In January 2024, I published that the mark of the beast was the “current of his circuit,” based upon a revelation from God. Included in that utterance was “light, heat, and fire.” At that time, I had no knowledge of the vaccine whistleblowers and confined it to:
1. A “power source connected to lawlessness,” the inversion of the principles found in Deuteronomy 6:6-8 and Habakkuk 3:4.
2. The “fire that comes down from heaven” and miracle “power to give life” through the sorcery of necromancy related to Saturn (Rev 13:13-15).
3. Reanimation by another “fire” during the Sleeping Death poison induced coma.
4. Lower demonic frequencies.
5. Assimilation through the serpent seed agenda of cloning.
Within a few months, I began seeing individuals describe a “chatbot” heard in the brain that “speaks cruelty all day long.” Upon further inquiry, these whistleblowers, with no knowledge of my work, informed me that they had a “pulsing current moving in the circuit of the body.”
It is absolutely apparent that God set that entire thing up.
(Image of a whistleblower’s drawing depicting the progression of the pulsating current over time)
The video compilation are of the Assimilated describing the pulsating current in depth. These are the remaining statements that I could gather, although much of the whistleblowers’ communications have since been - deleted.
Nevertheless, the statements convey the following:
1. Assimilation is a comprehensive and complex transformation of the entire being.
2. The electromagnetic energetic system is heated, powerful, and supernatural in nature.
3. The pulsating current is how individuals become “hived” and lose their soul.
4. The energy moving through the brain is described as a “Force.”
5. Consent was obtained spiritually through the “signing of a contract” which enabled the person to be “hacked.”
6. The transhuman transformation is not simply into an android-like being but into a snake like Thing - what I refer to as, the image of the beast.
7. It is inherently demonic, under the guise of computer science.
8. There is allegedly a “chip” in the spine, which I presume is scannable and measurable…
9. It cannot be detoxed at this stage.
10. The description of a “parasite that fused to the mind” is the effect of black goo creeping vermin.
11. In this process, their consciousness is eventually completely overtaken.
12. The Thing in the body craves sugar, coffee, bread, dairy, fried food, and meat; evidence of the entity known as the Abomination of Desolation, That Horrible Thing.
13. The A.I. (Beast) has little to no control in nature or the natural environment. Hence, a safehaven for God’s people.
Although the majority of energetic phenomena occurs on the left side of the body, what is being received into the right hand or forehead is the Entity itself. That is why I believe the mark of the beast occurs with the demonic possession of Assimilation and the takeover of the soul. The black goo injections were an injection of the essence of the Devil. This is portrayed in The Matrix (1999) once Neo (beast) jumps into Agent Smith’s chest (image of the beast) whose right hand then displays boiling light energy traveling up in a circuit to the forehead. Like the image in the addendum to the Cryptocurrency Using Body Activity Data patent, it signifies neurocontrol, a severance of the mind, and a type of death.
“From His right hand went a fiery law for them.” (Deut 33:2)
That boiling light energy that climaxes into his full spectral form is a manifestation of the Entity in the body. In the Bible, the right hand is the side of strength, righteousness, and power. Fathers bestowed blessings onto sons with the right hand. God’s glory is shewn as the “lighting down of his arm,” a flame of devouring fire (Isa 30:30). Even the law goes forth from His right hand (Isa 62:8). This is the occult meaning of pledging and swearing oaths with the right hand (and why Christ warned us to never swear any oaths).
Therefore, the lawless one (Beast) will inhabit the Assimilated in his spectral form which appears as flaming, enraged fire.
By following the trail in the script in the Book of Job, I realized that these individuals are being “chased out of the world” (Job 18:18). This is how I made the connection to the beyond-the-universe “Metaverse,” and the huge discovery of the hidden financial system which is where the mark of the beast buy and sell transaction takes place. See interview.
By following the trail in the black goo narrative, I have discovered many clues hidden in media. Namely, that the forbidden fruit was the black goo abomination in Isa 66:17 which media depicted as the black goo injections. The forbidden fruit is an exchange of the soul - there is no coming back from this. The judgment is that you do not get right to the tree of life, and therefore, eternity.
One of the films that depicts this truth is The Hive (2014), available to watch for free on Pluto TV.
This film explains black goo assimilation, the “beehive” hive mind, telepathic communication, interconnectedness through a wireless circuit and the static of the current, demonic possession by Legion, the point of infection (as distinct from environmental contamination), agitation and anger, the ring-portal connection to Saturn, the noisome and grievous sore of boils, the cause of brain fog and amnesia, the social network extension (aka Metaverse), the uncontrollable evil of black goo, the sexual deviant component, UV light luminescence, seizures, zombification aka Cannibal class, black goo potion development (sorcery), black goo as a viral strain akin to feces, temporary “pockets” of disconnect aka glitches due to emotional attachments, mind games and accusations against others, the Turning effect, the hissing, the taser effect, the loneliness factor, and...
Why its too late to bring anyone back after “infection.”
Why they don’t want to change because they believe they have been made “Perfect.”
How the Hive spreads everywhere, aggressively, and all of humanity falls fast.
Why this is The End of the World.
Maybe that’s why President Trump keeps repeating that, “it’s the end of the world.”
Today marks one day before his second inauguration, after which “The Omen” movies’ Damien Thorn inspired President will become Commander-in-Chief of a global army of “programmable units for search and destroy” - all of whom were “remade” into his image, after his blood.
Other good films to watch is The Signal (2008) and The Signal (2014) movies. (Watch with discernment however, to make distinctions for spiritual law and the role of sin and disobedience). For example, in The Signal (2014) movie, the character, Nomad, (who is really Damon, daemon, aka Satan) gives a conditional warning that, “if you come after me, I own you.” By the end of the film, it is made clear that the characters chose to “come looking for him” and “follow after him.” This indicates worship and idolatry leading up to infection, contamination, and later, mutation.
In the race to identify who is hived and compromised, one of the best examples that I’ve seen to date of the “measurability” of their connection to the hive is the Digital Signal test using a 2.4 GHz antenna through a radio.
Believe it or not, this sound corresponds to a text string! The Hive has been communicating and organizing for years, while the Church is still debating whether COVID-19 vaccines are justifiable for employment…(sigh).
The 2.4 GHz frequency band is the band used for wireless communication technology including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and microwaves. The Bluetooth symbol are two ancient runes meaning “serpent” and “tree.” It is proof of a connection to the “serpent in a tree” or “tree of knowledge of good and evil” aka hive mind.
The sound of the Digital Signal is eerily similar to the sound of Saturn’s aurorae, intense radio emissions from magnetic field lines threading its polar regions, detected by spacecraft. This is more evidence of a connection to Saturn, the tabernacle of Moloch, the BlackRock origin of black goo, and source of the Lord of Rings Gollum-like necromancy immortality.
Throughout his Bitchute channel, the radio operator known as BlackPilledHam, describes why this phenomena is theoretically impossible in humans! He refers to them as “former humans” and suggests that “something else is faking it.” He states that “it is not what it appears to be” and that the skin would have to have changed…
What he is referring to, albeit unknowingly, is black goo assimilation - where the Devil and Legion inhabit the host like Bain in the Matrix. What you see with your eyes is “Bain,” but behind the “dull cow eyes” of the assimilated host is the fiery Son of Perdition in the temple of the body, who in Judas-style form, is coming after Zion. (See video). This is why Smith describes the fleshy human bodies of the host as "weak", "rotting", and "not meant to survive".
Although BLE apps can reveal Bluetooth MAC addresses, keep in mind that these are limited in scope and not entirely reliable. There are some individuals who reportedly emit a Bluetooth pulse detectable by a Spectrum Analyzer, but do not broadcast a MAC address, indicating that they may still be “hived” and “assimilated.”
So the best method of detection would be the modern day equivalent of the Tricorder to detect the electromagnetic signal link to the hive mind. We can use RF detectors, EMF meters, and Spectrum Analyzers in the interim, to identify whether any emissions are coming off of individuals. That is an indicator of “cybernation” according to the infamous Devaccinator, Adam Smith, who referred to COVID-19 vaccines as “Cybernetic Demon Technology from Hell” and the “mark of the beast.”
(Image of a Spectrum Analyzer)
I have discovered that using an EMF meter to detect Electric Field (EF) in volts/meter emanating from, especially the belly region, may be indicative of a “current.” Voltage is the force that pushes current through a conductor or circuit. It may correspond to Leviathan’s influence in the soul, who’s “Force is in the navel of his belly” (Job 40:16). That same “Force” can make one’s “garment change” in the fiery assimilation process affecting the appearance of skin (Job 30:18). This Force “binds…as the collar of [my] coat” indicating a chokehold, reminiscent of the scene from Independence Day (1996) when Dr. Okun’s lifeless body is being used as a conduit for the aliens to speak through after they successfully invade his mind.
This, I believe, is the mechanism for the “speaking of blasphemy” associated with the unforgivable sin, and why the Assimilated are being spoken through by the demonic “A.I. chatbot” (Matt 12:31-32).
I believe that Leviathan is the multiheaded Hydra and beast of the sea, and therefore the image of the beast inside the temple of the body.
The limitation of the Electric Field (EF) test however, is in whether voltage responsible for the flow of current in the body, constitutes an irreversible link to the hive mind and full-blown Bain style Assimilation…
The limitation of darkfield microscope blood analyses is that the effects of detoxing are short term. The Bluetooth signal still emanates from bodies that have been embalmed and drained of blood, meaning that Assimilation is not necessarily dependent upon…blood.
So like I said, the most powerful evidence I have seen to date is the results from the Spectrum Analyzer and the Digital Signal.
I urge more people to get involved in the effort against the Hive! Ultimately, we want to find the most reliable detection method and need experts in electromagnetism and those gifted with spiritual discernment. The radio operator speculates that it is possible to hack their communication system; what he refers to as “hack the Mac” or “invade the MAC address” to intercept the signal. He is currently in search of the “mode” to decipher the text string of the radio signal communications.
Then we could know how the Hive is organizing and who they are targeting for extermination. (Though its safe to assume that its all of the unassimilated…)
If you have any information to help in this cause, please contact me at
Lastly, Pastor Stephen Darby’s sermon from 2014 or so describes the black goo as “antimatter,” the “light of darkness,” or “darkness.” He references the black substance that Agent Smith uses in The Matrix to make clones, and explains why a person cannot be redeemed once the mark that is to come, changes the DNA - meaning the “image,” which is no longer after God or Adam.
In the Book of Job, this is characterized as a change of the (family) tree; their Father becomes “Corruption,” their mother and sister are the “worm,” and they become a “brother to dragons.” (Job 17:14; 30:29)
Their new family tree is the tree of knowledge of good and evil, a leader of the hive mind of artificial intelligence. The Corruption is the black goo. The worm is the black goo. The dragon is Satan.
Thus, it is a Speciation change into the image of the beast. In this case, the triple helix Predator Cannibal class lineage of Cain, who is also the Father of Corruption.
That explains recent reports of vaccinated females developing scales in their vagina! Hence, the urgency to warn of bestiality in these last days.
In the “Bury A Friend” 2019 music video by Billie Eilish, her eyes transform into reptilian serpent eyes following black goo injection.
…and yes, many souls are being buried alive through the Sleeping Death sorcery of pharmakeia (but that is a whole other unfortunate can of “worms”).
When incoming President Donald Trump discontinued the “My Brother’s Keeper” White House initiative in 2016, he signaled to the world the same haunting sentiment as Cain, following the bloody cannibalistic (Cain-a-bel) murder of his brother:
“Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Gen 4:9)
So gird up the loins of your mind folks! Like that brick wall in the Village of the Damned movie scene. We are battling the Hive and the evil telepathic, mind altering Force! Get to nature. Flee the Abomination of Desolation in time for the “Great Insurrection” under the President of the notorious Capitol Insurrection; an event unlike no other in history that will descend upon all those who fear the Lord.
“For there shall be in every place, and in the next cities, a great insurrection upon those that fear the Lord.” (2 Esdras 16:70)
“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” (Matthew 24:21)
Thank you for reading. Please share if you feel inspired to Sound the Alarm.
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