines IE energy Medicine. Firstly with Homeopathy, EFT emotional Freedom technique ( tapping to release stuck energy IE phobias , addictions , PTSD ) Quantum Touch energy healing to release the past and hopefully heal it. To realign the skeletal system. And much much more. I also make 39+ Plant Tinctures . And those these twenty plus years. I have been able to help 95% of the people that have come to me. Firstly you have to want to be healed, as you are part of your own healing process, the biggest part. I like some many holistic practitioners. Are just the catalyst for that process to begin and if they wish continue. I do believe regarding the jabs and those that have been jabbed or have coerced someone else . If the did so in the belief they were doing the right thing IE protecting humanity. And then find out otherwise. If they truly reoent and ask god for forgiven, it will be granted. Gid is universal energy after all. And we all come from that source.To read the bible is in thing, to understand and interpret it is very different. And to each individual their interpretation will be different. And we can argue with those differences. But if we listen to our hearts and not our egos, I believe we will find the answers we are looking for ...
Thanks, but what you are saying is not biblical, and its getting innocent people murdered. The parameters of "repentance, forgiveness, and mercy" are framed by God through His Word. We cannot change this. I know of someone who has spent six (6) figures trying to "cure" the pulsating current. They won't find one because it is the mark of the beast. Hope that helps. Sara
The corona juice is just a serpent baptism to prepare the way for Judas and his second coming.
The mark of the beast (MOHAMMED BIN SALMAN) is still coming 42 months after he starts the end of the world with his upcoming Israel deal.
The mark of salman (942 with gematria and 666 in base-12 counting) will come to pass in the midst of the trib after his is killed and risen with Judas in him and that will SEAL the soul.
There is a difference between what John the baptist did with baptism and what God will do with sealing his servants in their forehead.
Our films PROVE all this as commanded by God
1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJV - Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
For the 100th time, do the self-promotion for your video on another platform.
You care not for truth and have NEVER tried PROVING how I am wrong with PRINCE MOHAMMED BIN SALMAN, heck, you don't even wanna mention him.
How about that recent mention by Saudi with pushing GLOBAL DIGITAL IDS
Yes, but where is the false prophet that deceived people to get the corona juice by means of calling fire from heaven?
Revelation 13:13 KJV - And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
Has not happened, Sara.
And you use the KJB along with satanic counterfeits, reflective of your mind.
Psalm 119:140 KJV - Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it.
I addressed Rev 13:13 in the Sept 2024 article: In terms of translations, the modern KJV is different from the original KJV which included fourteen (14) additional books. The "KJV only" mindset doesn't account for this - also, God never said "only use KJV."
I can see why you don't give direct answers to who the beast and false prophet are because if you said them directly, it would sound silly, which it is.
Trump and baphomet is the beast and false prophet?
Trinity/baphomet/pharma is NOT the 2nd beast, it is ANOTHER man not a pharma system.
Revelation 13:13 KJV - And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
And he doeth great wonders
And he doeth great wonders
And he doeth great wonders
As for the KJB... stop making yourself the authority and not God who has his book as ALL AUTHORITY.
2 Timothy 3:16 KJV - All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Psalm 12:6 KJV - The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
For the readers' sake - the "beast coming up out of the Earth" in Rev 13:13 has two horns like a lamb and speaks as a dragon. This is Baphomet, the deity of Big Pharma. "He doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, and deceiveth them by the means of those miracles which he had the power to do..." meaning black goo [fire] sorcery and witchcraft (Rev 13:13-14). It leads those on earth to make an image to the beast [in the temple of the body], and through his [sorcery] power, the image is given life to speak [through Assimilation] and causes "that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed." (Rev 13:15) This is the cause for the murders that are happening now.
baphomet is Satan and that is a third part of the satanic counterfeit of the Godhead
"the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet."
Dragon is Baphomet and NOT the false prophet, that is another MAN to aid the beast (in your sad case trump)
the image is NOT the goo inside many right now. it will be a literal idol as was in Babylon
" fire come down from heaven " will be literal as Elias did on his first coming.
Speaking of Elias, where is he now if you think the mark of the beast was the covid jab? He should've been killed already before the beast ascends by 3.5 years after the start of the trib and when did the trib start?
Malachi 4:5 KJV - Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
I never caught people rejoicing after seeing the two witnesses killed?
Revelation 11:10 KJV - And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.
The trib has not started, the covid jab is not the mark and the beast is not trump
- trump is not a prince (mbs is a literal prince)
- doesn't have 666 to his name (prince mohammed bin salman = 666 with gematria)
- not the 7th king of Revelation 17 for a short space (mbs will be after king salman)
But I have PROVEN who is: MBS