Since when did humans emit Radiofrequencies (Hz) and Electric Fields (v/m)? QR Code Barcodes and Product Numbers? Unique Identifiers (IDs) from RFID readers? Bluetooth Signals and MAC addresses? Only since the rollout of those COVID-19 vaccines…coinciding with the announcement of the Metaverse…
It is written that the heavens “uttereth speech” (Psa 19:1-4). As I have shared previously, God revealed the truth about the mark of the beast as the “current of his circuit.” And more recently, revealed that it is “measurable.” (Psa 19:1-4)
So I believe that God wants this to be known now.
Ironically, Star Trek: Picard, Season 2 Episode 3, “Assimilation” (2022), stated that “ID implants” and “vaccination chips” would be scannable in humans in the year 2024. Additionally, the series included handheld devices called ‘Tricorders’ which scanned for electromagnetic signals to identify hive-minded entities.
Today, this might look like a multi-spectrum EMF meter or similar device, something you might typically associate with ghost-hunting.
Because as Harvard published (and recently retracted) in their “Plasmons and Demons in Graphene” article, the demon is in the graphene! The lower frequency mode, meaning “sound, acoustic plasmon, or energy wave,” is the demon itself! This is why graphene has always been heralded as the “miracle material” and “wonder material” for its electrical, mechanical, thermal, and optical properties. It is a superconductor of electricity and amplifier of electromagnetism in the body. It can rewire electrical communication in the brain and amplify the effects of satellite signals and 5G towers. (See link)
(Image is an example of handheld meters; check Product Description to determine if it measures Electric Field)
So the COVID-19 vaccines contain transmuted graphene which the sci-fi/horror genre refers to as black goo. And black goo is black magic sorcery comprising of a shapeshifting demonic entity known as the “Abomination of Desolation” (Matt 24:15-16) and “creeping vermin” in Isa 66:17. Black goo is defined as fire at zero gravity in the 1997 film Event Horizon. The Son of Perdition known as “The Dark” emerges from a portal similar to the same (hell)fire comprising of Agent Smith in The Matrix Revolutions (2003). It is explained that fire at zero gravity is like liquid; it slides and comes out in waves. The sci-fi narrative suggests that this is how the black goo (Devil) travels from Saturn, the tabernacle of Moloch, to Earth; upon a “Black Rock” meteorite like the Kaaba Stone which contains black liquid inside. Unfortunately, this black goo is also the black kryptonite that disempowers Superman in the Smallville television series and can produce the same weakening effect on God’s people. (See link to black goo movie compilation).
This parasitic entity, like The Thing, maintains a telepathic connection to the hive mind, collective consciousness, or central intelligence of the beast, who wages war on the saints (Rev 13:7).
Hence, the urgency to Sound the Alarm for God’s people.
Here are the main points of the article:
The mark of the beast is the current of his circuit, a telepathic link to the hive mind and marker of a demonic entity.
The current is measurable by a device that is equivalent to the Tricorder which can scan for electromagnetic signals.
The Metaverse is LIVE now! Assimilated minds experience a virtual reality world while in an unconscious or semi-conscious state.
While unconscious, individuals under demonic possession carry out violent acts of murder, stabbings, suicide, etc.
The framework of the Metaverse economy is the Cryptocurrency Using Body Activity Data patent which defines transactions simply as “tasks.”
To buy and sell in the Metaverse, individuals must be connected to the inter(net) web of entrapment, and thereby must sell their soul in the Assimilation process.
Trump is related to Cain! The “Cannibal class, killing the Son” song lyric is a reference to Jacob’s Trouble and bloodline of Cain.
The COVID-19 vaccine transforms the species to serpent (beast) with the poison of dragons and venom of asps. They are the generation of vipers and aluqa meaning vampire-like demons.
The Matrix series depicts the mark of the beast, unholy Trinity, virtual reality world, and black goo Assimilation.
The Assimilation process and impersonation of the dead is described in the Bible.
Biblical Prophecy
“They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” (John 16:2)
“This is the great insurrection upon those that fear the Lord. They shall be like mad men, sparing none.” (2 Esdras 16:70-71)
“Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved out of it.” (Jer 30:7)
These scriptures forewarn of an era of great discrepancy between mind (thought) and body (action). It describes a collective of people who are deceived into committing murder; who are psychotic and ruthless, like mad men, in their attack against God-fearing believers. Frankly, it describes the effects of Assimilation; the absorption of the human mind by demonic consciousness, the merger of DNA to change the species, and takeover of the soul by a parasitic Devil.
I believe this is Jacob’s trouble in the height of Great Tribulation.
The Current of His Circuit
The mark of the beast is the “current of his circuit,” a telepathic link to the hive mind and marker of a demonic entity. The connection is wireless, powered by the heat of the circuit which manifests as boiling light energy received in the veins of the right hand and forehead (Job 22:14). In the Matrix, this is depicted in the scene where Neo (software) assimilates Agent Smith (of destruction). The energy is a type of power, the “power to give life” unto the image of the beast (in you) to speak blasphemy against God (Luke 12:10, Rev 13:6).
Assimilated individuals report feeling a blocking of their throat by an energetic pulsating current traveling up from the body and into the brain. It affects their own ability to speak. The A.I. (beast) often interferes with their speech, either speaking through the host or causing the host to recite the words of a script coded into their eyelids. See this article of a woman describing the Assimilation process as, “a pulsing current that moves in a circuit” throughout her body.
“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” (Rom 13:15)
Assimilated individuals have a technological connection to the collective hive mind (tree of knowledge of good and evil) because the (fruit) of it is the black goo (Isa 66:17). It is a technological link to share information across distances through radiofrequencies and other signals. In computer networking, this is referred to as the keepalive signal which travels through the keepalive circuit at regular intervals to maintain a connection and prevent devices from timing out. The hive mind operates through a network, so members can communicate telepathically. Because the electromagnetic signal is the link to the Collective, sensors can detect assimilated individuals. Assimilated individuals are no longer human life forms but more like droids who emit unique frequencies. This is because their DNA changed in the Assimilation process while nanobots transformed their body. It is a neural interface which connects their brains to the hive mind; in this case, a liquid neural interface of black goo to control the head and central nervous system.
“We are the Borg. Eliminate all Unassimilated.” (See clip)
The Borg in Star Trek are called Legion, and Legion in the Bible is an army of devils (Mark 5:9). Assimilation is not simply a technological transformation but a demonic takeover of the soul. As the storyline goes, the Assimilated will be ordered to destroy the Unassimilated, and this will likely occur during the height of Jacob’s Trouble.
A bluetooth MAC address is a code that identifies a device in order to enable connectivity within a network. The vaccinated emit a bluetooth MAC address which currently registers as an unknown device. See video entitled, “Blue-Truth Documentary: A Deep-Dive into The Vaxxed Mac Address Phenomena.” Just as Star Trek’s notorious feat “Into the Unknown” eventually led the crew to the Borg in the Delta quadrant, the unknown MAC addresses may refer to the “unknown god,” a mystery often epitomized by the letter “X” (Acts 17:23). The Bluetooth symbol is of two (2) ancient runes meaning “serpent in a tree.” Therefore, the communication in the IOB/IOT network is directed by Satan. As stated in this article, the Internet is the spider’s web net of entrapment referred to in the book of Job as the fate of wicked men.
The Assimilated experience the “current of his circuit” as a type of pulsating current zapping their hearts, central nervous system, and brain (See interview). It provides the transformative effects on the body as well as the wireless connection to the (Internet telephone) circuit. Some understand this to be a malevolent entity, demonic in nature, if they have knowledge of spiritual phenomena.
Also noteworthy is the phrase “current money” in Gen 23:16 which means “currency.” If the circuit is related to the inter(net), then the logical conclusion is that the “currency of the internet” can only refer to cryptocurrency, a type of phantom money. This points to the Cryptocurrency Patent Using Body Activity Data, where the mark of the beast buy and sell infrastructure is hidden in plain sight, as part of the Assimilation process.
Scanning Tests
The current is measurable by a device equivalent to the Tricorder which can scan for electromagnetic signals. The below video reveals that the vaccinated are modulating at a “particular band” in the electromagnetic spectrum because they emit radiation, a vibrational force. They are like “walkie-talkie two-legged cell phone towers.” The particular frequency is the one that Bluetooth works on, hence the Bluetooth MAC address phenomenon. Per the findings, “they are communicating with each other.” (The full video of the Digital Signal is located here).
Multi-spectrum EMF meters can detect Radiofrequencies (RF), Electric Field (EF), and EMF (EMF). When replicating this experiment, check the different areas of the body, notably the arms, abdomen, back, and neck. The Bible says of the wicked that, “…their belly prepareth deceit.” (Job 15:35) Ironically, the belly region of the vaccinated seems to emit the most Electric Field (EF) as compared to other areas.
The video below provides evidence that the vaccinated emit radiofrequency (RF) from the body when scanned with an Radiofrequency (RF) Analyzer.
The video below provides evidence that the vaccinated emit Electric Field (EF), the strength of which is measured in volts per meter (v/m) when scanned with an EMF meter.
The Assimilated have also reported a technological connection point underneath the heart and at the back of the skull, so this area should emit frequency signals. Additionally, some are reportedly experiencing dual energy wavelengths: certain low frequency longer wavelengths, and other high frequency shorter wavelengths throughout the body. Possibly a combination of microwave frequencies and (ELF) radiowave frequencies. Keep in mind the nature of the Assimilation process; the entity may cycle between slightly dormant and highly active. The (RF) signals are likely heightened during a period of transmission, broadcasting, and command/communication from the hive. See this video on how to configure the GQ EMF-390 meter to scan for (RF) in RF Digital Mode.
Several tests have been conducted with the GQ EMF 390 Meter ($119.00) which can detect EF (and RF if configured properly), but higher end EMF meters like the Safe & Sound Pro ($399.00) reportedly have a greater detection range, calibration, and accuracy.
Other scanning devices have reportedly been used to detect product codes and barcodes from the vaccinated. This article entitled, “Quantum Dots, DNA Barcoding, Nano-Razors & The Israeli State” describes DNA barcoding in the Pfizer and Moderna patents resulting from chimeric proteins being “barcoded onto human genes to make them trackable, programmable and encoded so human cells will light up...”
The video below provides evidence that the vaccinated emit a one-dimensional product code from the area of injection when scanned with a QR Code Reader.
Similarly, the video below provides evidence that the vaccinated emit a two-dimensional machine-readable QR code from the area of injection when scanned with a QR Code Reader.
The video below provides evidence that the vaccinated transmit a unique identifier (UID) or serial number from the area of injection when scanned with an RFID Reader.
Metaverse & Sleeping Death Sorcery
The Metaverse is LIVE now! No headsets needed! Assimilated minds experience a virtual reality world while in an unconscious or semi-conscious state. The black goo black magic of the COVID-19 vaccines (potion) initiated the Sleeping Death sorcery of Baphomet; solve (dissolve) and coagula (clot) to “still” the breath and “freeze” the limbs. The individual becomes trapped in the delta brainwave of deep sleep (coma) while being merged with the consciousness of the demonic entity. The Metaverse, meaning ‘beyond the world,’ is an extension of the internet. Its where minds go when they are being “…driven from light into darkness, and chased out of the world.” (Job 18:18)
This explains all those recent occurrences of blackouts, vaxxidents, brain fog, and memory erasure by those immersed in between two worlds. A few glitches in the structural architecture of the Metaverse have caused some to wake up and realize that they are experiencing an illusion!
Programmable Units for Search & Destroy
Trump’s Operation Warp Speed logo, initially dubbed Manhattan Project 2 or MP2, depicts the Borg sphere (spike protein) inside the Borg Cube (Assimilation vessel). The spike protein is the first phase of the Assimilation process which weakens the immune system and transforms the species using A.I. nanoprobes. The Borg Cube represents the inverse of the foursquare golden cube holy city, New Jerusalem, which will descend out of heaven from God (Rev 21:16). So it is literally a representation of ‘sin city’ and the biblical city of Ai, with the same occult meaning behind BlackRock, the Kaaba Stone or Black Stone of Mecca, the QR code, crypto blockchain, and the Black Cube of Saturnalia.
Saturn is Chiun, the tabernacle of Moloch (Amos 5:26). Interestingly, Saturn broadcasts electromagnetic waves, specifically radio waves known as “Saturn Kilometric Radiation” (SKR), to earth. These light waves from the tabernacle of Moloch (Satan) can be detected with spacecraft and relayed through earth’s telecommunications infrastructure. Research studies concluded that the blood of the vaccinated is responsive to extremely low frequencies (ELF) at the range of DARPA’s HAARP (~4 Hz) weapon which indicates military level mind control. Therefore, the Assimilated may actually be receiving Saturn’s electromagnetic frequencies inside of them.
I refer to this as the power of Chiun. It is the same power animating the Golem in Jewish folklore or Gollum from the Lord of the Rings series. The reason why Gollum looks so much like a grey alien is that he undergoes significant physical changes as a result of the necromantic power of the ring: pale skin, bulging eyes that glow in the dark, sharpened teeth, thin, stringy hair, deformity, hunched posture, thin and emaciated appearance, and elongated limbs. Saturn is known as the Lord of the Rings, and the effect of its power is Corruption. Black goo is often referred to as Corruption which is why Job said, “I have said to corruption, Thou art my father: to the worm, Thou are my mother, and my sister” and “I am a brother to dragons, And a companion to owls.” (Job 17:14; 30:29).
The Black Cube of Moloch (Satan) worship is displayed atop Trump’s hotel tower in Instanbul, Turkey. It has also been pictured as a decorative ornament in his WEF meetings with Klaus Schwab. The Black Cube is often portrayed with the Star of Remphan (falsely called Star of David) inside it. It connects Saturnalia to Freemasonry, and Freemasonry to the Jewish synagogue of Satan. It reveals the occult meaning of black goo abomination as the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Isa 66:17). The tree in the midst in Isaiah 66:17 is a leader named Achad or Ahad which means, “The One.” this is the name of the Supreme Being in Freemasonry! The One in Star Trek is Q, a character also known as the god of lies. The One in Star Wars is Annakin Skywalker, who later became Darth Vader. The One in the Matrix is Neo. Ironically, Trump also calls himself, “The Chosen One.”
The meaning of 666 also points to black goo because graphene’s molecular structure is a hexagon with six straight sides, six vertices, and six angels. Trump’s notorious quote, “The Storm is Coming,” is a reference to the final invasion of the Borg Cube and the completion of the Assimilation process. The Assimilated minds will likely experience this as the stormy tempest of desolation while unknowingly carrying out “a great insurrection ensues upon those that fear the Lord” during Jacob’s Trouble (2 Esd 16:70).
Assimilated minds are placed in the Alice in Wonderland state of deep sleep, a coma-like unconsciousness, pacified by the illusion of the limitless Metaverse. While unconscious, and under demonic possession, these individuals carry out violent acts of murder, stabbings, suicide, etc. (See article) This is why the vaccinated are programmable units for search and destroy, and more specifically, anyone ‘marked’ with an electromagnetic link to the hive mind.
Cryptocurrency Using Body Activity Data
The framework of the Metaverse economy is defined by Microsoft subsidiary’s Cryptocurrency Using Body Activity Data patent. This patent is vague and loosely defines transactions as ‘tasks on the blockchain.’ It awards cryptocurrency by generating a block on the blockchain. The user device and sensor are sometimes interchangeable, and it is implied that the body is the user device with sensors used to monitor body activity data. Therefore, it is a quid pro quo system which does not necessitate the use of CBDCs, palm payment, digital IDs, vaccine passports, or the overhaul of the global economy. Many of the narratives pointing to a revolutionized commerce are simply distractions; smokescreens intended to keep us from realizing the “subtil” tactics of the Devil.
MOTB Buy & Sell
In order to buy and sell in the Metaverse, individuals must be connected to the internet (web), and thereby must sell their soul in the Assimilation process. It explains the lyrics of the 2019 black goo music video, Bury a Friend, by Billie Eilish: “The debt I owe, gotta sell my soul, 'cause I can't say no, no, I can't say no, then my limbs all froze and my eyes won't close, and I can't say no, I can't say no.”
Their body (temple) must literally become a “den of thieves,” where the mining for crypto in the body manifests as “silver and gold” in the veins (Job 28:1, Matt 21:13). This is likely a cryptic reference to virtual tokens in the Metaverse. Avatars in virtual reality worlds burst open with coins upon losing in gameplay, representing the loss of in-game currency. Ultimately it suggests that the soul had already “gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.” (Jude 1:11)
Meaning murder for hire.
In the virtual world, the Assimilated experience a heroic “call to arms” in order to defeat a common threat. In the film, Ready Player One (2018), this call to arms is motivated by anything that disrupts or threatens the virtual reality world known as OASIS. The real world consequences of destroying a target in the virtual world is murder, suicide, stabbings, and cannibalism.
The early iteration of the Abomination of Desolation is similar in that the temple of the holy people was defiled by swine’s flesh and other unclean beasts. It was rededicated to a false god, Zeus, and had the effect of making the souls of the holy people “abominable” (I Macc 1:48). It was set up on the 15th day of the 9th month of Chisleu which in the year 2020, corresponded to December 14, 2020; the same date as the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines in Babylon the Great. The vaccines are a chimeric cocktail of the DNA of pigs, monkeys, insects, and other unclean beasts, similar to the Abomination of Desolation set up upon the altar of the temple (See interview).
Jacob’s Trouble
The Bible describes the regeneration of souls and past life experiences. I believe that Trump is Cain (and will expand upon this in future articles). The 2019 black goo music video, Bury a Friend, by Billie Eilish included the lyrics, “Cannibal class, killing the Son.” This points to Jacob’s Trouble, brought on by the bloodline of Cain. Cain was the world’s first cannibal, and how he killed Abel is likely the origin of the word (Cain-a-bel). Cain went into covenant with the man of sin before he murdered Abel and became the father or ruler of the man of sin (Gen 4:7). Trump has stated that he is the “father of the vaccine.” So if the vaccine represents the Abomination of Desolation and man of sin rising in the temple of the body, then Trump is the father of the son of perdition of the spirit of Judas Iscariot (John 17:12). These traitors will betray the true Sons of God, even by beheading (Rev 20:4).
See this report of a man who decapitated his parents and dog in a bizarre and seemingly random attack, who later rushed police officers while singing a Tina Turner song. Sounds like Assimilation to me. Vaxx status, likely.
Trump allegedly tweeted, “my blood is the vaccine,” and DNA fragments have been discovered in the vaccine contents. The vaccinated are converted to his bloodline, a bloodline of dragons and serpents, which is apparently related to the triple helix. In 2014, the triple helix was presented in Amazing Spider-Man 2 as the DNA of the reptilian lizard Green Goblin. In 2018, the triple helix was presented in The Predator as the DNA of the chimeric Predator species comprised of human and alien DNA. In 2022, Queen Elizabeth lit the triple helix beacon to celebrate her Platinum Jubilee right before her death. And prior to the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in 2020, certain mRNA patents disclosed the use of “RNAs that induce triple helix formation.”
Upon experiencing Assimilation, this is what Job meant by, “I have said to corruption, Thou art my father: To the worm, Thou art my mother, and my sister” (Job 17:14) as well as “I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls.” (Job 30:29) The black goo is often referred to as ‘Corruption’ for its corrupting effect.
The “Spike” Species
Human do not manufacture “spike” in their cells. Dragons, serpents, and dinosaurs are known for their spikes. The production of spike indicates an unnatural, brutish devolution towards animal rather than god. The COVID-19 vaccine transforms the species of the individual into serpent (beast) with the poison of dragons and venom of asps (Job 20:16). These individuals are of the “generation of vipers” whose “jaw teeth are as knives” (Pro 30:14, Matt 23:33). They are of the “aluqa” (horseleach) meaning blood sucking vampire-like demons (Pro 30:15). This explains the venom duct glands found growing in the vaccinated and the early reports of biting and cannibalism in the media.
It means they are wicked souls, vessels of wrath fit for destruction, ordained to condemnation from the beginning (Jude 1:4, Rom 9:22). See article for explanation of how God “takes away the soul” through His “poisonous arrows” known as a “shot.” The Book of Job explains the Assimilation process and the fate of wicked men; how they are set as a “mark for the arrow,” shot with the poisonous arrows of God’s archers; and set up for “His mark” as a “mark against God.” (I Sam 20:20, Job 6:4, 7:20, 16:12, 27:8, Lam 3:12)
The Matrix
There are +100 films about black goo, but the Matrix series is unique in that it depicts the mark of the beast, unholy Trinity, virtual reality world, and Assimilation. Contrary to popular belief, neither Neo, Morpheus, nor Trinity represent the ‘good guys.’
Trinity is repeatedly called the “Doc,” meaning Big Pharma drug pusher. She is likened to the false prophet, the second beast, an androgynous Baphomet and highly skilled hacker who has the “power to give life” unto Neo by reanimating him with a kiss.
Neo as the blasphemous ‘Chosen One’ is the first beast whose “deadly wound was healed” once he resurrected (Rev 13:3, 12) Neo prioritizes his love interest over Zion and follows the white rabbit on a Freemasonry journey toward the Architect.
Morpheus, the red-suited Dragon (see Matrix Resurrections), gives the beast (Neo) his seat, along with the red pill pharmakeia drug. He believes in Neo as the “One.”
Agent Smith, the man of sin and son of perdition, whose code is overwritten by Neo, becomes the image of the beast (Neo) inside the bodies of the Assimilated.
A few other notable Assimilation storylines are Star Trek (1966-present), Avatar (2009), They Live (1988), The Thing (1982, 2011), Assimilate (2019), The Invasion (2007), Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), Annihilation (2018), The Host (2013), Color Out of Space (2019), and Her (2013).
As mentioned previously, the black goo in the Smallville television series is referred to as black kryptonite, Superman’s greatest weakness(!)
Impersonation of the Dead
The Assimilation process and impersonation of the dead is described in the Bible. One interpretation suggests that the ‘inhumans’ are referred to as strange flesh in the book of Jude. They are those “certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation…,” and the ‘ungodly men’ who go after ‘strange flesh’ (Jude 1:4). They are described as ‘filthy dreamers,’ ‘wandering stars,’ and ‘brute beasts’ who ‘defile the flesh’ and ‘corrupt themselves’ (Jude 1). They have “gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.” (Jude 1:11) This account aligns with the description in the Book of Romans of men who “changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.” (Rom 1:23)
Except for the misinterpretation about Moses’ horns in Exo 34:29 (which were actually lightrays per Strong’s 7160 “qaran”), this account holds up. It suggests that in the last days, Babylon the Great would be like Sodom and Gomorrah, with certain persons who are twice dead having ‘defiled the flesh.’ The first death occurs through Assimilation with the separation of the (spirt of the) mind and body (Jam 2:26); the second death occurs at damnation (Rev 20:14). They would be wearing a garment made from light technology, meaning electromagnetism. This high-tech garment would be made with microtechnology so that they could impersonate the dead.
“And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” (2 Cor 11:14)
This explains Agent Smith’s quote while disguised as Bain in The Matrix Revolutions: “Still don’t recognize me? I admit it is difficult to even think encased in this rotting piece of meat. The stink of it filling every breath, a suffocating cloud you can’t escape. Disgusting. How pathetically fragile it is. Nothing this weak is meant to survive.” He describes the outer fleshly garment as a cloud of a person who is already dead but inhabited by the Smith, a demonic parasitic entity and agent of destruction.
In The Matrix (2003), these ‘inhumans’ could be seen with Neo’s god-like X-ray vision, as beings of (hell)fire. In They Live (1988), the aliens could be seen with special sunglasses. Some behavioral clues can give them away, such as in the Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956 & 1978), The Invasion (2007), and Assimilate (2019), where inhumans presented as cold, aggressive, and robotic. In The Thing (2011), inhumans could be known by missing pieces of metals such as amalgam fillings and earrings which were unable to be assimilated (copied over) by the alien (demonic) entity. In Star Trek, inhumans were detected with Tricorders, special handheld devices detecting electromagnetic signals. Today, we can use EMF meters, and in certain rare circumstances, powerful spiritual discernment(!)
The Implications of the Mark of the Beast
People often ask, can the vaccinated repent? What is the unpardonable sin of blasphemy? What is received in the right hand or forehead? Are the unvaccinated marked through shedding or transmission of bodily fluids? I believe these questions can be answered in the context of Assimilation. The practicalities of repentance in terms of forgiveness, mercy, and pardon from judgment are affected by the complexities of the Assimilation process, which involve a change of DNA (image of God), a transformation of the species into (serpent) beast, and commands to kill in exchange for (Metaverse) profit.
So yes, the vaccinated can experience remorse and even decide not to take any future vaccines. They might even try to resist the A.I. (beast) Assimilation, with some opting to terminate their life.
But mercy is not absent judgment according to the laws of God, especially as it relates to the unpardonable sin. And fate plays a critical role along with the predestination of souls (Rom 8:29).
So the real question is…
What is the judgment for taking the COVID-19 vaccines (Abomination of Desolation) if no abominable thing can inherit the Kingdom of God? (Rev 21:8, 27)
How can the Assimilated prove that they performed their reasonable service on earth of, “presenting your body as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God?” (Rom 12:1)
Are the unvaccinated emitting radiofrequencies (RF), electric fields (EF), bluetooth signals, and more? If not, then what does it suggest about the limitations of shedding, fluids transmission, or environmental contamination as compared to the black goo-black magic sorcery of pharmakeia?
Why was the evil black goo portrayed in +100 films and media for +70 years, and then in 2019, for the first time, presented as a vaccine injection right before the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines in 2020?
Why does God take credit for setting the vaccinated up with the “shot” of “His poisonous arrows” in the Book of Job? Why would God tolerate or pardon changes to the encoding of the human genome?
Why is it that lyrics to black goo music videos such as Bury a Friend (2019) suggest that the injection was the act of selling the soul for debts owed (for sin), for which they could not refuse?
Why is it that the vaccinated who claim to be repentant believers are still showing signs of vaccine-induced psychosis, up to and including intent to harm those around them?
Why is it that the A.I. (demon) voice speaking through the Assimilated often call themselves the ‘Chosen Ones,’ which is blasphemy in the context of Christ? Why did Trump call himself the Chosen One? Why do the Assimilated have an aversion to the whole truth of God, His Word, and His people?
Why is it that other biblical interpretations of the mark of the beast fall short in the context of everything happening on earth?! Sudden deaths, turbo cancers, white fibrous (alien) clots, psychotic breaks, knife stabbings, surges in crime, virtual reality worlds, etc.
Why is there so much censorship around the COVID-19 vaccine agenda? Why worldwide governmental mandates for these products alone?
I will touch on these questions in more depth in future articles.
Thanks for reading! Please share if you feel inspired to help Sound the Alarm!
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